Quote Originally Posted by GiGi View Post
****sexuality may or may not be compatible. I've studied both sides of the arguement and I think it is. Not that it matters.
Christianity is as flexible as it needs to be. Interracial marriages are performed in Catholic churches following a change in perspective. Wait and see; the Church will be forced to reinterpret scripture in a way that allows inclusion of same-sex couples.
Since almost two thousands years have past, I serously doubt it; but you are en***led to your opinion. I do not think "interracial marriages" is as big a problem, since there is precidence even with Mose marrying an Etheopian. Perhaps you are talking more about "interfaith marriages?" At any rate, I find it very difficult to make such equations where there is no equality between the two subjects as ****sexual unions and interracial marriages. There is no precidence for ****sexual marriages in the Church, only that we recognize that people struggle with the flesh... even heterosexuals lust and can lead them to fornication and adultery. ****sexual acts are prohibited in the Catholic Church and I find it very difficult for the Church to change its position when the Catechism is very direct on the matter.