View Full Version : Apologetics (Defending the Faith)

  1. What is a Christian?
  2. Is Jesus The Only Way To Know God?
  3. Emergent leader denies the Resurrection of Christ!
  4. Apologetics 101
  5. What hat do you wear?
  6. What "sins" can a Christian commit after being saved?
  7. Joel Osteen’s Scripture Twisting
  8. Me?"Im acting just ike Jesus"..
  9. Clothing the Naked Eye
  10. What does “ only - begotten" mean?
  11. Secular Non Biblical Sources For Jesus' Existence
  12. On Guard Conference: Dr. William Lane Craig - What is Apologetics?
  13. Foundations of Christian Doctrine Part 1: Why Study Christian Doctrine? WLC
  14. Dr. Francis A Schaeffer: A Christian Manifesto
  15. Dr. Francis A Schaeffer: A Christian Manifesto / Second Post
  16. Christian History Made Easy with Dr. Timothy Paul Jones
  17. History of Christianity Videos
  18. Church History in 5 Minutes
  19. Emphatics of Worship
  20. Rod and Pearl, Dear Friends
  21. John Piper and the Prosperity Gospel
  22. Did Jesus Die Spiritually?
  23. What Happens to those of Us who Die before Jesus Returns?
  24. Challenging and Thought Provoking Video:
  25. Interpretation Is Not A Good Thing
  27. Jesus: The “Begotten” of the Father
  28. When the Spirit of the Age Has a Cosmic Tantrum, By Jill Martin Rische
  29. "Not by works", and "without works",
  30. Bible Answer Man’ Booted From Bott Radio Network
  31. How The 12 Disciples died :
  32. how are we saved?
  33. The Nicene and Apostles' Creed
  34. How to quote a source...