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Thread: The Calvinist-Arminian debate

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  1. #1


    We are instructed to "Come" to the Lord that we might be saved.
    In the act of calling us to "come" to himself God is showing us that we have the ability to do this.

    the word "Come" means we to get up and go someplace.
    You therefore have the ability to take the initiative and move to God.

    Christ stands at the door of the heart and knocks.

    If we are unable to open the door on our own?...there would be no point in His knocking....

    We and we alone are the ones who are called to open the door and let god into our hearts.

    If we were unable to do this, we would not hear that knock...

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by alanmolstad View Post
    We are instructed to "Come" to the Lord that we might be saved.
    In the act of calling us to "come" to himself God is showing us that we have the ability to do this.
    Can someone who is spiritually dead come to Christ?

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Billyray View Post
    Can someone who is spiritually dead come to Christ?
    Yes.....if the person was unable to come to Christ, they would not be asked to...

    We read that men are called to come to Christ, therefore they can come to Him.

    There would be no point in calling men to do something they were unable to do so.
    Last edited by alanmolstad; 05-30-2011 at 05:46 AM.

  4. #4


    Its like....
    Its like I said before when i talked about the human point of view when dealing with this Calvinist-Arminian debate.
    Unless you keep in mind whatever point of view you have at the time,you will get mixed up.

    The moment you try to ask questions from God's point of view, and try to answer them from man's point of view your answers will always appear wrong.

    The same is true for the reverse.

    Now, from "our" human, (And therefore limited) point of view there is no set list of people to be saved or lost.
    All have the very same opportunity to repent and be saved.
    All have the same danger of hell's flame if they turn away.

    There is no list of names of the saved before hand.

    No one knows who will be saved or lost, its all left up to the actions of the Word though the Body of Christ to save they whomever will hear and respond.

    So the Christian Church is sent out in the Great Commission to reach the whole world with the message of Christ.
    The church reaches out with the Word to the lost world.

    The church must "teach" the lost world about Christ.
    If the lost had no ability to learn, there would be no point in sending us out to teach anyone.

    Its sorta like being asked to "repent and believe"

    We all are clearly asked to repent and believe.
    What would be the point in asking people to do something they were physicaly unable to do?......there would be none.

    The Lord never asks man to do things that man is unable to do.
    If the Lord were to ever ask us to do something we could not do it would make the Lord look crazy.

    It would be silly for God to demand that men grow wings on their heels and fly up to the sky as the only means to be saved.
    It would be silly to ask man to do that because we are physically unable to do that.

    So God does not ask us to grow wings like that.

  5. #5


    Man has free will.
    Our free will give us the ability to love.
    The down side is that free will means we can be held responsible for our actions.....getting the credit or the blame is the result of being a creature with free will.

    We could not love without free will.
    But we also could not do evil without free will.

    As long as a person has free will they can answer the calling that goes out to all men to repent and believe.
    Free will is the key thing in this.

    Unless a person has free will they cant be expected to listen to the call to come to Christ.
    An example would be my cat.

    My cat does not really have free will, or if it does it is of such a limited range that it has no ability to sin or do what is right.
    No free will, means my cat mostly acts on the natural instinct.

    This means in a very real way i cant really blame the cat for doing things that cats do.
    I may not like the fact that my cats hunts all day in the tall gr*** in the backyard, but that's what cats do.
    Talking to my cat will not make any difference....a cats going to do what a cats going to do.

    Limited free will means limited ability to be held responsible for one's actions.

    On the other hand, man is held to a huge Mother of an accounting of our actions, to the point if we are found guilty we spend "forever" in a burning hell of fire.

    Now you don't send people to a forever of a burning hell of fire unless they had it coming.
    You don't send them there forever unless they were 100% to blame for their own actions.

    If there was even the slightest hint that the person was not fully responsible for their own actions, then sending them to hell would be out of the question.

    If there was even the slightest hint that the person was some how predestined to be unable to respond, then God would be a moron to be sending people to hell that never had a chance to believe in the first place.

    This is why we know we have free will, and that we are responsible to answer the calling that we hear, and that every man that has ever been born is asked to turn to the 'light" they receive and if they do so they will find God.
    Last edited by alanmolstad; 05-30-2011 at 05:52 AM.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by alanmolstad View Post
    There would be no point in calling men to do something they were unable to do so.
    Can men obey the commandments?

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Billyray View Post
    Can men obey the commandments?

    There would be ZERO point in asking my cat to obey the Commandments...

    But we are asked to obey...

    You only ask people to do things you know they can do.
    God NEVER asks me to do something I am unable to do....(God is not a moron)

    If I were ever asked to do something I was physically or mentally unable to do, and I failed at it, I could never be found at fault for my failure.
    If I were asked to grow wings out of my heals and fly into the sky I would fail.
    Im unable to do what was asked of me.
    But I would not be responsible for my failing to do that because there was never any chance i could do that....I am physically unable to grow wings out of my heels.

    The same is true if you ask me to do something Im mentally unable to do.

    I could never be asked to remember every word I have ever spoken because my brain simply cant do that.
    Im mentally unable to do what is requested.

    Being unable to do something means I will always fail at it if asked.

    But it also means I cant be held responsible for my failing.
    In fact, there would be a stronger case that the person who asked me to do something I did not have the capacity to do would be really at fault for my failing.

    Thus the wisdom in only asking me to do things I have the capacity to do.
    and the wisdom in only holding me responsible for failing to do things I could be expected to do.

    If God asks me do do something, He better make sure I can do it first, or else he is going to come off looking like a weirdo.
    Last edited by alanmolstad; 05-30-2011 at 06:24 AM.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by alanmolstad View Post

    You only ask people to do things you know they can do.
    God NEVER asks me to do something I am unable to do....(God is not a moron)
    So you could lead a perfect life like Jesus and obey all of the commandants since you have free will. Correct?

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Billyray View Post
    So you could lead a perfect life like Jesus and obey all of the commandants since you have free will. Correct?
    There is NO point in asking people to do things ("be perfect as your father in heaven is perfect") if the person you request this of is totally unable to do what you are asking.

    You could NEVER ask humans to fly with wings because ...well...God didnt give us wings.

    Now if God had designed humans with wings "THEN" we could be asked, AND EXPECTED to fly when asked to fly...
    Last edited by alanmolstad; 05-30-2011 at 06:38 AM.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by alanmolstad View Post
    There is NO point in asking people to do things ("be perfect as your father in heaven is perfect") if the person you request this of is totally unable to do what you are asking.
    So then you would agree that a person is capable of keeping all of the commandments and living a perfect life like Jesus?

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by Billyray View Post
    So then you would agree that a person is capable of keeping all of the commandments and living a perfect life like Jesus?
    Didnt you just ask this question?.....I guess I could copy/paste my answer again too.....?

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by alanmolstad View Post
    Didnt you just ask this question?
    So then you would agree that a person is capable of keeping all of the commandments and living a perfect life like Jesus?

    Is that a yes or no?

  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by Billyray View Post
    So then you would agree that a person is capable of keeping all of the commandments and living a perfect life like Jesus?
    You love to ask the same question over and over it seems...

    Well, Sword might play that game ,,,I dont.....

  14. #14


    Since you admit that it is possible to live a perfect life exactly like Jesus, how many have lived a perfect life thus not requiring the atonement for their salvation?

  15. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by Billyray View Post
    Since you admit that it is possible to live a perfect life exactly like Jesus, how many have lived a perfect life thus not requiring the atonement for their salvation?
    haven't the slightest idea....
    (well there is my mom of course...and my aunt, etc)

  16. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by alanmolstad View Post
    haven't the slightest idea....
    (well there is my mom of course...and my aunt, etc)
    But you would agree that a person could save himself without the need for Jesus by living a perfect life?

  17. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by Billyray View Post
    But you would agree that a person could save himself without the need for Jesus by living a perfect life?
    I would not use the term "Save himself", because the word "save' means that the person was at one time 'lost".

    the Bible is clear that once you sin,,,even a small sin, you are "lost",,,the bible is also clear that once you are lost there is no other path to salvation except via the Son.

    So in a very real way we cant say a person can "save themselves" because that would mean they were lost and once you are lost it dont matter how many things you do right, you are lost.

    The christian faith is not a works-based salvation.
    Once you become lost you can not save yourself by actions or works to earn some type of 'merit'.

    But what of they who dont sin?
    they who have no ability to sin, or they who simply dont?
    (children, people with mental issues etc)

    They are like what Paul was saying that before the Law he was alive.
    Then the law came, and sin took the opportunity it saw when the law came and sprang to life in his heart and Paul was then dead in his sins.

    But before sin sprang to life in his heart, he was alive, and not covered under the blood of the cross....and quite frankly, really no need to be covered under the blood of Christ.

    But sin springs to life easy in us, and as we cant work our way off the list of the ****ed, we have but the cross of Christ as our only means of salvation at that point.

  18. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by alanmolstad View Post
    I would not use the term "Save himself", because the word "save' means that the person was at one time 'lost".
    Can a person live a perfect life thus not needing the sacrifice of Jesus for salvation?

  19. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by Billyray View Post
    Can a person live a perfect life thus not needing the sacrifice of Jesus for salvation?
    I believe I have answer that question above....

  20. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by alanmolstad View Post
    I believe I have answer that question above....
    Can a person live a perfect life thus not needing the sacrifice of Jesus for salvation?

    Alan's answer to this question is YES.

  21. #21


    Quote Originally Posted by Billyray View Post
    Alan's answer to this question is... (see below).
    The Bible is clear that once you sin,,,even a small sin, you are "lost".
    The Bible is also clear that once you are lost there is no other path to salvation except via the Son.

    So in a very real way we cant say a person can "save themselves" because that would mean they were lost and once you are lost it don't matter how many things you do right, you are lost.

    The christian faith is not a works-based salvation.
    Once you become lost you can not save yourself by actions or works to earn some type of 'merit'.

    But what of they who don't sin?
    They who have no ability to sin, or they who simply dont?
    (children, people with mental issues etc)

    They are like what Paul was saying that before the Law he was alive.
    Then the law came, and sin took the opportunity it saw when the law came and sprang to life in his heart and Paul was then dead in his sins.

    But before sin sprang to life in his heart, he was alive, and not covered under the blood of the cross....and quite frankly, really no need to be covered under the blood of Christ.

    But sin springs to life easy in us, and as we cant work our way off the list of the ****ed, we have but the cross of Christ as our only means of salvation at that point.

    (By the way, Alan writes his own answers to questions, thank you very much)

  22. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by alanmolstad View Post
    The Bible is clear that once you sin,,,even a small sin, you are "lost".
    So now you are saying that it is impossible to keep the commandments?

  23. #23


    Quote Originally Posted by Billyray View Post
    So now you are saying that it is impossible to keep the commandments?
    if it were impossible, then why ask us to keep them?

    It would be like asking us to fly,,,,

    But dont kid yourself... while the spirit is very willing to do what is right every time, the flesh is also just as ready to do what is wrong every time.

    Do I do what is wrong every time?
    No I do not.

    Thats why Im asked to do what is right, even knowing the personal struggle it can be with the flesh God still asks us to do what is right, BECAUSE WE CAN!....

    We are NEVER asked to do something we cant do.
    The moment you have a God that asks you to do something you cant do, you are in a CULT.

    CULTS have all kinds of gods that ask the impossible,,,,

    But the Christian God is not like that.
    Even when we do sin, God still asks us to do things he knows we can do.

    He asks us to repent and come to His son...

    He asks this because WE CAN!

    Christ stands at the door to our hearts and knocks.
    he knocks because He knows we can hear him, and he also knows we can open the door to him.

    If we could not hear him, he would not bother to knock.

    If we could not open that door to our hearts, there would be no need to knock.

  24. #24


    Quote Originally Posted by alanmolstad View Post
    We are NEVER asked to do something we cant do.

    Can a person live a perfect life thus not needing the sacrifice of Jesus for salvation?

  25. #25


    Quote Originally Posted by Billyray View Post
    Can a person live a perfect life thus not needing the sacrifice of Jesus for salvation?
    ask me that one more time...I dare you.....

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