Quote Originally Posted by GiGi View Post
One more time.
Church. State.
Church is free to do church stuff without government interference. It's right to do so is protected.
Government represents tax payers; White and Black, Catholic and Southern Baptist, Deaf and Blind, Old and Young, Gay and Straight, collectively.
They are separate.
Your Church asked the government to get involved.
Your Church asked for money to serve the needs of a community.
Your Church promised to refrain from discriminatory practices in exchange for the money.

What a bunch of dishonest hypocrits!
The church wants tax money and exemption from paying taxes. It wants to benefit from a government contract, yet has no intention of keeping its end of the bargain. It wants public support without oversight. Yeesh!
If your religious leadership wants full separation from State, then the Church needs to get off the bus----and stay off!!!!
The state does not have to give anything to the Church, it mostly like does because it is providing a public service. Telling the Church to not establish hospitals just because you think it is the Government's *** to be the all benevolant with taxpayer money is not a solution. There are moral stances of the Church that are protected by religious freedom. A government body telling my Church they must accept the definition of ****sexual marriage is a violation of that right.