View Full Version : View of Holiness standards necessary for good Christian living & being Holy as He is.
Tom Boots
05-10-2013, 10:27 AM
Oneness Apostolics Pentecostal Christians for the most part and it is different in some organizations hold to a doctrine of not only inward Holiness, but shown by the standards taught and handed down to the saints for the outward and by sound logic and correctly dividing the word.
We believe in seperation from the world in dress and living, that we can see this seperation more clearly by our women outwardly than by the men, though not restricted or demanding more from them, than men.
But the woman is that beautiful part given to us and properly so by scripture our help mate to fulfill us as men.
The woman seems to have more retstictions put on her, since the worldy woman today and the religious woman of many religious sects and denominations appears to closely like them.
Oneness women are to live Holy and seperate, so too the man, the woman is not to cut her hair and let it grow long and the man is to cut his hair and not let it grow long.
The woman is to not wear jewelery (a more common trait of them, than man) and the man should not either, the wearing os gold and silver and pearls and such is much vanity and drawing attention to one self and not after Christ.
Women are not to wear clothing pertaining to that of a man and a man should not wear women's clothing and appear effeminate.
Women are to wear modest clothing and men as well.
The woman is not to wear paints and dirt and dust and lipstick and darken eyelids and put on rouge and such, the man also should not do this, but it again is generally not as prevalent a thing with men anyway (save ****sexual community).
Women are not to cuss and smoke and drink and men are not as well.
But most of these things are seen more outwardly in women than men andso it appears that it is the man getting by with something, when in fact he is not to.
Inmodesty of dress amongst women is no different for men either, but women are looked upon more by man sexually than women look upon men, it is a nature in men to look upon women more and when women outwardly adorn themselves immodestly then they can cause men to sin as they are sinning themselves dressing so or rather not dressing much at all.
Beach wear amongst Trinitarian Women and Men is very immodest and goes against scripture of being modest and we can see really exposed bodies in what amounts to no more than UNDERWEAR on many, be they young or old, male or female, but since men are visually stimulated much more than women, it is what and how women dress that generally is seen as conducting oneself to expose more so.
I have been in Oneness and Trinity churches, I know from neighbors and friends and relatives churched that they hold no Holiness in regard to much of this and immodesty runs rampid.
Scriptures address each of these points and can be brought forth if you think there is none making such statements.
I question Trinitarian men, why they don't teach their WIFE, MOTHER, SISTER, CHURCHES in Holiness?
I ask women why you don't obet the word of God when taught or if not, by your own study seeing scriptures and the logic that if you adorn yourself in a sexual way, how you are not sinning and causing others (men in church or family to sin)?
Some may want to throw out the Amish or Dunkards or German Baptists or some Friends or some calling themselves Apostolic (not Pentecostal), but these are few and rare and not the general denominations or Catholic religion and are a anomaly more than the main line.
Tom Boots
07-07-2013, 04:32 PM
I really know Trinitarians, especially women do not want to touch Holiness standards bei g separate from the world, it is so condemning, they come to our churches all dolled up with makeup, cut hair, jewelry, men's clothing on, immodest clothes and the hide their faces, tug their tops and skirts either up or down, they hide ears with earrings on, and are condemned of how they come to weddings and funerals and especially services.
There is no difference from the world in the vast majority of the go NAKED to beaches with bikinis, swim suits and shorts on.
One true religion, it is not Trinitarian,and never was.
07-08-2013, 08:46 AM
I really know Trinitarians, especially women do not want to touch Holiness standards bei g separate from the world, it is so condemning, they come to our churches all dolled up with makeup, cut hair, jewelry, men's clothing on, immodest clothes and the hide their faces, tug their tops and skirts either up or down, they hide ears with earrings on, and are condemned of how they come to weddings and funerals and especially services.
There is no difference from the world in the vast majority of the go NAKED to beaches with bikinis, swim suits and shorts on.
One true religion, it is not Trinitarian,and never was.
Who'd the judge?
Who's set the standards?
Being a Trinitarian, or not has nothing to do with anything.
Now as far as naked bodies on the beach, well 99% of these bodies should be considered an offence to the NAKED eye. The other 1% on the other hand?
Tom Boots
07-08-2013, 02:31 PM
the Bible is the judge and if someone dresses immodest and wears the equivalent of their underwear as a bathing suit ir bikinit, and shorts, then they are IMMODEST AND SINNING, and that is the vast majority of Trinitarians, be they the 99% (which I believe is to harsh a percentage of fogs and fat folks) or the 1% you see as not being offesnsive because they are beautys.
Bible speaks against cut hair on women and long hair on men and jewelery and makeup and dressing in clothing pertaining to that of a man as a woman or vice versa and IMMODEST dress....low cut tops, sleeveless blouse and shirts exposing arm pits or more, halter tops exposing mid section and belly, hot pants, shorts, dresses or skirts up to high exposing the thigh, and SWIM WEAR and mis bathing (swimming).
07-09-2013, 10:07 AM
the Bible is the judge and if someone dresses immodest and wears the equivalent of their underwear as a bathing suit ir bikinit, and shorts, then they are IMMODEST AND SINNING, and that is the vast majority of Trinitarians, be they the 99% (which I believe is to harsh a percentage of fogs and fat folks) or the 1% you see as not being offesnsive because they are beautys.
Bible speaks against cut hair on women and long hair on men and jewelery and makeup and dressing in clothing pertaining to that of a man as a woman or vice versa and IMMODEST dress....low cut tops, sleeveless blouse and shirts exposing arm pits or more, halter tops exposing mid section and belly, hot pants, shorts, dresses or skirts up to high exposing the thigh, and SWIM WEAR and mis bathing (swimming).
Modesty is in the eye of the beholder, and so forth. Sleevelss blouse, now that a really really big sinner! Okay, so alittle sarcasm here, but it's called for I believe. Where do we draw the line, and who is the line drawer?
The local gevernements and States by all rights set the standards. The Federal government is to stay nutual. As a libertarian I agree with this arrangment.
The Holy Bible set standards for the believer, and not for anyone else, although anyone can aply themself to it.
I believe it is a healthy debate when groups of people go back, and forth on what is or not to be a set standard of conduct.
I don't believe God of the Holy Bible is a clothes line inspector, but he remains a heart surgeon.
Tom Boots
07-09-2013, 10:15 AM
Sleeveless blouse or tops lends one the ability to see the side of the breast at times and exposing the man or woman, especially the woman.
We are not setting some law and gonna execute you, but going immodest will send you people to hell (among many reasons).
I am not dealing with standards for nonbelievers, but for believers, this shows me that Trinitarians are nonbelievers, for they cannot hold any Biblical doctrine of Holiness inward or outward.
IMMODEST DRESS, MEN AND WOMEN WEARING SKIMPY BATHING SUITS IN PUBLIC, ISAIAH speaks of exposing the thigh as nakedness, well that means alot of Trinity folks are in the same boat as nonbeleivers.
Women wearing pants and slacks a man, thus wearing clothing pertaning to that of a man and a abomination.
Women and some men wearing makeup, to get others to look upon them.
Women and some men wearing Jewelery and trying to attract attention to them and not Christ.
Cut hair on women and long hair on men, against the teachings of scripture and showing disobedience and disrespect for the sexes as God made them.
LOW CUT TOPS, HALTER TOPS, EXPOSING BREAST, THIGH, CROTCH, all things that many Trinity women and some men do.
07-09-2013, 10:21 AM
Sleeveless blouse or tops lends one the ability to see the side of the breast at times and exposing the man or woman, especially the woman.
We are not setting some law and gonna execute you, but going immodest will send you people to hell (among many reasons).
I am not dealing with standards for nonbelievers, but for believers, this shows me that Trinitarians are nonbelievers, for they cannot hold any Biblical doctrine of Holiness inward or outward.
IMMODEST DRESS, MEN AND WOMEN WEARING SKIMPY BATHING SUITS IN PUBLIC, ISAIAH speaks of exposing the thigh as nakedness, well that means alot of Trinity folks are in the same boat as nonbeleivers.
Women wearing pants and slacks a man, thus wearing clothing pertaning to that of a man and a abomination.
Women and some men wearing makeup, to get others to look upon them.
Women and some men wearing Jewelery and trying to attract attention to them and not Christ.
Cut hair on women and long hair on men, against the teachings of scripture and showing disobedience and disrespect for the sexes as God made them.
LOW CUT TOPS, HALTER TOPS, EXPOSING BREAST, THIGH, CROTCH, all things that many Trinity women and some men do.
Don't go overboard here. If all that you say will send a person to Hell, why did Jesus die on the cross for?
You like so many fail to remember why Christ came and died. He came because the Law was of no effect here. We are all sinners and come short of the Glory of God. Exposing one's breast or what ever is the least of my problems, who would want to see my beast anyway?
Tom Boots
07-09-2013, 10:32 AM
those who live modest, dress unlike the world and Trinity men and women, THAT IS WHO HE DIED FOR.
He took me out of Trinity church, both Catholic and then Baptist and Christian Church (so called).
No one may want to see your breast, that is not the point, it may be because of age or a problem, or weight, but young Trinity girls and other Trinity women are exposing themselves and being Ungodly and are condemned by the word for drawing attention and disobeying the Bible and our Lord in turn.
Tell me are you a man or woman?
Men are visually stimulated and women are causing men to look upon women in lust and in turn are guilty for not being modest, shamefaced and trying to draw men to look at them.
Our men don't go topless, wear shorts exposing the inner thigh and not to tight to draw attention to themselves.
07-09-2013, 10:44 AM
those who live modest, dress unlike the world and Trinity men and women, THAT IS WHO HE DIED FOR.
He took me out of Trinity church, both Catholic and then Baptist and Christian Church (so called).
No one may want to see your breast, that is not the point, it may be because of age or a problem, or weight, but young Trinity girls and other Trinity women are exposing themselves and being Ungodly and are condemned by the word for drawing attention and disobeying the Bible and our Lord in turn.
Tell me are you a man or woman?
Men are visually stimulated and women are causing men to look upon women in lust and in turn are guilty for not being modest, shamefaced and trying to draw men to look at them.
Our men don't go topless, wear shorts exposing the inner thigh and not to tight to draw attention to themselves.
Remember, Adam and Eve only had fig leaves, and after that 6 Billion babies.
Tom Boots
07-10-2013, 01:11 AM
They were under a different dispensation and they chose fig leaves and were corrected by God in that there had to be a shedding of blood to cover their sins and then God used the skins to cover them as those leaves were not to his choosing under his plan.
Oh and they didn't have 6 billion babies themselves, they had a lot of help.
But tell me, do you think that one can say they are Christian and then go and live like sin and dress and act as they please? that there is no consequence and God never had them really separated from the world?
02-10-2014, 02:25 PM
I really know Trinitarians, especially women do not want to touch Holiness standards bei g separate from the world, it is so condemning, they come to our churches all dolled up with makeup, cut hair, jewelry, men's clothing on, immodest clothes and the hide their faces, tug their tops and skirts either up or down, they hide ears with earrings on,.......
we tend to judge each other strictly on the outward appearance....And when we do this we take the path toward becoming racist.
thank God that He does not look only at the outside the way men do,
02-13-2014, 07:55 AM
a person also notices that whenever some guys start talking about how people should dress, they mean "women"
The guys who make the rules (Its always guys by the way) always seem to just make way, way, way, way more rules for girls to follow that for themselves.
There are all kinds of rules for women to follow, things like what weird clothes they must put on, weird things they need to put on their heads....weird rules about what they can do,,,what they can say....what they can touch....where they can sit....where they can eat...where they can worship...etc,etc,etc,
So what about the guys?
What rules do guys make for themselves to keep?....what type of clothes do they have to wear?
mostly what they were going to wear anyway.
What you find true is that while men love to make crazy rules that govern the lives of women and tell them what type of clothes that girls must wear, the truth is that men just make rules that support the type of clothes they wanted to wear anyway...
02-23-2014, 05:32 PM
Oneness Apostolics Pentecostal Christians for the most part and it is different in some organizations hold to a doctrine of not only inward Holiness, but shown by the standards taught and handed down to the saints for the outward and by sound logic and correctly dividing the word.
We believe in seperation from the world in dress and living, that we can see this seperation more clearly by our women outwardly than by the men, though not restricted or demanding more from them, than men.
But the woman is that beautiful part given to us and properly so by scripture our help mate to fulfill us as men.
The woman seems to have more retstictions put on her, since the worldy woman today and the religious woman of many religious sects and denominations appears to closely like them.
Oneness women are to live Holy and seperate, so too the man, the woman is not to cut her hair and let it grow long and the man is to cut his hair and not let it grow long.
The woman is to not wear jewelery (a more common trait of them, than man) and the man should not either, the wearing os gold and silver and pearls and such is much vanity and drawing attention to one self and not after Christ.
Women are not to wear clothing pertaining to that of a man and a man should not wear women's clothing and appear effeminate.
Women are to wear modest clothing and men as well.
The woman is not to wear paints and dirt and dust and lipstick and darken eyelids and put on rouge and such, the man also should not do this, but it again is generally not as prevalent a thing with men anyway (save ****sexual community).
Women are not to cuss and smoke and drink and men are not as well.
But most of these things are seen more outwardly in women than men andso it appears that it is the man getting by with something, when in fact he is not to.
Inmodesty of dress amongst women is no different for men either, but women are looked upon more by man sexually than women look upon men, it is a nature in men to look upon women more and when women outwardly adorn themselves immodestly then they can cause men to sin as they are sinning themselves dressing so or rather not dressing much at all.
Beach wear amongst Trinitarian Women and Men is very immodest and goes against scripture of being modest and we can see really exposed bodies in what amounts to no more than UNDERWEAR on many, be they young or old, male or female, but since men are visually stimulated much more than women, it is what and how women dress that generally is seen as conducting oneself to expose more so.
I have been in Oneness and Trinity churches, I know from neighbors and friends and relatives churched that they hold no Holiness in regard to much of this and immodesty runs rampid.
Scriptures address each of these points and can be brought forth if you think there is none making such statements.
I question Trinitarian men, why they don't teach their WIFE, MOTHER, SISTER, CHURCHES in Holiness?
I ask women why you don't obet the word of God when taught or if not, by your own study seeing scriptures and the logic that if you adorn yourself in a sexual way, how you are not sinning and causing others (men in church or family to sin)?
Some may want to throw out the Amish or Dunkards or German Baptists or some Friends or some calling themselves Apostolic (not Pentecostal), but these are few and rare and not the general denominations or Catholic religion and are a anomaly more than the main line.
So at what point is a woman's skirt too short?
1" from the ground?
3" from the Ground?
6" from the ground?
Bottom of the kneecap?
Top of the kneecap?
How about sleeves? How short is too short?
1" from the fingertips?
3" from the fingertips?
6" from the fingertips?
Bottom of the elbow?
Top of the elbow?
How short must a man's hair be?
1" longest?
2" longest?
6" longest?
Why can't a woman in your religion wear pants?
Jesus wore robes
Women of that day wore robes just like them.
Can't you tell the difference between a man's pants and women's slacks?
Do your fat women have to have breast reductions (tain't normal for them to look like cows. . .)
If your wife gets mud on her face while gardening, do you disfellowship her?
Just curious.
I'd rather wear the label "CHRISTIAN" than "apostolic" or "oneness" or "pentecostal" or republicrat.
02-23-2014, 05:51 PM
I really know Trinitarians, especially women do not want to touch Holiness standards bei g separate from the world, it is so condemning, they come to our churches all dolled up with makeup, cut hair, jewelry, men's clothing on, immodest clothes and the hide their faces, tug their tops and skirts either up or down, they hide ears with earrings on, and are condemned of how they come to weddings and funerals and especially services.
There is no difference from the world in the vast majority of the go NAKED to beaches with bikinis, swim suits and shorts on.
One true religion, it is not Trinitarian,and never was.
Now tommy. . .YOU KNOW you cannot flop all women into your imaginary indecent'trinitarian women group." The CHRISTIAN WOMEN in my Trinitarian Conservative Baptist church don't dress immodestly. They may wear a little make-up to draw attention to the beauty GOD gave to them.
My wife wears pants. To church, to the store, everywhere. There is nothing sinful about that. JESUS never wore pants. He wore the same kind of robes everyone else wore, INCLUDING THE WOMEN. The BIBLE says NOTHING AGAINST WOMEN WEARING WOMEN'S PANTS. Just because your little cult makes up a 'rule of holiness' out of its rationalizing and speculating does not mean its rationalizing or speculating are from GOD. They are not.
At what point does a woman's skirt become too short?
When it stops dragging through the dirt on the ground?
1" above the ground?
3" above the ground?
8" above the ground?
At the bottom of the kneecap?
At the TOP of the kneecap?
Do you begin to see HOW STUPID such 'holiness rules' are?
How about drinking wine?
JESUS MADE WINE (not blueberry juice). BY DEFINITION, "WINE" (gk "oinos") literally means the fermented juice of fruits or vegatables.
Oinos is the word we get "WINO" from. . .
Jesus never said drinking wine was a sin. HE DID SAY drunkenness is sin.
Jesus never said eating food is a sin. HE DID SAY GLUTTONY is a sin.
I have seen so many EXTREMELY FAT oneness pentecostals (drab, sad-looking women and men) at the smorgasbord (sp?) with plates heaped up to dropping stuff on the floor. Yes, gluttony IS A SIN. Where is your 'holiness standard' for gluttony.
I note you have no
'no seconds' rule
'no piggy-eating' rule
Why is that?
John T
02-23-2014, 09:22 PM
Now tommy. . .YOU KNOW you cannot flop all women into your imaginary indecent'trinitarian women group." The CHRISTIAN WOMEN in my Trinitarian Conservative Baptist church don't dress immodestly. They may wear a little make-up to draw attention to the beauty GOD gave to them. <SNIP>
I hate to burst your expectations because the original poster was banned in May 2013. Therefore he will not respond to you.
It is here up front of the "current" threads because Alanolmstead dredged it up as an "oldie".
02-24-2014, 12:37 AM
if a topic is of interest....feel free to post on it ..
02-27-2014, 04:23 PM
a church that has a lot of rules for hair and clothes, always seem to have a LOT more rules for girls to keep.
they also have a few rules for men, but basically the men are told to do things that they were going to do anyway had there been no rules to worry about.,
03-02-2014, 04:13 PM
tommy posted:
I really know Trinitarians, especially women do not want to touch Holiness standards bei g separate from the world, it is so condemning, they come to our churches all dolled up with makeup, cut hair, jewelry, men's clothing on, immodest clothes and the hide their faces, tug their tops and skirts either up or down, they hide ears with earrings on, and are condemned of how they come to weddings and funerals and especially services.
You must be talking about NON-CHRISTIAN women, those who don't believe in Jesus Christ. It would be VERY UNLIKELY that a CHRISTIAN trinitarian woman would ever visit your congregation, and since you describe those folks who visit you in the manner you do, it is obvious our CHRISTIAN WOMEN ARE NOT THE ONES YOU ARE DESCRIBING.
Of course, unless they were dressed in grey, black, looked terribly sad, didn't know how to do anything with hair or simple make-up, you would automatically stick EVERYONE EVERYWHERE not like your own women into your 'trinitarian' lump blob. You have no discernment, obviously.
There is no difference from the world in the vast majority of the go NAKED to beaches with bikinis, swim suits and shorts on.
What nude beaches have YOU been frequenting? Why would you BLINDLY ***UME that such people are 'trinitarians' at all, not just atheists or oneness at the NUDE BEACHES that YOU must be frequenting?
One true religion, it is not Trinitarian,and never was.
Not Trinitarian, not onenessmess either. The ONE TRUE faith is in JESUS CHRIST, the SON OF THE LIVING GOD.
Your confusion and bad teaching about the nature of God shows through clearly.
in the Name of the BIBLICAL Jesus Christ,
03-02-2014, 04:16 PM
I hate to burst your expectations because the original poster was banned in May 2013. Therefore he will not respond to you.
It is here up front of the "current" threads because Alanolmstead dredged it up as an "oldie".
If alan dredged it up, then lets let alan answer the questions I asked of 'tommy.'
I am willing to post to alan too.
in the Name of Jesus,
03-02-2014, 04:34 PM
one moment, let me figure out what you are talking about....
03-02-2014, 04:36 PM
ummm.....what would you like to to answer?
Hey I looked and as far as i can tell you were dealing with questions about girl's skirt lengths?...and with nude beaches......
I have very limited opinions of such topics...
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