View Full Version : Harry Potter and the Occult

07-26-2014, 09:59 PM
I am reading the Kingdom of the Occult, and like it very much. It is a tremendous blessing, and I thank the authors for their diligent research and contribution to this field of knowledge and apologetical information. But I don't agree with everything. For example, the claim that the weeping icon in New York is demonic.
I have some knowledge about Harry Potter that may ***ist your ministry to occultists.


The Pagan Federation of England said that Potter's fame has given credibility to the religion of witchcraft, attracting thousands of enquirers.

Witchcraft is the fastest growing religion among teenagers.

Co-authors of Harry Potter and the Global Child explain the dangers of desensitizing children to the dangers of the occult and pagan philosophy taught in Harry Potter's Hogwarts school of Witchcraft.

Bill Schnoebelen, a former Mason, said children are being desensitized to the weirdness quotient. He calls it Witchcraft 101.

Almost 50 percent of teens polled have seen the first Harry Potter movie or read the books. Out of the teens polled, 53 percent are between the ages of 13 and 14. 12 percent of those exposed to Potter said they were interested in Witchcraft. Of those 12 percent, 4 percent said they were a lot more interested in Witchcraft. 8 percent were a little more interested as a result of one of the books or movie. Even though this accounts for a small amount of teenagers, it's still about 5 percent of all U.S. teens. More than a million students say that they were more interested in witchcraft as a result of Harry Potter.

(Source: video "The Gods Of Entertainment" -- Caryl Matrisciana). If you see this video, use caution because some ungodly images are used.

"The old dread and fear of the serpent is being subtly removed from our culture" --Caryl Matriciana.

Several articles about Harry Potter on Marcia Montenegro's website.

A book by Richard Abanes.

A book by Michael O'Brien.
http://www.amazon.com/Potter-Paganization-Culture-Michael-OBrien/dp/8362207019/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1387759118&sr=8-1&keywords=harry+potter+and+the+paganization+of+cult ure

An overview of Harry Potter.

Montenegro has an article on each Harry Potter book (except book 6, which she wrote about briefly in her article on book 7) and an article on each Harry Potter movie. Go to this page and look under Book Evaluations for the articles on the books and under Movie Evaluations for the movie articles.

Another piece of important information. Llewellyn publishers supply more books in America on the Occult, than any other publisher. Their sales have increased since Harry Potter was published.

Potter is nothing other than subtle initiation into the realm of the Occult and the Kingdom of darkness.

07-26-2014, 10:01 PM
I also recommend Craig Hawkin's book, "Witchcraft: Exploring the World of Wicca,". I've read it twice. :)

07-27-2014, 05:21 AM
I also recommend Craig Hawkin's book, "Witchcraft: Exploring the World of Wicca,". I've read it twice. :)

I have not even attempted to see any of the HP releases, so, I suppose I was awaiting a verifiable report. Thanks. For having a young Notre Dame aspiring authoress s-daughter of mine who has shored up heavily on HP and now is in that stage of vascilation for any similar releases of her own, I now have a better response for our one-on-one time if the time is right.

07-27-2014, 10:12 AM
I read that there is a new book just finished where Harry Potter and his friends are all in their 30s.....

07-28-2014, 05:07 PM
I read that there is a new book just finished where Harry Potter and his friends are all in their 30s.....

Another reminder that I have very little concept of time. Weren't they in their mid-teens when the first movie was released?

Howdy Alan! :)

07-31-2014, 02:48 AM
I agree with most of the content of the Kingdom of the Occult, but as an Orthodox Christian, I cannot agree with the idea that Jesus' death on the cross appeased the wrath of an angry God. The book says something to that effect. To learn the Orthodox position, read "Moral Idea of the Main Dogmas of the Faith," by Antony Khrapovitsky. See especially, the chapter on the dogma of redemption.

08-08-2014, 06:18 PM
The book claims that a weeping icon of the Blessed Virgin in New York is demonic. No argument or reason for this ***umption was given. In fact, there are no good reasons to believe it is demonic, only Evangelical presuppositions and iconoclasm. The Holy Spirit guides the councils. We see this at the council in Jerusalem..." It seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us."...(Acts 15:28). This motif is used for the later councils. The Seventh Ecumenical Council (787) officially approved of the use of icons. The iconoclasts (icon haters) were condemned as heretics. So many miracles, and so much grace has come through miracle working icons through the centuries. Evangelicals and Protestants are missing out.

What is an Icon?

I also resent the persistent use of the phrase "the Church." Evangelicals and Protestants are not the Church, they're not even a part of it. They are outside the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church.

As a side note, I am Pilgrim1411. I changed my name.

08-09-2014, 06:35 AM
I think all "weeping" icons are FAKE....

08-09-2014, 07:47 AM
I think all "weeping" icons are FAKE....

last post here untill Monday again?...........

08-11-2014, 10:34 PM
I think all "weeping" icons are FAKE....

Since you have not seen all weeping icons, how can you be so certain? There have been many real weeping icons in history.

08-11-2014, 10:35 PM
Another problem I have with the book, is it's rejection of Geocentrism. Robert Sungenis and Dr. Bennett have written a m***ive refutation of Helliocentrism. Read "Galileo Was Wrong: The Church Was Right," by Robert Sungenis. Helliocentrism has never been proved. It's only a theory.

08-16-2014, 06:19 PM
I finished "The Kingdom of the Occult' a couple days ago. Now I'm reading "The New Evidence that Demands a Verdict,' by Josh McDowell, and "On Guard," by Bill Craig.

08-17-2014, 05:10 AM
Its no surprise actually, with movies like harry porter. Many teems are trying to get involved in occult.

08-29-2014, 10:06 PM
I agree with the main substance of "The Kingdom of the Occult,' but I have minor disagreements. For example, I would not cl***ify all clairvoyants as demonic (not sure the book does this). Many of our Orthodox saints and elders are clairvoyant, and can read souls and see their sins. This is a gift from God. Also, the book claims that Christians cannot be demon possessed, and I think they cite this p***age:

"What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?" (1Corinthians 6:19).

Just because the temple is of the Holy Ghost, doesn't prove that it cannot be possessed. The temple is also full of sin, yet the Holy Spirit dwells there to some degree. We can push the Holy Ghost away through our sins.

08-30-2014, 05:42 AM
there is no support found in the bible for a christian being possessed......
All the so-called proof is from outside the text.

because there is no case of a Christian being possessed in the Bible, and because all the evidence that this does happen is from non-bible sources, I have to say that Mr Martin stands on a lot firmer ground on this question...

08-31-2014, 03:41 AM

09-09-2014, 11:13 PM
there is no support found in the bible for a christian being possessed......
All the so-called proof is from outside the text.

You have a misunderstanding of the nature of Scripture. It's a history of divine revelation. It does not claim to contain everything about spiritual life. We know Christians can be possessed. See this video. A man had a demon of pros***ution.

Protestants misinterpret biblical p***ages.

09-10-2014, 04:19 AM
Im sure if you had any bible verses that even hinted such a teaching that you would be banging on pots and pans to tell me about them....

however lacking any support in the text at all, people that are so invested in such ideas being true they will turn to downplaying the Bible's importance in the effort to raise up wild stories of personal experience.

In my view, a story about a Christian being possessed should take its rightful place next to a stories about UFOs and BigFoot, as subjects whispered about a campfire....

09-10-2014, 11:00 PM
You have a misunderstanding of the nature of Scripture. It's a history of divine revelation. It does not claim to contain everything about spiritual life. We know Christians can be possessed. See this video. A man had a demon of pros***ution.

Demons for sure cannot tolerate praise in Jesus name, prayer in Jesus name but I failed to see where the young man in the story in the video was a Christian.

Protestants misinterpret biblical p***ages.

There aren't that many p***ages dealing with this topic. Feel free to post the relevant p***ages and how they are misinterpreted.


03-12-2017, 06:31 AM
so what Im saying is that there just is no real support for the idea that Christians can be possessed by the devil.
In defending that idea the other side says, "But look at this video"

So this comes down to a total lack of any support outside what can be seen in a video?

A video is nice,...but is it proof?

this sounds like when I was in grade school and there was another kid that said "Bigfoot was real"

I told him that I read that at no place have they ever found a dead Bigfoot body rotting, nor any bones of long dead bodies, nor any fur, nor any real proof that you could take to a scientist to say this was a "Bigfoot" and nothing else..

yet the kid answered and said, "But I saw a movie about it on TV"

It seems that we have turned over the study of serious things to, movie makers?