Quote Originally Posted by Russ View Post
You're a true-believing Mormon who thinks his religion offers the ultimate answers to such questions.

Bring it to the table. If you won't, or if you can't, I'll do it for you.

With all due respect. This thread was for some clarification on what NON-LDS believe concerning the creation of spirits.

Please don't feel the need to jump into every thread and try and preach what you believe the LDS believe - especially in a thread that is asking for the non-LDS side. If you want to do that....at least entertain the questions of the OP first.

It is a little sad that the impression you give to many is that if someone were to meet you on a sidewalk and ask you about the hope you have in you, you would respond about why the LDS are a cult. That is your religion...we get it. But please don't chime in every thread asking for a non-LDS perspective just to give your non-LDS perspective of what the LDS perspective is.
