View Full Version : Why So Few Martin Posters?
09-25-2011, 09:31 PM
Why are there so few posters in this forum when there Walter Martin was such an important man?
09-26-2011, 04:25 AM
Why are there so few posters in this forum when there Walter Martin was such an important man?
Because of the "one topic and one topic only" type posters that show up here.
You want to know the reason this forum tends to be the most lame and under-used on the net?
The reason is that the Christians as well as the non-Christians that post the majority of comments here tend to be interested in only talking about "Mormonism"
I have sent emails to some of the Christians who post here a lot and asked them to join me on other topics.....they write back sometimes and tell me that just have "no interest"
They consider their posting against the Mormons just too darn important to be interrupted but posting on other topics.
I have sent emails to most of the well known Mormons who post here and asked them to join me and read and post on other topics.....
Guess what they ALL tell me in return?
They are ONLY interested in the Mormon topics..
They too consider their posting in support of Mormonism every chance they get to be so **** important that they are almost insulted by my suggestion to check out the other topics.
So the result is that most of the whole rest of this forum that is concerned with non-Mormon topics is left to die of starvation, or just becomes one where the same two people bicker back and forth using the same two arguments they always use with each other with no one else joining the debate.
09-26-2011, 11:10 AM
That's sad.
10-05-2011, 11:25 AM
Because of the "one topic and one topic only" type posters that show up here.
You want to know the reason this forum tends to be the most lame and under-used on the net?
The reason is that the Christians as well as the non-Christians that post the majority of comments here tend to be interested in only talking about "Mormonism"
I have sent emails to some of the Christians who post here a lot and asked them to join me on other topics.....they write back sometimes and tell me that just have "no interest"
They consider their posting against the Mormons just too darn important to be interrupted but posting on other topics.
I have sent emails to most of the well known Mormons who post here and asked them to join me and read and post on other topics.....
Guess what they ALL tell me in return?
They are ONLY interested in the Mormon topics..
They too consider their posting in support of Mormonism every chance they get to be so **** important that they are almost insulted by my suggestion to check out the other topics.
So the result is that most of the whole rest of this forum that is concerned with non-Mormon topics is left to die of starvation, or just becomes one where the same two people bicker back and forth using the same two arguments they always use with each other with no one else joining the debate.
Hmmm, I must have missed your email.
10-05-2011, 06:30 PM
Hmmm, I must have missed your email.
so are you saying you are currently posting on a totally non-Mormon connected topic that I missed being a part of?
or are you about to start a topic that has no Mormon connection at all?
This board is not here to win a popularity contest. We don't care how many people come, just that the ones who do try to talk to each other in a respectful way. If you're not finding or enjoying discussions, there are lots of other boards to try.... :rolleyes:
10-11-2011, 03:22 PM
Why are there so few posters in this forum when there Walter Martin was such an important man?
A valid question ActRaiser.
I concur that there should be more posters on the WMM site , but as Jill stated... quality is better than quan***y.
There is a website called "Fighting Fundamentalists" and another called "CARM"... Both of which I am not a poster on { too much noise , and too many people "majoring on the minors" . }
This site is very often visited { and plagued ) by people who never heard Walter Martin on the radio , nor have ever read his books or pamphlets .
Walter was very interested in General apologetics --- not just Mormonism. The problem is is this : Mormonism is huge and is in many places and many L.D.S. people are prominent poilitical and business figures. J.W.'s are not that way. J.w.'s do not get involved in professional "***s" because they do not believe in going to College. Thus , the J.W.'s do not have the microphones and Boardrooms and sports avenues that the Mormons use.
The other cults and occult groups and "World Religions" are not correct , but it is the L.D.S. Mormons which go out to the doorsteps of many homes around the world with their false Jesus and false Gospel ,,, all the while looking / sounding like real Biblical Christians to the general public . They are dangerous and need to be spoken against and stood-up-to.
Too bad more folks do not post here , but even the ones that do post on this site , who identify themselves as "Christians" are sadly unaware of basic Christian Theology and beliefs. Many have no sense of good manners and good taste and a lack of decorum.
The Health & Wealth ( Name it & Claim it. ) branch of the Pentecostal/Charismatic bunch are (IMO) a serious threat to real Christianity and a cult. Walter spoke against that bunch also. The Oneness Pentecostals and the The Apostolics , and the "Church of Christ" ( Campbellites) bunch are problems that keep spouting their nonsense.
I wish you would invite quality people over to this website . I hope that you invite people to read Walter Martin's books. Listen to Walter Martin's tapes. Spread the around the good work that Walter's daughter , Jill is trying to do with this site.
I often wonder what has happened to all the folks who used to attend the Melodyland cl***es and later the Costa-Mesa cl***es...? ? ? . I wonder what has happened to the guys ( and a few gals) who used to p*** out tracts at Mormon events...? ! ?
There should be at least 10 more posters on this site ,,, and they should be the several former students and ***ociates of Walter Martin and the real C.R.I. that used to be in a building in Anaheim.
Tell others about this W.M.M. site and maybe we can get people that are wasting their electicity on junk like "facebook" , will come over here and get some education and inspiration.
Thanks for the kind words, Decalogue. :)
Oh and I forgot to add to my original post that our forum numbers are growing regularly, as is the number of active posters, so we're seeing an increase in visitors and posters, not a decrease. But the bottom line is it's never been about numbers here and it never will be.
10-12-2011, 06:30 PM
Walter Martin is an important man. His locale is no longer on this earth, but in heaven with our Lord. And I have no doubt that he heard "Well done," from our Lord.
Martin held many unwilling feet to the fire of truth. He made more than a lasting impression on millions of lives, and a foot print on the back side of a lot of cults and world religions that have not recovered yet.
What I remember most about Walter was he taught that there ARE answers in the Bible and reasons why we believe what we believe. Relativism is not new. It is old as the hills. It goes by many names. Political correctness. Your truth, not mine. My god is bigger than your god. Etc. But only the Bible cuts through all the gobbledegook people use to mask themselves from the real truth.
In his high priestly prayer the Lord said thy Word IS Truth." John 17:17b
Incidentally, this is a statement from Truth Personified. "I AM... the Truth..." John 14:6a,c
Thank you, John.
Walter Martin is an important man. His locale is no longer on this earth, but in heaven with our Lord. And I have no doubt that he heard "Well done," from our Lord.
Martin held many unwilling feet to the fire of truth. He made more than a lasting impression on millions of lives, and a foot print on the back side of a lot of cults and world religions that have not recovered yet.
What I remember most about Walter was he taught that there ARE answers in the Bible and reasons why we believe what we believe. Relativism is not new. It is old as the hills. It goes by many names. Political correctness. Your truth, not mine. My god is bigger than your god. Etc. But only the Bible cuts through all the gobbledegook people use to mask themselves from the real truth.
In his high priestly prayer the Lord said thy Word IS Truth." John 17:17b
Incidentally, this is a statement from Truth Personified. "I AM... the Truth..." John 14:6a,c
James Banta
10-16-2011, 11:54 AM
Thank you, John.
Your dad was the first to admit that he was a sinner saved by the grace of God.. All he did for his life's work was to try to show others that simple truth.. Yes he pointed out the errors of the cults. His level of personal righteousness not withstanding.. He made it clear that that doesn't count it is the righteousness of Jesus that is important.. A dissertation such as Kingdom of the Cults is far more than anyone should need to see that He deserved the ***le Doctor Walter Martin.. I will hold him in High regard as a child of God and follow heir of life.. And Jill, you have made it your work to keep up your dad's work in this forum.. Thank you.. You too can easily be seen as a daughter of the Most High.. IHS jim
My father was a tough New Yorker with a very soft heart. He loved the Lord and he loved people...and that's what his life was all about. If I can be just a little like him, I will be happy. :) Thanks for the kindness.
Your dad was the first to admit that he was a sinner saved by the grace of God.. All he did for his life's work was to try to show others that simple truth.. Yes he pointed out the errors of the cults. His level of personal righteousness not withstanding.. He made it clear that that doesn't count it is the righteousness of Jesus that is important.. A dissertation such as Kingdom of the Cults is far more than anyone should need to see that He deserved the ***le Doctor Walter Martin.. I will hold him in High regard as a child of God and follow heir of life.. And Jill, you have made it your work to keep up your dad's work in this forum.. Thank you.. You too can easily be seen as a daughter of the Most High.. IHS jim
12-24-2011, 03:24 PM
Walter produced such good looking daughters. Sorry, I've been wanting to say that for a long time.:)
LOL!! Pilgrim, you had us laughing like crazy with that one. :) Thanks for the compliment. (Glad you got it off your chest.)
01-11-2013, 12:22 PM
Why are there so few posters in this forum when there Walter Martin was such an important man?
Its a good question......
back when i first saw this question asked I felt that the reason we see the limited posts was because this place seemed to have a reputation of being a "Mormon Topic Only" forum.
However........unknown to me at the time was that the owner of this forum (Jill) had cut down or stopped approving the memberships of new people seeking to join this forum.
in short, I did not know the forum was being starved to death, slowly, over the last few months.
I know that a lot of people come to this forum and look over the older posts....I can see this from the tracking numbers of who is visiting here.
But I can also see that the last new member that Jill approved to join the conversations was months and months ago.
so people are still visiting this place as much or more than ever.....but when they try to get registered they run into a brick wall.
i tried to send a private Message to Jill about this situation but learned that her message area is so backed-up with messages that it will no longer accept any new messages for her.
This tells me that a LOT of people have applied to become members here and cant get past the registration requirements.
so while this forum used to be known for the bickering between Mormon and Christians....right now it's only known for being a place thats locked-up and you cant get on here if you are new.
04-26-2013, 12:58 PM
Why are there so few posters in this forum when there Walter Martin was such an important man?
Its a good question......
It is a good question, and the thread is a good read except that the comments on Mr. Martin fall far short. Thank God for the video available on You Tube, others to refresh or 1st-time examine some of the stature he held. But back to the question.
This board is not here to win a popularity contest. We don't care how many people come, just that the ones who do try to talk to each other in a respectful way. If you're not finding or enjoying discussions, there are lots of other boards to try.... :rolleyes:
For several months now I have remained an inactive member of another board that was organized by a multi-denom body of clergy who chose a participating attorney and his webmaster son to kick off a site while they themselves were also portrayed as reps for support. I was active on that site from its beginning of five years now, and along the way I saw first-hand notices given to all members concerning the enormous responsibility over the attacks, harrasments, membership suspensions over un-yeilding theological wrangling and so forth.
The funny thing I noticed about their big search-engine promotional drive that occurred about a year down the road was that it had a minimal effect. The bulk it appeared was in the multi-represented body of believers. Interesting how and what people chose to use that web site for which wasn’t huge but effective (132 online a few mos ago). For the sake of discussion, here are a few stats if you don’t mind with the number of views.
General Discussions 61,323
Theology 29,711
Bible Chat 26,049
Christianity & Politics 7,225
Sexual Morality 6,311
Prayer Requests 2,886
Spirituality 1,231
Christianity & Family 922
Culture & Recreation 853
Health 327
I am not aware of the behind-the-scenes support here, but at any rate do applaud the effort to retain what you have even if it is as Alan puts it, a bit “starved”, for it will test sites like the one I’ve mentioned even when all the best is at your disposal. But have to agree with some of the others on existing numbers. Of course the decision is yours before and with what God so directs and provides. For that is Ministry.
04-26-2013, 01:02 PM
a while ago I had a concern that this forum was on its way out.....But all that has changed now, and we see new members joining all the time, and the forum is returning to being a very good place to see and talk to new people...
04-26-2013, 01:09 PM
a while ago I had a concern that this forum was on its way out.....But all that has changed now, and we see new members joining all the time, and the forum is returning to being a very good place to see and talk to new people...
Yaaay! I stopped by some time back long enough to see what you described and it was a little sadnening.
04-26-2013, 01:13 PM
I still have an issue, a bone to pick with a lot of the posters on this forum, in that they all tend to be the "one-trick pony" as it were and only post on one topic alone.
there are a LOT of Mormons and a few Christians who post on this forum, but sadly that's all they seem to want to talk about....just Mormonism...
So while I thank Jill for now allowing new members to join our forum, I do hope that some of the older members of the message board take care to remember to post on other topics too, so that we don't just end up with only one thing talked about here.
I try to spend time each visit here to read some of the older topics to see if I might add my own thoughts to past conversations.
I seek to make this place known for being open to talk about many topics, and not just stuck on Mormonism all the time.
Yes, there are some here that don't like the fact that i try to bring up new things to talk about....yes, I get criticized from time to time for posting on past topics...
But I just think that there are many topics that have been discussed here over the years that could stand to be reviewed in the light of new voices having their own moment to share their views on things.
But then again, if you are one of them people that never post on any topic except for things dealing with the Mormons, then you need not think you are being 'forced" to pay attention to other topics I try to bring up in an effort to encourage participation on a wider range of issues....
04-26-2013, 01:18 PM
so, MichaellS
if I could be so bold as to ask you to try something?...i would ask you to jump into a topic....let your own voice be heard...
it matters not that the topic has sat dead for 4 or 5 years, the only important thing is that you allow yourself to think about the issues connected to that topic, and then come and post the views you have about it...
share your ideas.....and perhaps start a new topic or two yourself!
04-26-2013, 01:20 PM
Well, that can weigh in heavy, I can tell without knowing frequency, maybe that is what occurs with limited numbers, I don’t know. But agreed, multi topic is good, if not closer to being that one described as “thoroughly furnished”. Uh-oh, that wasn’t Mormon sounding was it? I’m bad. :rolleyes:
04-26-2013, 01:26 PM
so, MichaellS
if I could be so bold as to ask you to try something?...i would ask you to jump into a topic....let your own voice be heard...
Sure, and thanks for the question, right now its errand city but will determine to this end, , ,BRB.
06-14-2013, 04:52 PM
I still have an issue, a bone to pick with a lot of the posters on this forum, in that they all tend to be the "one-trick pony" as it were and only post on one topic alone.
there are a LOT of Mormons and a few Christians who post on this forum, but sadly that's all they seem to want to talk about....just Mormonism...
So while I thank Jill for now allowing new members to join our forum, I do hope that some of the older members of the message board take care to remember to post on other topics too, so that we don't just end up with only one thing talked about here.
I try to spend time each visit here to read some of the older topics to see if I might add my own thoughts to past conversations.
I seek to make this place known for being open to talk about many topics, and not just stuck on Mormonism all the time.
Yes, there are some here that don't like the fact that i try to bring up new things to talk about....yes, I get criticized from time to time for posting on past topics...
But I just think that there are many topics that have been discussed here over the years that could stand to be reviewed in the light of new voices having their own moment to share their views on things.
But then again, if you are one of them people that never post on any topic except for things dealing with the Mormons, then you need not think you are being 'forced" to pay attention to other topics I try to bring up in an effort to encourage participation on a wider range of issues....
Are you the moderator now?
06-14-2013, 08:14 PM
a while ago I had a concern that this forum was on its way out.....But all that has changed now, and we see new members joining all the time, and the forum is returning to being a very good place to see and talk to new people...
Do you guys think Carm might allow us to tell others about this forum to maybe get some traffic from over there ?
06-19-2013, 04:53 PM
Do you guys think Carm might allow us to tell others about this forum to maybe get some traffic from over there ?
Hello cheachea,
Being obvious about it might be one of their cardinal frowns. I'm thinking they would likely let it p*** as nothing if you used a WM comment to stress a point on their board.
07-08-2014, 09:05 PM
Why are there so few posters in this forum when there Walter Martin was such an important man?
I really only have free time to post stuff on the weekends....
Sometimes I get a chance to post a line or two in the morning, but mostly I only have the weekends to play here...
07-08-2014, 09:07 PM
Do you guys think Carm might allow us to tell others about this forum to maybe get some traffic from over there ?
many times we run into website owners that take a dim view of telling people about other sites.....
07-09-2014, 06:31 AM
I really only have free time to post stuff on the weekends....
Sometimes I get a chance to post a line or two in the morning, but mostly I only have the weekends to play here...
I have noticed that in most forums that discuss religion, unless there is tension and some argument between posters people tend to lose interest. Perhaps that is too general a statement but I think it is the nature of people to not only want to be right but to also prove someone wrong. I remember a number of years ago there was a man who posted in the Catholic section and was considered to be a horrible anti-Catholic bigot. Every time he made a comment there were a slew of replies, much conversation and of course ridicule and name calling from both sides. This busily went on for months, until he got banned and before long there was no activity on the catholic board and there still isn't. It seems to be this way in all boards, if there is no perceived "bad guy", people find a place where there is one.
John T
07-09-2014, 09:59 AM
I have noticed that in most forums that discuss religion, unless there is tension and some argument between posters people tend to lose interest. Perhaps that is too general a statement but I think it is the nature of people to not only want to be right but to also prove someone wrong. I remember a number of years ago there was a man who posted in the Catholic section and was considered to be a horrible anti-Catholic bigot. Every time he made a comment there were a slew of replies, much conversation and of course ridicule and name calling from both sides. This busily went on for months, until he got banned and before long there was no activity on the catholic board and there still isn't. It seems to be this way in all boards, if there is no perceived "bad guy", people find a place where there is one.
The reason I believe that happens is because posts like this are permitted to stand without correction:
are permitted to stand unchallenged and uncorrected for a long time. Why would anyone want to see all that nastiness being hurled here. It seems to ma that the moderation rubric here is "benign neglect" until the nastiness escalates to where it explodes, and then there are m*** causalities.
07-09-2014, 07:34 PM
I have noticed that in most forums that discuss religion, unless there is tension and some argument between posters people tend to lose interest. Perhaps that is too general a statement but I think it is the nature of people to not only want to be right but to also prove someone wrong. I remember a number of years ago there was a man who posted in the Catholic section and was considered to be a horrible anti-Catholic bigot. Every time he made a comment there were a slew of replies, much conversation and of course ridicule and name calling from both sides. This busily went on for months, until he got banned and before long there was no activity on the catholic board and there still isn't. It seems to be this way in all boards, if there is no perceived "bad guy", people find a place where there is one.
I'm attempting to type but my cat seems to have other ideas...
anyway, I believe this was a very astute observation disciple, and must agree with all the points you raise.....
Well done!
07-10-2014, 08:42 AM
I'm attempting to type but my cat seems to have other ideas...
anyway, I believe this was a very astute observation disciple, and must agree with all the points you raise.....
Well done!
07-10-2014, 09:33 AM
Do you mean "Cats" the broadway show or real cats.
08-18-2014, 05:05 PM
The reason is because you have moderators who interject their displeasure at subject matter they hold up for discussion. This can't be done with any sense of equity or fairness because of the subjective nature of many of the topics. Folks are not going to put up with it for long!
08-18-2014, 05:14 PM
Unless those who claim to know scripture are willing to debate then everything becomes muted. And no one is interested in voicing an opinion subject to vile criticisms. As I was subjected to;but no one dares debate me.
04-18-2017, 05:20 AM
Hmmm, I must have missed your email.
still waiting for that list of non-Mormon topics that you have started or posted comments on?
04-18-2017, 05:30 AM
you come here for years and years and years.....
and in all that time, you have started how many non-Mormon topics?
As I said before here, the thing I have noticed the most on this forum is that people have very little interest in other things except for that one little area where they spend all their time posting on....
Here on the walter martin forum its mostly and strictly "Mormons"
Mormons 24 hrs a day, every day,,,year after year...
and then from time to time I read comments on other forums that the Walter Martin forum is dead?...and this is said as if to criticize of the site itself?
the truth is that this forum reflects the members who visit, and we are known for members that dont like to get outside their little box.
To help this situation I suggest you go challenge yourself to step outside your little box....and start a few topics from time to time that are off the Mormon area.....
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