Quote Originally Posted by ActRaiser View Post
Think about it for a moment.... I only need to produce scripture that Christians do not lose their salvation.

I need clarification from you that as a Christian, anyone can lose their salvation. Those who come to Christ will not be thrown out. Jesus said that, I only need to hunt for that scripture.

1 Corinthians 6:9-10 (New American Standard Bible)

9Or (A)do you not know that the unrighteous will not (B)inherit the kingdom of God? (C)Do not be deceived; (D)neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor [a]effeminate, nor ****sexuals,

10nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, will (E)inherit the kingdom of God.

This is true, but these are sins which barred sinners from entering Heaven in the first place. Those who sin will have their sins blotted out because of Christ's blood atonement. The Bema Seat is of consequence to Christians because of our deeds and misdeeds.

I put forth ****sexuality as something that is scripturally forbidden, and a sin, wrong, etcetera, but I fail to see how Leviticus matters to non-Jews.

ActRaiser, one must qualify in full detail what cons***utes a Christian from one that is just a professing one. If we stand people in a line-up, without knowing their actions, deeds, and core spoken values, it is impossible for us to say that they are Christian or not. The verse I gave is a list from which the Church would excommunicate people who practiced such. What kind of a Christian would you suppose it is who claims to be Christian, but in every detail affirms Buddhism's tenets in direct opposition to the core tenets of Christendom? Either they are very confused, or they are intentionally p***ing themselves off for a host of reasons from gaining acceptance to undermining the churches from which they are entering into. In some manner, the influence and calls of tolerance has lead to moral relativism inside the churches. In the same manner, ****sexuality has always been denied in the longstanding Tradition. How can a ****sexual be a Christian, unless they deny themselves via repentence and practice chasity and encouraging other ****sexuals to leave the lifestyle... in short, no longer being ****sexuals. If your position is that ****sexuality is likened to alcoholism, so at the next AA meeting or the next upcoming ****sexual's anonymous meeting people are claiming to be ****sexuals... I could possibly understand it... but unfortunetly, the only type of ****sexual anonymous is done by groups affiliated or modeling with Exodus International or Catholic Courage. The problem with saying one is a ****sexual and a Christian is that our society is filled with "Gay pride" parades and so it does not have the same stigma as alcoholism.

You are going to have to do more than just give an unrepentant sinner cloak in Christian clothing, singing Christian jargoon the benefit of the doubt that they are Christian when it flies in the face of Scripture and Tradition. Please present your case in like manner rather than ***uming the possibility that you can be Christain and a ****sexual at the same time.