View Full Version : re:: My problem with finding a religion BOARD that doesnt automatically attack you
01-27-2011, 02:41 PM
Hello Moderators.
* I am asking for a honeymoon period.
Please forgive me if this sounds a little hostile or whinny. I always seem to end up with the resident "troll" or people all to willing to shut me down or to make me feel dumb. I am done with this. For once, let's avoid that. :o
I am asking about Ezekiel, the man. And no I cannot just "google" it. In an age of over-reliance on Wikipedia use and rampant lies all across the internet. It shocks me that people cannot be bothered to answer a couple of questions. As long as I am not spamming or violating the board rules or lying. What is the problem? I cannot impress upon you how I'd wish this to be a pleasant experience online. *Pay attention to the letters in red.
Hello Moderators.
* I am asking for a honeymoon period.
Please forgive me if this sounds a little hostile or whinny. I always seem to end up with the resident "troll" or people all to willing to shut me down or to make me feel dumb. I am done with this. For once, let's avoid that. :o
I am asking about Ezekiel, the man. And no I cannot just "google" it. In an age of over-reliance on Wikipedia use and rampant lies all across the internet. It shocks me that people cannot be bothered to answer a couple of questions. As long as I am not spamming or violating the board rules or lying. What is the problem? I cannot impress upon you how I'd wish this to be a pleasant experience online. *Pay attention to the letters in red.
In case I missed your questions on Ezekiel, what are they?
01-29-2011, 07:36 AM
Hello Moderators.
* I am asking for a honeymoon period.
Please forgive me if this sounds a little hostile or whinny. I always seem to end up with the resident "troll" or people all to willing to shut me down or to make me feel dumb. I am done with this. For once, let's avoid that.
As far as your words in red, you have little to fear from this particular website. This is not CARM, this is not your everyday run of the mill Christian bashing against other Christian website. I've been a member of this website for a long time. When I first joined, I was Episcopalian. So my original join date was somewhere before 2004, because I became Catholic that year. The forum changed its appearance during that time and we had to reregister.
You have to realize how fair this website is. I think that Kevin and Jill allow strong opposition to the Christian faith, because it is meant to make us research our faith and present bona fide answers. We become better Chrisitans because of it. It is also a smaller board, so I tend to see the level of interaction to be more like an extended family. In general, I found much of the posters here are first rate.
I have answered your private message in regards to Ezekiel 14.14 with both the NRSV footnotes and also the Collegeville Commentary (A Catholic commentary). You were asking about Danel/Daniel and if he was referencing the biblical Daniel. From the NRSV footnotes, it suggests a Canaanite Danel over the biblical Daniel. At any rate, it does not distract from the moral intent of the p***age that righteous people are preserved from the justice of God among the whole group.
I hope that you will enjoy your time here. I hope I can help you a little better. However, I am not that interested in Ezekiel at the moment. I have other studies that are more pressing, mainly my orientation materials for becoming a Secular Franciscan.
Pax et bonum,
Columcille (it's my confirmation name)
01-29-2011, 12:46 PM
I am curious.Why do I find so many uncivil encounters at online forums? I'd honestly like to know. It is easy to forget that you are ripping into a real person on the other end of your comment, I say,. My personal theory is people are anonymous online, so they think they can say whatever they want without regard to any consequences. People don't have to be polite online. Commonly, Once whoever has been baptized in the acid of the internet experience. Ever after comes to expect I am going to be "attacked". The person becomes an online misanthrope. With this idea of 'I d better lash out first'. People are kinda afraid to post sometimes. Thanks to this. That would explain why you have lurkers on the everyday board. I also see it as a general breakdown in civility in our society. :o
Senior Member
I just posted my question . .
01-30-2011, 09:20 AM
I am curious.Why do I find so many uncivil encounters at online forums? I'd honestly like to know. It is easy to forget that you are ripping into a real person on the other end of your comment, I say,. My personal theory is people are anonymous online, so they think they can say whatever they want without regard to any consequences. People don't have to be polite online. Commonly, Once whoever has been baptized in the acid of the internet experience. Ever after comes to expect I am going to be "attacked". The person becomes an online misanthrope. With this idea of 'I d better lash out first'. People are kinda afraid to post sometimes. Thanks to this. That would explain why you have lurkers on the everyday board. I also see it as a general breakdown in civility in our society. :o
Senior Member
I just posted my question . .
It is quite a generalization to even apply to every board. I'd wait awhile and see what happens in your general dialogue with others.
As I am now posting back in CARM, I find the hostility rather biting. However, if you are concerned with "lashing out" than you'll not get any meaningful dialogue. I am learning to turn a deaf ear to insults that are hypocritical; i.e. the pejorative "Romish" and "Papist" is freely allowed in CARM, but to insult the evangelical is not allowed. Personally, I don't think Catholics should repay evil for evil, but with good. To allow oneself to feel bitter detracts from any meaningful discussion. I hope that I never respond to such insults but make them feel good that they have the last word if their tone is insulting. In this way, everyone looking on will see the lack of apologetic of those opposing my particular view.
But it is like I said, this is not CARM and this is not like other Christian forums. So I hope that you would give Dr. Walter Martin's board a chance. I suggest you listen to some of his lectures in the listening library. I think this will give you a better feel for the board itself, as his legacy is somewhat remarkable. I've been to some other small website boards, some oneness ones whose based on particular preachers, and listening to their lectures demonstrates a particular tone that is hostile. I think you would be impressed with Dr. Martin's educational tone and research.
Thank you, Columcille, for your kind words. We don't like hostility and try to keep the tone civil. Things do get heated once in a while, but as long as members don't cross the line into the "insult" area, it's okay to be p***ionate about what you believe. :)
02-07-2011, 03:51 PM
Thank you, Columcille, for your kind words. We don't like hostility and try to keep the tone civil. Things do get heated once in a while, but as long as members don't cross the line into the "insult" area, it's okay to be p***ionate about what you believe. :)
No, thank you Jill. I recall buying your mp3 in small segments, and when I decided to get the whole mp3 library, you and Kevin were remarkably flexible. There is a lot of mp3s to listen to, and it is hard to keep tract of what ***les I previously purchased.
I do not know any Christian worth their salt that has not been impressed by your father's accuracy and his personal ethos. I wish I was growing up in WWII listening to Clive Staple Lewis on the radio when he gave his monologue that eventually became written in book as "Mere Christianity," but feel Walter Martin is on par with C.S. Lewis in his own unique way, so in a way I am glad to be part of this generation.
Only drawback I have now is looking into Catholicism through the prism of the Reformers rather than through contextually through Catholic sources; which seems the highlight of his interaction with the Christian cults. Of course, I can see growing up listening to Martin in the 80s when I was non-denominational that there are certain practices within my new-found-faith that are particularly difficult. And there are now things I consider difficult within Protestantism being a convert Catholic.
At any rate,
Imnotdumb, please listen to the listening library here to see for yourself Dr. Martin's presentation. He is exceptionally good at public speaking. I've given away all my old audio tapes when I purchased them from San Juan Capistrano, when I was in the Marine Corps in Camp Pendleton. It was fun visiting CRI back then, though I don't particularily find Hank H. all that personally appealing. It is fun to relisten to some of his topics like "The Existence of God" to listen for the references and his puting the big jargon and complicated ideas down to the level where a layman can understand. To me this is the mark of an exceptional apologist, and I already mentioned C.S.Lewis. If I wasn't collecting prepubs and saving for the upgrades to base packages off logos software, I'd probably buy more tapes to give away of Martin's lectures. In fact, Jill, that would be something I'd like to see come out. I might have to suggest him in the logos forum.
pax et bonum.
01-03-2015, 10:00 AM
I am curious.Why do I find so many uncivil encounters at online forums? .Anonymity , the fake names.
Most of the time the lone reason for all this nasty postings is that people don't feel at all responsible for their actions because they have a fake name.
The use of a fake name allows them to post whatever they want without thinking, "This may reflect baddy on me later"
HOWEVER....there are also the same kinda of nasty comments posted on websites that have traditionally made use of real names for people.
I think the reason for this is that we now have a whole culture that encourages this on so many other websites that use anonymous names that we just dont seem to know any better anymore.
The truth is that this keeps going on and on because so many websites are not managed closely at all.
The forums and message boards are allowed to go on day after day, year after year, with very little input from the owners of the site to control the tone of posts.
Some websites grow olf, and the owners lose interest.
Some websites grow too big to have one owner look at every post.
But in the end, the feeling of the guests is that no one is watching...
01-09-2015, 06:48 AM
In case I missed your questions on Ezekiel, what are they?
I never saw the question he asked too???
Perhaps he got his **** banned before he managed to ask it?
03-30-2017, 04:37 AM
some thoughts....
Many years ago I was a new member of a very well-known religion forum.
I wanted to have a conversation on a topic of interest to me, so I went to the correct section of the forum and posted a new topic.
As a way to get the conversation started I also posted 2 additional comments where I try to list some of the things I wanted to get into in a deeper discussion with people.
Then I took a shower, got dressed and went to work.
12 hours later I return to my computer and went to the topic I had started to see if anyone had responded?
All day long at work I had been thinking about some of the things i would like to add to my topic that night, so i was very interested to see how the topic was doing?
the Mod had locked my topic for some reason.?...
I looked closer and the Mod had listed that the topic was locked due to personal attacks???
Then I started looking at the number of posts, and I saw that while I had been at work there had been 12 pages or more of responses from people.
I started to open some of the pages to see what was being said, and what i saw shocked me.
It seems that right after I had left my opening posts that lots of guys jumped in and started bickering about something not even slightly connected to my topic!
They were name-calling each other right off the bat, and bringing up things from years and years ago..
Near the end of the last few pages I saw that they were revealing each other's real names and posting things taken from each other's Facebook information?????
Now I dont really blame the Mod for locking my topic.
But I still have to wonder at how this happens?
The posts I read showed me that the people involved in all the fighting, actually expected my topic to get locked up soon.
They clearly had all done this before...
None of them cared about my topic.
None of them cared that their discussion had nothing to do with my topic.
They were simply going from one soon-to-be-locked topic to the next and maintaining the same argument.
I also could see that many of the people that added to the non-topic bickering were experienced at getting banned from the forum, and did not seem to care.
Now Im a member here of our Walter Martin forum.,
and over the years here I have seen people show up right after they have been banned at a different site.
They come here and pick up with an argument that got them banned at the other site.
They jump into a topic and have no intention of adding to it anything of value.
They come here knowing that their actions here will cause a topic to get LOCKED and Cleared, as well as getting themselves likely BANNED>
But they simply dont care.
They dont care what a topic was about.
They dont care that they will get banned.
They dont care because this WM site was just a waiting room for them until they can return to their other forum where they just got banned...
and this pattern of behavior repeats over and over....year after year...
03-30-2017, 05:03 AM
hope it worked!
03-30-2017, 05:07 AM moment
03-30-2017, 05:12 AM
Alan, your message box is full.
sorry about that...
The moment I took on the ***le of Super Mod i started getting a lot of private happens I guess as people adjust to the new situation.
I will try to clear my private messages as fast as I get them now....(Lately Im receiving about 8 to 10 messages from different people a day and I think we are only allowed 50 total, so that can add up fast in just a week)
08-09-2017, 05:28 AM
Hello Moderators.
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