Quote Originally Posted by MacG View Post
If you have never heard a real tongue/interpretation, how you know if you did? I mean what are the hall mark of genuine tongues? I have heard a bunch of Shanananashnananana in some meetings and dismiss that nothing more than stammering 'in the spirit' Perhpas better suited for closet praying. I have heard nothing which has linguistic cadence to it but other than that how does one know? Come to think of it I have not anyone speak in the African tribal languages where they use clicks and pops interspersed with vocalizations.
One of the most overlooked gifts of the Church body is the gift of decernment. I don't know why I have it, but my guess is my openness to accepting the truth or not of the practice of speaking in tongues.
It was when I came up with the technical process to prove or dis-prove the ability to speak and or interrupt tongues.
As of this date I have not had one single P/C church or individual accept my offer to put them to the test.
I can't blame them, I wouldn not want to be put to the test of decernment.