View Full Version : Who Is Allah?
10-08-2011, 06:35 AM
Islam teaches that the true God is the Muslim deity, Allah. All other views of God are false because the Koran teaches, “The true religion with God is Islam.”[1] The Koran emphasizes of Allah: “There is no God but he, the Living, the everlasting.”[2]
But who is Allah? Is he anything like the God of Christian faith? As we will see, the Muslim God is entirely different from the biblical God. First, the Koran stresses that Allah is one person only: “They are unbelievers who say, ‘God is the Third of Three.’ No god is there but one God. If they refrain not from what they say, there shall afflict those of them that disbelieve a painful chastisement.”[3] Here, the Koran emphasizes that Christians are unbelievers because they accept the historic Christian doctrine of the Trinity.[4] But, as we fully documented in our Knowing the Truth About the Trinity (Harvest House, 1997), the Bible unmistakably tells us that God has revealed Himself as a triune Being, as One God eternally existing in three Persons—Father, Son and Holy Spirit (Mt. 28:19; Jn. 1:1,14; Acts 5:3-4).[5] Although many Muslims believe otherwise, Christians do not believe in three gods. This idea is a clear misrepresentation of Christian belief. Christians are not polytheists, who accept three gods, but monotheists who believe in one God.
03-27-2013, 05:21 AM
As Islam is the religion of dignity and authority, it was impossible to think of any Muslim submitting himself to the disbelievers; indeed it is forbidden for a Muslim to go to live amongst them and acknowledge their authority over him, because his presence amongst them would make him feel weak and isolated, and, then he would become docile and apologetic before them. He would first be called upon to approve of them, and then to follow them. But Muslims should be filled with morale and confidence, they should be leaders, not followers. They should hold the reins of power; no power should be above them but that of Allah. Therefore Muslims were forbidden to remain in countries where Islam is of no account, except when they are able to freely practice their religion and to observe it without any impediment, and without any fear that their presence there could damage them in any way. If this is not the case, then they must migrate to a better place where the authority of Islam is of some account. If they refuse to do so, while they are able, then they would have no further claims on this religion. About this Allah has spoken in Surat an-Nisa:***-result-2013/
04-27-2013, 07:52 AM
Islam is the religion of dignity and authority, , , it is forbidden for a Muslim to, , , acknowledge their authority over him, , , Muslims should be filled with morale and confidence, they should be leaders, not followers. They should hold the reins of power; no power should be above them.
Hello Zebi123, welcome to the forum. Very nice overview you have here, thank you. What seems to be on your mind? Oh, it appears your comment is off topic but with Allah being perfect, there must be some logical explanation.
So if the authorities that be including the OPr ActRaiser permit in these rare instances, I will continue in off topic mode due to continued low use of the thread which could be used as “out of season”. For under the circumstances, I feel we can’t just start a new thread as our friend Zebi may have been compelled to deliberately oust himself by the placement of the comment itself feeling compelled to obey an inner objective with further western rejection, and likely will not even hear the words of an “infidel” nor knows within to take advantage of the lack of welcoming, ,but by the liberty Christ gives can take a message of mercy which “triumphs over” all, every necessary allowance. But if inappropriate, please cancel.
Islam is the religion of, , , authority. , , [no] authority over him, , , they should be leaders, , , should hold the reins of power
Many references here far outweigh tranquil portions of your words for solitude to practice “religion”. We in America don’t try to conceal this as a one size fits all ramifications of life “religion”, but governing by bodies of authority preferably expressed from religion of differing tendencies, honed by dialog and under one ent-i-ty that “will not share” His glory with another” *1, the Lord Jesus Christ who is the “In God We Trust”. But since you brought it up, let’s consider a couple of things.
it is forbidden for a Muslim to go to live amongst them, , , Muslims were forbidden to remain in countries where Islam is of no account, except when they are able to freely practice their religion and to observe it without any impediment, and without any fear that their presence there could damage them in any way, , ,If they refuse to do so, while they are able, then they would have no further claims on this religion.
First, In this Christian nation, you can express this down into infinity and we will continue to live among you unless of course the “damage” is meant in reverse. If that is the end goal then you and the formula that is trying to use you are on one of the most tempting of all roads; the want of a nation overthrown.
Coupled with this, and if I understand you correctly, a person who wishes to adhere to this without the means to adjust his geographical coordinates, is worthless? Now if the non-adjusted are worthless then they are no better than the infidel, true? Oh, or sometimes worse for a person who leaves Islam with a call for his “death”? Sounds rather doubly merciless but, Allah being perfect, there must be some logical explanation.
Second, Actually, America stands in the way doesn’t it? She willingly allows someone to practice their “religion of peace”, when in truth the lust for world conquest is justified through clerical nods of approval, isn’t it?
How is that put again, ,oh yes and let’s be honest from now on shall we?
Aboragation – Ever meddling with the Qur’an, and is why it can’t be trusted (see Kingdom of the Cults, by Walter Martin pg445), taught in three separate places in the Qur’an, extensively defined with the laws of reason, backed by love for the stranger from Mr. Martin. If they spot you taking a bookstore look, just tell them you don’t want to be caught off guard.
Taqqiya – Daily “reasons” of deception upon others to promote or further Islam
Muruna - the Sunni Muslim Brotherhood doctrine of muruna, which literally means “stealth” or “flexibility.” It is far worse than taqiyya, since it sanctions all prohibitions that block Muslim interests, even blasphemous ones against their own Sharia law. Only effective when used upon unsuspecting people of notoriety or authority, thereby finding any references to this cause would be difficult except for finding it in comments like Zabi’s.
Muslims should be filled with morale and confidence, , ,[their] presence amongst them would make him feel weak and isolated
Well, I can see plainly how frustrated those who do try to retain any measurable resemblance to what has just been said must be. But a further torment must be at hand thinking there is no way things can be that easy for these Christians when faced with these things. Possibly, for the uninformed, but there is no reason to stay there when another, Jesus has paid the price that not only daily cares that we give Him but believing also on the record of His mission of His strength of not speaking a word without first hearing from God the Father, and believing on His weakness of p***ion for the world He came to earth for in the first place.
There have been reports of gross changes of the Christian bible in other places. It would be hard to conceive being raised as a child to be say a bomber even when they express unwillingness if the “good news” that Christ took their sins upon Himself message ever reached them. How difficult without them allowing that One who knocks at the door of the heart to accept Him.
*Isaiah 42:8, 48:11
04-27-2013, 07:53 AM
while people reaching out to members of the religion of Islam might want to make sure that we believe that "It's the same God, just a different set of holy books about him"....the truth is that i never for one moment believed that the God of Islam is the God of the Christian church....
04-27-2013, 08:03 AM
while people reaching out to members of the religion of Islam might want to make sure that we believe that "It's the same God, just a different set of holy books about him"....the truth is that i never for one moment believed that the God of Islam is the God of the Christian church....
Yes, and furthermore, what text are we to refer them to?
04-27-2013, 08:31 AM
i dont know....
04-27-2013, 04:36 PM
i dont know....
I’m sure you have some kind of approach on hold.
Me? Just can’t help but put myself in one of their most vulnerable shoes wanting out the worst way but want to make the most of that effort as humanly possible. So how would you want to be able to steer yourself out correctly without knowing zip about this Nazarene who rose again and I now believe to be the savior of the world who’s people should be blessed?
How about starting with a ground up approach with the success behind probability?
If I had a window of time and resources enough to choose from, I think I would do a rundown of stats. Following publishing release numbers might skew actual approvals. Rather to see who it is that calls upon this name of Jesus Christ yet holds the highest degree of approval supported by the lowest level of complaints weighed amongst the top 8 or 10 sects in attendance.
After that (or before), what does history tell of what that religious organization did to increase numbers, and how much of that increase was gained by non-proselytizing efforts to show the reader that the Creator may be at work to “added” membership.
After that, the choice of text (translation) follows the flock.
Then again, they shouldn't allow people like me to form opinions :confused:
03-06-2014, 04:37 PM
Im going to go over this topic again....But after just reading the first post a2nd time Im now thinking that I disagree with the conclusion he came to.....
I will have to think about this issue some more.....
05-16-2014, 12:35 PM
I have several books stating that Muslims God, allah is nothing but a old pagan deity that had been worshipped at the Kabal for many years and was a stone god a moon god!
I know Robert Morey states such in his book and I see other writers also stating that when Muhammad's tribal god allah was being dissed, he decided to do something about it.
There were litterally hundreds if not thousands of gods that were brought as pagans do, to that site.
Muhammad made up his story and then started using force against others, so it has always been a brutal religion since Muhammad the false prophet came on the scene and like Trinitarians with three gods , they both eventually got to the point of using force.
09-12-2016, 05:23 AM
Allah is the Arabic word for God. It is compounded of "Al", the definite article 'the', and "illah", meaning "god". Therefore, Allah literally means "The God" -- somewhat parallel to the capitalized "God" in English. The name Allah is used by Muslims world-wide, as well as Arabic-speaking Christians, Jews, and others. It is written in Arabic as الله
09-14-2016, 05:28 PM
Allah is the Arabic word for God. It is compounded of "Al", the definite article 'the', and "illah", meaning "god". Therefore, Allah literally means "The God" -- somewhat parallel to the capitalized "God" in English. The name Allah is used by Muslims world-wide, as well as Arabic-speaking Christians, Jews, and others. It is written in Arabic as الله
By the means of coercion? By the means of Islam? You didn't dare go too far with that knowing holding it up to the truth will inevitably prove one thing, someone is seeking souls to add, not truth to find.
But you are bound to a pact based on evil performance. But there's good news, you don't have to swallow that falsehood any longer, Jesus Christ came to give life, not more reason to hate.
Why don't you listen to so many of your former Muslim brothers who have escaped and plead with all their friends and family of this persuasion to leave and re-join a life of peace, peace in Christ.
All you need is the smallest step. Try Him, we all implore you.
04-17-2019, 03:15 AM
Indeed, the origins of Allah begin to emerge after the history of polytheistic pagans. Some research papers confirm that those were fate believers with the religion that later transformed into Islam. Got Questions and TheConversation blogs term paper writer ( has both illustrations of the ancient papers about Allah.
Terry Lewis
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