Walter Martin is an important man. His locale is no longer on this earth, but in heaven with our Lord. And I have no doubt that he heard "Well done," from our Lord.

Martin held many unwilling feet to the fire of truth. He made more than a lasting impression on millions of lives, and a foot print on the back side of a lot of cults and world religions that have not recovered yet.

What I remember most about Walter was he taught that there ARE answers in the Bible and reasons why we believe what we believe. Relativism is not new. It is old as the hills. It goes by many names. Political correctness. Your truth, not mine. My god is bigger than your god. Etc. But only the Bible cuts through all the gobbledegook people use to mask themselves from the real truth.

In his high priestly prayer the Lord said thy Word IS Truth." John 17:17b

Incidentally, this is a statement from Truth Personified. "I AM... the Truth..." John 14:6a,c