Quote Originally Posted by Berean View Post
The problem is that the Mormon Jesus is not the same Jesus that Christians worship. Therefore the Jesus you worship is an idol, so consequently.

The Restoration of Major Doctrines through Joseph Smith: The Godhead, Mankind, and the Creation - Ensign Jan. 1989 - ensign

You speak of being saved by grace, but the Mormon definition of grace is the exact opposite of Christian (Biblical) grace, and as far as I cat see, Mormon grace does absolutely nothing for you. Mormon grace means you have to work until you overcome your sins, and then grace is sufficient and is applied. Christian grace, on the other hand, means you are to rely on Christ's Work on the Cross rather than you own works to overcome sin.

But in reality, Mormon "grace" really does nothing for you that I can see. You have to do everything yourself, overcoming sin in your life completely, and "then" is grace sufficient. But what exactly is Mormon grace and what does it do for you? That I can't figure out.

(In the quad) Bible Dictionary P 697
This Grace is an enabling power that allows men and women to lay hold on eternal life and exaltation after they have expended their own best efforts. Divine Grace is needed by every soul in consequence of the fall of Adam and also because of man's weaknesses and shortcomings. However, Grace cannot suffice without total effort on the part of the recipient. Hence, the explanation, "it is by grace we are saved, after all we can do." (2 Ne 25:23) It is truly the Grace of Jesus Christ that makes salvation possible.

But how? Just exactly how, does the "grace of Jesus Christ" make salvation possible? I don't see where this "grace" is doing anything at all. It probably makes Mormons feel good to hear this, but a dopamine rush won't secure your salvation. Just what exactly does this "grace" do for you?
Nonsense .