- The Vatican and Darwin
- Orders of Creation and Evolution Contradict!
- Creationists opinions...
- Bill Nye/Ken Ham debate
- The Earth is not Flat.
- The Bible is Not a Textbook
- If Adam and Eve then why Blacks ,Whites , Yellows?
- A Cult: Six Day Literal Genesis Cultists.
- Ken Ham: A major threat to the Christian Faith.
- Where's disciple?
- Why we take it literally.
- Exodus ? NO Evidence.
- DISCIPLE ,where are you??
- Why to NOT take Genesis literally.
- KING David and Big Sol. Fact or Fiction?
- Creation Museum: A Monument to Man's Ignorance.
- Length of days.
- Calling evolution "theistic" dosen't make it true.
- Hank Hanegraaff on Ken Ham and Genesis
- Where Young Earth Creationism Gets the Bible Wrong
- George Hrab: How to Debate a Young Earth Creationist
- The truth about Charles Darwin and his demonic Deception :
- 7 days
- Evolution does not stand up to biblical scrutiny
- Evolution, Inroads to Antichrist
- Just Another Cult
- Better to trust scripture and not Darwin
- Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed
- Scientific Racism The Eugenics of Social Darwinism
- The fruits of Social Darwinism:
- Sir Francis Galton - Father of Eugenics
- creation had a purpose
- false teachings of YEC
- Can the Big Bang and Genesis Both Be True?
- Can the Big Bang and Genesis Both Be True?
- It’s Time to Say it: Creationists Aren’t Christians – They’re a Cult
- ST. BASIL Destroys the foolish view that we are still in the creation week of Genesis
- Evolution as Demonic
- The bible leaves no room for evolution
- The Theory of Nothing
- Will God need more "million year days"?
- Adam did NOT change physically after the sin.
- Why did Adam die?
- Young Earth Creationism Vs Evolution Vs Theistic Evolution Debate Thread:
- The Fall,,,what was Adam thinking really?
- Young Earth Creationism , cant be defended with the Bible.
- Evolution , is it just luck?....or was it planned?
- Heliocentrism and Macroevolution are two the most satanic lies ever created