View Full Version : Great Message On The Trinity
12-04-2014, 10:06 PM
This is a great message on the Trinity by Dr. J. Reynolds Hoffman:
12-04-2014, 10:31 PM
One of the numerous good points Dr. Hoffman makes in this message, is about the 2 primary Hebrew words for "one." The first word is 'echaad, which is nearly always translated "one." While it normally denotes one person, place, or thing, there are a great MANY places where MORE than one person, place, or thing is described as "one." One example is Genesis 2:24, where God says the man & woman shall cleave to one another, and become "one flesh." Also, in Genesis 11:6, God says that all these people have become "one." In Numbers 13:23, the 12 spies bring back a branch with "one" cluster of grapes. And then in the ultimate Jewish statement of faith in the ONE true God, it is said, "Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD." The word used here is 'echaad, the Hebrew word for one that quite often designates several persons, places or things spoken of as "one."
The other Hebrew word used to mean "one" is yachid. One example of its use is when God tells Abraham to take His "only" son Isaac. Eight times in the Old Testament, yachid is translated "only." Twice it is translated "my darling," and once it is translated "solitary." Once it is also translated "desolate."
John T
12-05-2014, 01:35 PM
This is a great message on the Trinity by Dr. J. Reynolds Hoffman:
You might believe that it is "great"; however, since the audio quality is not good, it is too much of a chore to listen for an hour.
This guy is a "Sabbath-keeping" FORMER SDA pastor.
12-05-2014, 02:04 PM
I will have a listen tonight and see. ..
12-06-2014, 10:07 AM
I listened and my view of the recording is....
Not bad!
Its just a recording of a bible sermon, and so when you judge it in that light , its not all that bad of a thing to listen to.
The recording quality is not all that bad, its easy enough to listen to, and its easy to understand the words spoken and follow along with the message of the speaker.
12-06-2014, 01:50 PM
From part of the message:
The names of God:
1. El denotes the idea of power.
2. Elohim is the plural form of El.
3. El-Shaddai is God Almighty
4. Adon is singular, the idea of authority.
5. Adonai is plural.
6. Lord Sabaoth is the Lord of hosts, meaning He is everybody’s God.
7. The Lord is the Rock, the Rock of our salvation. He is dependable, unmoveable, unchangeable.
8. The Lord Is My Shepherd, this shows His tender care.
9. Yahweh is the Hebrew “I am,” the tetragrammaton, Jehovah. It conveys His eternal nature. He was, He is, He is to come.
The Second Person of the Godhead is the Son of the First Person of the Godhead, ONLY because of the virgin birth. The Father is only greater than the Son, within His earthly nature. But in terms of His heavenly nature, Phil. 2 teaches us that He was equal with God. He set aside this equality, in order to be born as a man.
12-18-2014, 09:33 PM
One of the numerous good points Dr. Hoffman makes in this message, is about the 2 primary Hebrew words for "one." The first word is 'echaad, which is nearly always translated "one." While it normally denotes one person, place, or thing, there are a great MANY places where MORE than one person, place, or thing is described as "one." One example is Genesis 2:24, where God says the man & woman shall cleave to one another, and become "one flesh."
Interesting and Good Post.
04-10-2015, 02:28 AM
This is a great message on the Trinity by Dr. J. Reynolds Hoffman:
The speaker reminds me a little of Donald Grey Barnhouse and Peter Marshall Sr. and a bit like (oh man his name escapes me... who had a Boston accent)... {smile}
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