View Full Version : Should Christians keep Kosher law?
03-23-2011, 11:21 AM
I have been thinking for a long while about keeping food laws and if a born-again Christian should be concerned with them. This may also bring Lent and food observances during that season into question. Does anyone have thoughts on this?
03-24-2011, 11:10 AM
I have been thinking for a long while about keeping food laws and if a born-again Christian should be concerned with them. This may also bring Lent and food observances during that season into question. Does anyone have thoughts on this?
I can't believe there isn't a single Protestant who can answer this post...:rolleyes:
03-24-2011, 11:18 AM
I have been thinking for a long while about keeping food laws and if a born-again Christian should be concerned with them. This may also bring Lent and food observances during that season into question. Does anyone have thoughts on this?
Good morning glm1978. You ask an interesting question. I don't believe as a born-again Christian we should be concerned about the dietary laws of the Old Covenant. What that means is that those laws in no way can improve our relationship with God, as all of the benefits of the New Covenant are what can draw us closer to God.
As far as physical benefits, I think that perhaps the Old Covenant laws may help with that. But that would be the only benefit that I can see.
Hope this helps! In this run-up to what we call Easter, or for some, P***over, prayer and being in His Word would be of the most benefit. This is what is going to bring His presence in a more tangible way into our daily lives.
Blessed Easter/P***over to you,
07-22-2011, 05:43 AM
I have been thinking for a long while about keeping food laws and if a born-again Christian should be concerned with them. This may also bring Lent and food observances during that season into question. Does anyone have thoughts on this?
Hello. Saw your Post ***le back in March , and just now clicked on and read it. Short answer is (IMO ) Yes we should ! Nowhere in the N.T. does The Creator / Law Giver / ever say that all of the heathen & pagan & worldling types of foods are OK to eat. They were and are still unclean beasts.
God gave those food restrictions to His People because he was concerned for their health. Pigs are still pigs , and vultures and hawks and eagles and crows and wolves and coyotes and jackals and hyenaes (sp?) are still unclean critters. They still are eaters of carryon.
Shellfish is still highly toxic. The only way / reason that people can eat - buy things like shrimp / crab / lobster / crayfish etc. is IF the boat & processor use immediate freezing and/or refrigeration. They can only be caught at certain times of the year safely. Why risk it ? God has given us many good foods to eat.
btw --- up where I live ... this last year , some natives on the west side of the State ate some mussels ... and died. The State health peole made announcements on the radio ,,, but , old traditions take along time to die away.
Many folks who are Christians will try and bring up the account of Peter's vision in The Book of Acts about critters in a big blanket descending, and try and say ; see , see ... it's Ok for me to eat all this pig fat for breakfast ( pig bacon, pig sausauge ) , according to Peter's Vision ... Wrong !!!
The context and ultimate illustration in Acts was to get into Peter's mind that Christianity was not just a message for Jews ( Hebrew / Israel's family members , and Jews of the Diaspora ) , but that God wanted Peter to evangelize the Gentiles also. This can be seen in what Peter does next : Did he go buy a Jimmy Dean pig sausage breakfast sandwich at the Capernaum grocery store ? No ! He went to a Gentile's house and gave the Gospel message of Jesus Christ !
BTW - I do not own or work on a cattle ranch or work in the beef industry... ;) I'm not now nor have ever been a S.D.A. member. Eating Soy products is nowhere found in Holy Scripture. Also , condemning people for not being vegetarians is wrong.
All that anybody with even half a brain and some reading gl***es has to do is to open up His or Her Bible and read what it says. The Hebrews ( The 12 Tribes) and Our Lord Jesus and His followers , from Exodus to Acts eat things like Quail , bread , fish , vegetables , milk and honey. Beef was permitted to be eaten as was sheep... but often people used sheep for growing wool for clothing. Fish seems to be the main protein food that Chist and His Disciples ate , along with fruit and grains and bread.
07-22-2011, 06:59 PM
only keep a Jewish diet law if you have an interest in such a thing...never think God wants you to do such....
07-23-2011, 09:05 AM
so the word "Should" is not used with Christians and what we eat or drink.
All food has been made clean by our Lord.
Nothing that can p*** into the body will not also p*** out the same way all the other foods p*** out of the body.,
its a foolish thing to believe that one food is more holy than another.
08-15-2011, 06:49 PM
I have been thinking for a long while about keeping food laws and if a born-again Christian should be concerned with them. This may also bring Lent and food observances during that season into question. Does anyone have thoughts on this?
We are not under the law and are under no obligation to keep the dietary laws.
08-15-2011, 09:28 PM
Many folks who are Christians will try and bring up the account of Peter's vision in The Book of Acts about critters in a big blanket descending, and try and say ; see , see ... it's Ok for me to eat all this pig fat for breakfast ( pig bacon, pig sausauge ) , according to Peter's Vision ... Wrong !!!
You are wrong. People can eat pig bacon or pig sausage if they want. However it certainly is not very good for them and there certainly are better choices out there.
08-16-2011, 06:09 AM
there are no un-ceal foods for the Christian.
Our Lord and master has made all foods "clean"
Remember there is one important rule about our God - He never asks us to do things we cant do.
So this means that when God asks us to "Rise, kill and eat!" the correct answer is to rise, kill and eat....
The wrong answer is to think you cant for some reason.
So no food that you can eat is in and of itself- "unclean"
There may be foods and food amounts that are unhealthy, but thats different.
So the christian does not have to worry that just by eating a hot dog on Sa****ay that they somehow have broken some tyle of Bible diet laws.....thats foolish.
So enjoy whats is placed before you at the table and dont give it another thought....
01-27-2014, 01:23 PM
all foods are clean, meaning that we are no longer under the law.....thus we can eat if our heart tells us to.
But if our eating will cause another to stumble, we are to not eat.
02-03-2014, 05:08 PM
so the word "Should" is not used with Christians and what we eat or drink.
All food has been made clean by our Lord.
Nothing that can p*** into the body will not also p*** out the same way all the other foods p*** out of the body.,
its a foolish thing to believe that one food is more holy than another.
its the use of the word "should" that is where the danger is....for the last thing a person wants is to think we "have" to follow a diet and therefore become a child of Satan when we break a diet that God didnt want us to keep in the first place!
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