This is a fascinating topic to me because I happen to have an interest in space/astronomy.

Before I go into my thoughts on UFOs, I want to begin by stating (as an Evangelical Christian Believer saved by the blood of Christ) that contrary to what many others believe, I do not subscribe to the belief that other life possibly existing on another planet is a contradiction to what scripture teaches. Quite frankly, from what I have found in my studies, the scripture is silent about life on any other planet except this one. But, that does not mean that it doesn't exist. On the flip side, that silence does not mean that there is life on another planet either. To the plain point, we simply do not know and may never know this side of heaven and that might just be how God wanted it.

Now, having said that, I also want to be very clear about my belief that In the beginning, God created the heavens and the Earth. (Genesis 1:1) The "heavens" in this context (and Hebrew translation of Genesis 1:1) meaning the "cosmos"...i.e., "space". Therefore, if there IS life on another planet, God is also the God of that life as well. Evolutionists would like us to believe that the discovery of life on another planet would automatically void the teaching of the scripture. Nothing could be further from the truth. God's said in Isaiah 45:12
It is I who made the earth and created mankind on it. My own hands stretched out the heavens; I marshaled their starry hosts.
God also said in Genesis 1:16
And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.
. So, if there is life on another planet, God created that life also and is Lord over it just as he is Lord over us on Earth.

Now (rambling over). What are UFOs? Quite simple. We don't know. I will say this, I don't believe they are "fake" (at least not all of them). But the reality is, nobody (at least as far as we know) really knows what a "UFO" really is. After all, "UFO" stands for "Unidentified Flying Object". If we knew they were alien spacecraft, they would no longer be called "UFOs". But, to this day, they are still a mystery. All we can do is speculate....and speculate I will also. I believe (as others have said on this thread) that they are demonic in nature. Many reasons why this is a reasonable conclusion that I will not speak long windedly on. However, I will share with you a youtube channel that I ran across by accident recently that really made me more certain of it.

In the following youtube channel, you will see a very interesting individual who seems to have a theme within his life. That theme being, he appears obsessed with paranormal activity (spiritism) and UFOlogy. Coincidence? I tend to think not.

Check out his story (somewhat sad story) and watch his videos....

I got the shivers the first time I browsed through it. This channel made me all the more convinced that UFOs are demonic in nature. Here is a guy who tinkers with spiritism and the results included is UFO activity.

Check it out for yourselves and give me your thoughts.