View Full Version : Bible Translations
07-19-2011, 07:01 AM
Hi Everyone-
I just wanted to start a thread to discuss which Bible version everyone feels is the most accurate. Please be respectful of one another and remember that we are brothers and sisters in Christ, even if our opinons differ on this matter. Thank you so much!
07-19-2011, 12:31 PM
Hi Everyone-
I just wanted to start a thread to discuss which Bible version everyone feels is the most accurate. Please be respectful of one another and remember that we are brothers and sisters in Christ, even if our opinons differ on this matter. Thank you so much!
Which bible version is the most accurate? That is quite the question! I am not sure that "accuracy" is something to even be considered when it comes to His Word.
Let me try and answer this but first I would like to clarify my position in regards to God's word. I believe any version of the Bible that is translated from the best available m****cripts is an accurate translation. Bibles such as the New King James, the Authorized Version or the New American Standard are all very good and accurate versions.
I don't believe however that "paraphrases" are very accurate as they usually are translated from an all ready existing version and the author simply injects his theology into the p***age. The Message is one, as is the Good News Bible. Are they a good read? Absolutely, but one must be careful with them for they are imo, not very accurate.
I currently use the "Ancient Roots Translinear Bible" for study of the Old Testament, a Hebrew scholar has done the work and it is from what I have studied, quite accurate. I am hoping to expand my study bibles to what is called the King James III printed by Sovereign Grace Publishers my understanding is it is the most accurate of all versions of the Bible. But my everyday study Bible is the New King James which I have taught from for many years scrutinizing p***ages using the Strong's tells me what is being said in the originals agrees with what is written in the English.
I hope this helps everyone. I love His Word, I believe that whatever version someone may pick up, God is able to speak to that person through it. I also believe that His word contains the answers to life. In that regard, it's accuracy is 100% to the one who is seeking.
07-19-2011, 12:36 PM
Which bible version is the most accurate? That is quite the question! I am not sure that "accuracy" is something to even be considered when it comes to His Word.
Let me try and answer this but first I would like to clarify my position in regards to God's word. I believe any version of the Bible that is translated from the best available m****cripts is an accurate translation. Bibles such as the New King James, the Authorized Version or the New American Standard are all very good and accurate versions.
I don't believe however that "paraphrases" are very accurate as they usually are translated from an all ready existing version and the author simply injects his theology into the p***age. The Message is one, as is the Good News Bible. Are they a good read? Absolutely, but one must be careful with them for they are imo, not very accurate.
I currently use the "Ancient Roots Translinear Bible" for study of the Old Testament, a Hebrew scholar has done the work and it is from what I have studied, quite accurate. I am hoping to expand my study bibles to what is called the King James III printed by Sovereign Grace Publishers my understanding is it is the most accurate of all versions of the Bible. But my everyday study Bible is the New King James which I have taught from for many years scrutinizing p***ages using the Strong's tells me what is being said in the originals agrees with what is written in the English.
I hope this helps everyone. I love His Word, I believe that whatever version someone may pick up, God is able to speak to that person through it. I also believe that His word contains the answers to life. In that regard, it's accuracy is 100% to the one who is seeking.
Hi dfoJC-
Thank you. You have some excellent points. I think we are in agreement here. IMO, if the translation came from as you worded it, the best m****cripts out there, then God's word is preserved, and He will use that Bible to speak to the reader. His words never return void and they always accomplish His purposes.
Bob Carabbio
07-25-2011, 09:18 PM
"which Bible version everyone feels is the most accurate."
They're all fine - not a scintilla's worth of difference among any of 'em - at the pedestrian level. The Academics may be able to suggest minutia about this or that verse, but in the final ****ysis, they all present the same message, and one's as good as another.
The only GOOD Version of the Bible - is the one you'll actually READ!!!!
"which Bible version everyone feels is the most accurate."
They're all fine - not a scintilla's worth of difference among any of 'em - at the pedestrian level. The Academics may be able to suggest minutia about this or that verse, but in the final ****ysis, they all present the same message, and one's as good as another.
The only GOOD Version of the Bible - is the one you'll actually READ!!!!
Cept for the New world Translation. I use the New American Standard although it can be a little difficult to read because of the grammar differences between to orignial languages and English. I do have a parallel bible with the Living Bible, The New International Version, KJV and the NASB. The versions are in four columns and the same quan***y of verses in each column so you can get a better sense of what is being said and maybe where the translators bias may show.
07-26-2011, 04:28 AM
I use the NIV Study Bible I got back in the 90s
I like it alot...
But when I have a question about a word or a verse I like to switch to one of then 4-in-one bibles.or check on-line and read the verse in all them other translations
08-26-2011, 03:12 PM
I like the KJV, NKJV and NIV.
08-27-2011, 11:21 AM
I like the KJV, NKJV and NIV.
I think the SAAS, NKJV as presented in the OSB (Orthodox Study Bible, printed by Thomas Nelson) is something I think Pilgrim would like. I am waiting for the EOB the Eastern Orthodox Bible to be completed by the end of this year. For I think this will be more truer to the Orthodox Church. At present, the only English translation of the Bible that is truly Orthodox is the SAAS and a septuagint translation put out by Holy Transfiguration Monastery for things like the Psalter.
Of course, I am Catholic so I also like the D-R, Jerusalem Bible, to name a few. But in private study, I still use the OSB until the EOB comes out. As I am more Eastern Catholic.
02-06-2015, 07:26 AM
Hi Everyone-
I just wanted to start a thread to discuss which Bible version everyone feels is the most accurate. Please be respectful of one another and remember that we are brothers and sisters in Christ, even if our opinons differ on this matter. Thank you so much!
I read the NIV.....I quote the King James.....I never read the Living....
12-26-2015, 03:15 AM
NKJV gets my vote.
I also like the EOB and KJV.
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