View Full Version : Ken Ham: A major threat to the Christian Faith.
08-11-2014, 05:59 PM
Band leader called to apologize by Ham
Baptist Press | Aug 11, 2014
PETERSBURG, Ky. (BP) -- Dove-Award winning artist Michael Gungor needs to apologize for his blogposts criticizing theologians for believing in the literal interpretation of the book of Genesis and its account of Noah's Ark, creationist Ken Ham told Baptist Press.
Gungor's recent statements are particularly damaging because they may mislead youth and discourage them from accepting the Gospel of salvation, said Ham, founder of Answers in Genesis and the Creation Museum in Petersburg, Ky.
"Jesus referred to Noah's day and Noah as a real person. So then he's calling Jesus a liar, because if Genesis is not true, if it's just a myth, if it's not true, then Jesus is a liar, because Jesus quoted about the flood," Ham said, "and Peter is a liar, and Paul is a liar, because they all quoted Genesis."
Gungor, leader of the Christian band Gungor, lost a September booking at a Baptist church after news spread of his February blogpost claiming Genesis is not factual. Gungor wrote follow-up posts August 6 and 8 ***led "I'm With You," calling "crazy" any educated theologian who believes Genesis is literal. Gungor's blogposts are at
"All this to say, when I say to the fundamentalist, 'I'm with you,' I am not being flip or sarcastic," Gungor wrote in a blog post. "I am saying this because I used to stand as a fundamentalist myself and felt threatened by anything more complex than a simple reading of the biblical text.
"I would be very surprised to find a single respected and educated theologian or biblical scholar that believes that one MUST read Noah's flood completely literally down to the last detail to be 'orthodox,'" he wrote. "That's crazy! So why does this happen? Why do some fundamentalists create this dichotomy where you must either BELIEVE THE BIBLE (meaning that you take everything literally no matter what science says) or say that it's a lie?"
Ham said Gungor should be called to account for his statements.
"This blog is not a respectable discussion," Ham told Baptist Press.
"... He needs to be told that he needs to apologize for the tone of the article and the way he attacked Christians who believe God's word in Genesis and believe in Noah's flood. He needs to apologize for that and he needs to write in a respectable way."
08-26-2014, 04:52 PM
Ken Ham is a blasphemer and should be boycotted by all decent and concerned Christians. Ken has succeeded in making fools out of his gullible following of six day creationists. But that's not the real problem. There will always be easy to deceive members of the Faith Community.
The problem that Mr. Ham has created deals with the unsustainable position he adamantly maintains in pushing a literal ,scientific interpretation of Genesis.
It can't be done no matter how you present it or slice it. His museum is totally laughable and merely offers display cases of extinct animals ,claiming they provide proof of the Biblical Flood Story.
But more importantly Ken mocks the founder of the Christian Faith and also ridicules the Gospel by turning it into a comic book , based on a comic book theology. A theology which claims that the plan of salvation and the terrible suffering and sadistic death of Christ was due to Adam and Eve eating the wrong fruit of a forbidden to eat from tree. This is what makes a mockery of redemption by blood atonement.
Thanks Ken for destroying the Christian faith and making the scoffers ,scoff a little bit more .
08-26-2014, 05:48 PM
Ken Ham is a blasphemer and should be boycotted by all decent and concerned Christians. Ken has succeeded in making fools out of his gullible following of six day creationists. But that's not the real problem. There will always be easy to deceive members of the Faith Community.
The problem that Mr. Ham has created deals with the unsustainable position he adamantly maintains in pushing a literal ,scientific interpretation of Genesis.
It can't be done no matter how you present it or slice it. His museum is totally laughable and merely offers display cases of extinct animals ,claiming they provide proof of the Biblical Flood Story.
But more importantly Ken mocks the founder of the Christian Faith and also ridicules the Gospel by turning it into a comic book , based on a comic book theology. A theology which claims that the plan of salvation and the terrible suffering and sadistic death of Christ was due to Adam and Eve eating the wrong fruit of a forbidden to eat from tree. This is what makes a mockery of redemption by blood atonement.
Thanks Ken for destroying the Christian faith and making the scoffers ,scoff a little bit more .
Everything you have just written is Nonsense and slander against a Godly Man. Are you trying to Troll these forums ?
Your whole rant is nothing but Lies Upon Lies.
08-26-2014, 05:49 PM
Seriously though, at this point it is clear that you are just trying to Troll the Forums.
08-26-2014, 05:51 PM
as for Ken Ham.....I believe I am the only on this forum that can speak from a personal pov as to what Mr ham teaches..
I attended a ORIGINS 8-week cl*** that Mr Ken Ham taught personally.
I have heard all his teachings, and listened to all the proofs that he lists to support his views.
I just felt he was dead wrong about most of the stuff....
08-28-2014, 04:03 PM
as for Ken Ham.....I believe I am the only on this forum that can speak from a personal pov as to what Mr ham teaches..
I attended a ORIGINS 8-week cl*** that Mr Ken Ham taught personally.
I have heard all his teachings, and listened to all the proofs that he lists to support his views.
I just felt he was dead wrong about most of the stuff....
And there are many more who feel the same way. Ken is a religion hustler taking advantage of all the credulous living in places such as Milton ,Florida, or Chattanooga , or Mobile and even in the Mid-west. As soon as the money dries up ,that will be the end of Mr. Canned Ham.
All he is ,is a money bag real estate theme park mogul who actually stole the idea of a Creation museum and a Noah's ark exhibition from the PTL CLUB of yesterday's televangelist swindlers.
08-28-2014, 05:04 PM
And there are many more who feel the same way. Ken is a religion hustler taking advantage of all the credulous living in places such as Milton ,Florida, or Chattanooga , or Mobile and even in the Mid-west. As soon as the money dries up ,that will be the end of Mr. Canned Ham.
All he is ,is a money bag real estate theme park mogul who actually stole the idea of a Creation museum and a Noah's ark exhibition from the PTL CLUB of yesterday's televangelist swindlers.
More slander. You really should stop Trolling.
08-28-2014, 05:15 PM
The biggest swindle Ken is pulling over the eyes of everyone is his Noah's ark joke. Here he gets all kinds of tax preferences while other businesses have to pick up the load and carry water for Ken's big Joke on America,
08-28-2014, 07:26 PM
I actually got to attend a 4th of July part of my church home fellowship group and Mr Ken Ham came and was part of the fun we had that day.
i remember I played against him in volley ball...he was very good at it by the way...
and I remember he was a nice guy to talk to person to person.
So I totally reject the idea that he was a bad person.
I dont object to Mr Ken Ham personality, but I do disagree with all his conclusions about the Young Earth and about Creationism..
As I said, I personally was taught by Ken Ham when he came for 8 weeks and taught us in my Bible cl***.
I have personal experience about the man, his teachings, and his style.
I have no issues with his Christian faith or how he maintains his manners , even when pressed .
I have no issues with his Christian faith, nor do I find fault with the idea of his working hard to earn a buck.....
i jst disagree with all his Young earth stuff....and this is a side-issue within the Christian church so we should not 'bicker' over it, but we also should feel free to toss out our own opinions on the matter too
08-28-2014, 10:19 PM
Well, I don't know about Ken Ham, but according to the evidence in the Greenland GISP2 ice core, the Noahic flood was not worldwide.
I know that YECs like to claim that the Grand Canyon was a result of the Noahic flood, but it could easily be explained by major LOCAL floods, as could all major canyons in the US, like Pecos, Black, and Santa Elena canyons.
BTW, these evidences do not in any way hinder my faith in Christ. I think Ham's statement is extremely exaggerated.
08-29-2014, 02:46 PM
Well, I don't know about Ken Ham, but according to the evidence in the Greenland GISP2 ice core, the Noahic flood was not worldwide.
I know that YECs like to claim that the Grand Canyon was a result of the Noahic flood, but it could easily be explained by major LOCAL floods, as could all major canyons in the US, like Pecos, Black, and Santa Elena canyons.
BTW, these evidences do not in any way hinder my faith in Christ. I think Ham's statement is extremely exaggerated.
I would agree that Ken Ham can be a very affable and genuine sounding person;all con artists do or they wouldn't be able to do what they do on all the gullible in society.
Not for long that is.
Ham started out in Australia and they tell me that Aussie and Kiwis are not really that devoted to Christian ideas and lifestyle..
But for Ham australia was devoid of money making opportunities in the Christian religion m*** media business ,so,after being told that America was the mother lode in gullible ,believe anything Christian devotees ,he packed his bags and like an airborne virus he infected a new generation of easy to trick pseudo christian roobs;the fundamentalists.
The fundies hate science to begin with ,so it wasn't that difficult to pit them against evolutionists and so on. Had it not been for satellite photos ,he would've pushed the flat earth theory on them and would've built a museum to prove it. Afterall who would argue that the earth looks flat when you look at it ,so it really must be.
And so it came to p*** that Ham found himself with some incredible opportunities to create a Genesis based theme park and take advantage of the usual suspects.
The idea actually wasn't even his but was the idea of the PTL club and Jim Bakker who wanted to build a disney style park for families to see the bible in flashy exhibits. Another moneymaker for the T.V. crowd!
But Ham will disappear once enough folks really understand how he operates.
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