View Full Version : So is Hank Hanegraff a Good Guy or What Here on this Site?
12-17-2013, 10:50 AM
Status quo please speak up.
Heard he wrestled away CRI from the family. This true?
12-26-2013, 11:55 PM
Ooops. Sorry I ast.
Maybe hit a sore spot. Or the void of possible litigation. Never know in La La Lawyers Land.
12-29-2013, 09:02 AM
I heard the circumstances of his taking over CRI was not good. Hank seems to be in my estimation an ambitious person, lacking in some humility. However, Walter Martin should have prepared his house in order for a smooth transition upon his death. I am grateful that CRI no longer has the rights to Walter Martin's own works; the direction that Hank has gone with CRI seems in a different direction than what Walter Martin intended it.
I think what you have is a lack of participation in the forums due to just the nature of social media trends. I use to post on a regular basis because I grew up listening to Walter Martin. I converted to the Catholic faith, incidentally, by some persuasion of some Catholic posters here. I think after a few tours in Iraq that my participation dropped just to being busy with life. I think the current trend for me was to go to chat rooms instead of forums. But even now, I am being disillusioned by the fact that I am wasting valuable time. I occasionally keep ties with other social media outlets, but would rather learn code for computer languages so I can develop applications and useful tools for my OFS fraternity (I am a Secular Franciscan). If I can develop my coding skills, I can also use this to put into my portfolio when I look for a ***; it is also beneficial because I am learning a valuable skill set and building up the Church.
12-31-2013, 07:19 AM
Yes, well, I was in California serving the Marine Corps back in 1993-1997. I traveled to San Juan Capistrano and purchased all of the tapes of Dr.Walter Martin available at CRI. If you go to CRI's website, those are no longer for sale.
In terms of your encouraging me to investigate the divinity of Christ, this would not be the best forum to discuss it in. I would be happy to discuss it in the Catholic forum as I will naturally point to the Early Church fathers and to scripture; this to me has to do with a consistency of truth as it is maintained over the centuries. I don't believe that the devil has more power over the truth of the Gospel to snuff it out over centuries or even a millennium. One of the aspects of Dr. Walter Martin answering an atheist who stated the quoting of scripture to prove the scripture is circular reasoning because the atheist believed it to be one book. As Church fathers and the Church maintains as God's people after the N. T. Scriptures is also a matter of the consistency of truth over all ages. For me to suggest truth was only maintained in the first century alone demonstrates to me that you believe God's truth can be corrupted. I'd be happy to discuss this elsewhere.
01-23-2014, 01:05 AM
Status quo please speak up.
Heard he wrestled away CRI from the family. This true?
There is much information on the topic. At least 2 of the links I will post are right here on the website. Before coming straight to the Discussion Board section , I would suggest that you visit some of the other sections which are visible on the left side margin of the website on the front page.
I have stated my thoughts/feelings/beliefs on this before, so I will simply say this: I liked Dr. Walter Martin , and his books , lectures , but especially his radio program called: "The Bible Answer Man Program". It aired live on Sa****ay nights on KYMS-FM ( 106. ? ) in Orange, Cal.. It was 2 hours of live-on-the-air questions and answers. Walter Martin usually gave a person a decent , truthful answer about cults/occults/World Religions and various Bible verses-p***ages. I called him at least twice over the years , and he took my call and gave a decent answer ( to a really dorky question on my part ) , and I learned much from him. Many other people did also. The great timing of his program was that it came on the air just after the Live concerts from "Big Calvary' ( C.C.C.M./S.A. Fairview near the 405 Fwy.) ended on KYMS-FM. He got many listeners - either from folks leaving the concert and driving home in their cars and listening or the home listeners. During the week ( Mon-Fri ) his program came on ( recorded ) each day about 11:00 am to 11;30 am. Perfect for me because back then I was working a "Swing Shift" starting about 4:00 pm , so I got to hear good Bible lessons/Apologetics lessons before going into a warehouse working with about 60 some pagans & heathen for 8 hours... Good to get ammo before going into the battle zone . :) !!! Sadly, Walter Martin died and Hank (Hand-in-our-pockets) Hanegraaff wormed his way into C.R.I. and sadly behind the microphone of the "Bible Answer Man Program".
Hanegraaff can't answer a simple question from a caller. He goes into long-winded doofus explanations that sound like he is a Philosophy Major on illegal substances. By the time he has taken one call - 15 minutes are gone , and the caller still does not know anything - except that their phone is stuck to their ear. Short and to your question: NO! The guy is crooked as a dog's hind leg. Read the various links and look for yourself. Staff members at C.R.I. getting about $13,000 per year in wages , yet Hank ( who has no Theological Training , nor an earned degree in Theology or Apologetics ) --- ( Unlike men that used to work at C.R.I. like Prof. Craig Hawkins & Dr. Robert Bowman ) , Hank had C.R.I. pay for a $60,000 blue Lexus for he & his wife. Please read the links. This crook and plagiarist has been active since the day of Walter Martin's funeral in 1989. it is now 2014 and if there were justice in the land - that guy would at very least be working on a road crew wearing an orange jumpsuit - picking up trash along the highways. Prof. Craig Hawkins should have been given the Bible Answer Man microphone , with some visiting experts to help out each week. Walter Martin was a post-Trib / Pre-Mill man, and Ordained Southern Baptist. Hank H. is a raving lunatic hyper 'Preterist" that hates and maligns people that believe in the Pre-Mill Eschatology. Walter Martin NEVER acted or talked like Hanegraaff does about the End Times. He was charitable to other folks. Hank treats Bible-beleivers like idiotic dunces. I gave up listening to him years ago. If you want to hear good stuff , then listen to recordings of Walter Martin on the front page of this website. Don't send one thin dime to Hank or the "new" C.R.I. !
01-23-2014, 01:38 AM
Hello again. Here are some links for you to read. One is a video ( audio ) clip from a good gent: Dr. D. James Kennedy (R.I.P. ), the longtime Pastor of Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church in Florida, and the man that came up with "Evangelism Explosion". Hank got a *** on staff in Florida working with/for "E.E.". He later moved to Atlanta, Georgia and worked on staff at a different church. While there ... ( Listen to and read the links ) he started making his own book. Turns out the thing is a blatant case of Plagiarism. The page layouts and words are almost identical to "Evangelism Explosion". There are many other scandals , lawsuits. A mega-pricey house in a very fancy/exclusive area of south Orange County , Cal. ... all the while the staff at C.R.I. from researchers to mailroom folks were being laid off. I knew & worked with a guy who was ordained & knew another gent also ordained ( this is in So. Cal. ) who was supposed to have gotten the *** as head of C.R.I. after Walter's death, but because of slimey Hank and his trickery - that qualified man with an earned Doctorate in Theology was not allowed in. Hank has gotten away with much wrongness because several Christians don't want to take people to Court.
Note: Not all of the sources of the links are groups or outfits that I endorse. As the saying goes: "Eat the wheat and spit out the chaff". There are even more websites out there on the web that I did not link to , because some of them were a bit strange and/or goofy / kooky themselves.
02-23-2014, 09:15 PM
One of the problems is that ministries like the one Walter Martin had going , are mostly tied to the one guy (Walter Martin) and him alone.
This means that there was no authority that Walter was under...
Thus you will get the mess that happened when Walter died.
This also is one of the main reasons why the catholic church has learned to not allow their guys to get married.
Not being married means that the wife and sons do not think they own the church...and so they dont have to fight over control of the church, and the other property that the catholic church might own in each town.
But when you are the top authority of your own ministry like Walter was, and then you die, , suddenly all the people that you had employed, or were related to some way, or even just were around part time are going to be looking at the empty spot and thinking that they might be able to "step-in" and take over.
The big prize here is that because Walter was kinda the boss/owner, any person that does move in and take over will also be the new boss/owner.
Clearly after the dust settled we ended up with Hank in charge.
Now Hank has done a fine ***....he has kept the ministry going, and he has been a great source for information and a place for people to call-in and get their questions answered.
Yes, he is not as good as Walter was...But lets face it, Walter was one-of-a-kind.
Hank has a few views where he has changed what the ministry teaches on a few issues....(none for the better I might add)
But for the most part the answers you get from Hank are in agreement with the answers we received from Martin.
My only advice would be for hank to provide a means of p***ing on the work to the next generation that is clear-cut and will lead to everyone not being so concerned with how the next Bible Answer man got his ***....
If you talk with any of the former CRI employees (years ago, I spoke with Dr. Ron Rhodes, Paul Carden, and Ken Samples) Walter Martin built CRI to succeed him, and not be a legacy to his memory. This is probably how HHH horned himself into the position he holds today... that and Walter's mortality showed itself before he had named a successor or successors (which I believe he had in mind an authoritative head with a committee as equal leaders of Christian Research Ins***ute). For Martin it was all about the ministry of waking up the Body Christian to the Truth in scripture and the defense of the True faith. IMHO HHH is an opportunist.
02-23-2014, 09:19 PM
HHH has fallen for Preterism and that is an anti-prophetic heresy at best and the basis of the falling away in the end times at worst.
Partial Preterism is a cop out since they must use Futurist reasoning as to why they are not Full Preterists. And both pooh pooh the Great Tribulation (a time people need warning about second only to eternal doom after death for unbelievers). Preterism relegates this terrible time to a past fulfillment.
02-23-2014, 09:27 PM
On the topic of Walter and evolution...
Even as brilliant as he was, and rarely programmed / brain washed with the teaching of the education establishment... everyone is bound to come out of that system with some of the atheistic icky on them because the system is so profusely anti-God.
When the truth is revealed that the most reliable dating method is only reliable to 5,000 years past and the rest is mathematical speculation (like the seven year old who asks how tall they were ten years ago), and the repeated fraud and artistic license used to demonstrate / illustrate evolution and /or the billions and billions of years (which goes against the physical evidence we actually have and is downplayed or hidden by the media and the education establishment)... and how evolutionists themselves admit it isn't even a good theory... let alone worthy of being taught as fact by the media and education establishment...
Kowtowing by Christians to the religion of evolution is ridiculous and absurd!
02-24-2014, 06:41 AM
On the topic of Walter and evolution...
Even as brilliant as he was, and rarely programmed / brain washed with the teaching of the education establishment... everyone is bound to come out of that system with some of the atheistic icky on them because the system is so profusely anti-God.
When the truth is revealed that the most reliable dating method is only reliable to 5,000 years past and the rest is mathematical speculation (like the seven year old who asks how tall they were ten years ago), and the repeated fraud and artistic license used to demonstrate / illustrate evolution and /or the billions and billions of years (which goes against the physical evidence we actually have and is downplayed or hidden by the media and the education establishment)... and how evolutionists themselves admit it isn't even a good theory... let alone worthy of being taught as fact by the media and education establishment...
Kowtowing by Christians to the religion of evolution is ridiculous and absurd!
Well said, Johnd.
04-01-2017, 07:51 AM
now that a lot of time has p***ed, and things are going along in a normal way, I have had a chance to visit the Bible Answer Man call-in show a few times as presented in recordings on the web.
and here is my conclusion to what Im hearing now with the show being run by Hank, compared to when I used to never miss hearing a show under Walter.
My conclusion is = I really miss Walter.
Yes, the show is still doing a lot of good....yes people with questions are still getting very good answers.
But man do you find yourself wanting someone else to take over the show after you listen to Hank a while!
The truth is, Walter had another guy do a lot of his guest hosting when Walter was out of town....his name was Ken Samples.
Samples was the guy I really wish would have taken the show over after Walter's p***ing.
I never heard much from Ken later?
I have no idea what direction he went in?
09-08-2017, 10:57 PM
as of late, Hank is fighting cancer, or something like that.
I ***ume that the recent events in his life (Like turning his back on many things) are connected as he slowly goes crazy from worry and medial treatments...
I do not judge him as guilty of walking away from the teachings he received from Walter, I just consider him to be "sick" and hope he gets better all ways.....
11-18-2017, 06:36 AM
what I have been reading about Hank in the media as of late, tends to show us that underneath Hank has really gone down a dark path.
We all have watched this happen...
I have seen recently that Hank has once again taken steps that are so clearly in the wrong direction that we are now in need of "Telling the church" to avoid him ....or to ignore him...
Not because we are afraid of him, but rather it's because he simply is getting more and more rude....more and more disrespectful to others...and his teachings are drifting too far from the Bible....too far from what Walter Martin taught.
This does not mean that as of right now I think the whole BIBLE ANSWER MAN websites and shows are too bad to refer others to yet.
But it does now show me that Hank "as a person" is drifting away from the core teachings of the church as he , for whatever reason, (anger, age, sickness, cancer?) just becomes a bad example of a trustworthy bible answer guy...
12-17-2017, 06:32 PM
I do not know much about the man except I did read one or two of his books. his answers were not that great so I gave the books away
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