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  1. Trinity Question
  2. Why False Doctrine?
  3. Bible Question
  4. Hanegraaff's Bible Answer Book
  5. If your wife leaves are you devoced
  6. Christmas a pagan holiday?
  7. 2 posters , one and the same person?
  8. Is not God the only one who forgives?
  9. Whats the best counter top Pizza cooker?"
  10. Yahweh's Restoration Ministry
  11. cult today
  12. Eternal "sonship"?
  13. Graham Cooke?....any information about him?
  14. rise from the dead
  15. 2 Peter 3:9
  16. Age old question
  17. Pre-Trib Rapture?
  18. Disciples of Christ
  19. "the church has been in apostasy for the last fifty years." --- Walter Martin
  20. Fascinating Question
  21. The three vistors
  22. Conversion of Saul
  23. Daniel 3:25
  24. The Godhead
  25. Dinosaurs
  26. Did the Son of God Pre-exist?
  27. Boogie Man?
  28. Explaining Ghosts
  29. From Dr. Martin's Teaching
  30. What Theological Seminary or Christian College would you suggest ?
  31. What was Dr. Walter Martin's view of Eastern Orthodoxy ?
  32. Why...?
  33. Is any of this true?