Quote Originally Posted by MichaellS View Post
answer the question directly

If anyone has a question about anything I have taught on the Genesis creation story, just ask and I will be happy to return to the issue and address it.

Now building on what I have been teaching on above...today I will talk about the 4th day,and the idea some in the YEC cult believe about it.

many YEC teachers will try to say that god did not make the stars until the 4th day.
This idea goes totally against what science teaches us about the creation of the universe.
The YEC teachings therefore run counter to modern science and this is why many of the best and brightest within the Christian church are being driven out due to the way some YEC teachers will attack such Christians as being "against the Bible" .

Well Im here to set the record straight!

The fact is, the Bible does not teach that God made the stars on the 4th day!

Yes, I know in your Bible it might "say" that, but what you will learn if you dig into this issue is that the idea that God also made the stars on the 4th day was added to the text and does not actually appear in the oldest Hebrew scriptures.>

To check on this, all you have to do is look at the text for the 4th day in a King James Version of the Bible.

The King James make use of little study helps that allow the student to see what words were added to the text...
Some king James will put words in brackets [] or will write the added words in italic

By checking in the King James you will clearly see that the words teaching that God also made the stars on the 4td Day was added.

This is just a cold hard fact....The Bible does not say that God also made the stars on the 4th day at all !

and.....when you remove the added words,the Bible's original sentence at that point reads so much more better.
The text is simply saying at that point that the "lessor light" will rule over the night and the stars also.

This fact cant be denied!