03-22-2016, 07:01 PM
That blessed helper, and only acceptable might, the Holy Spirit.
A mighty fortification within I like to think of it, that which happens to the Christian when God’s spiritual blessing begins to form within us. I propose to you here that when a person hungers after the Lord with this specific potential God gives, that is quite an undertaking and varied under His complete guidance. I would like to cover here this aspect spoken of in the word of God concerning our proximity to the Holy Spirit, also referred to as the Holy Ghost which are the same.
Tender greetings, the goal here is towards not just the knowledge of His agent, the Holy Spirit and His office of work, but how we may access, or remove the barriers and be a vibrant part of that work. My hope here, how this might possibly benefit the Christian, I would find an exceptional privilege.
Could it be possible God still blesses His people in such a manner as it is detailed in the word to be “filled” and to receive specific “gifts” rewarded to each who believes in this particular instruction? As the Holy Spirit lives and testifies of those who speak the truth in God, this most certainly is a gift from God and still happens. Can it be true, that the Spirit brings God’s power and joy to the Christian, power to be His light and witness to a fallen world with an infectious and overcoming joy? What are the circumstances surrounding this thing that blesses or entertains upon His leading?
“Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, ,” (Ephesians 3:20)
Through this journey, as though being escorted by your own personal surveyor / inspector to your inherited estate, He, the Holy Spirit it is who helps unveil those things God has already provided. He gets it and fully understands every last s**** of all our needs and abilities for which to use, for you and me personally to the glory of God!
I have loosely divided this into two sections, the first one is more random thoughts I have acquired along the way, and then closing with a more orderly ***ortment of references. I’m sure many here could match or exceed this (in fact, please do make additions). But I just wanted to invite any reading these comments of mine here to feel free to isolate, correct or qualify for fuller and decidedly established submissions, or just vent a general response for any and all, it is open for your comment, God bless.
Hopefully, I can answer a few of these concerns here:
• What it is,
• Why we need it,
• Examples in everyday life,
• What to do if we have squelched its power to help us.
It is unfortunate how many of us have given the subject a large p*** and by this are in effect telling God; “You are able, not me.” will hardly seize the power we are told of for “all” the others. Maybe not quite this bad in most cases, but, in what follows, I believe we can address these too if I haven’t already.
• Where do I begin
• Should I feel its fullness
• Should I guard against going too far
• What environment makes for spiritual
• Trappings that disturb His communion
Why should we want it? Well, for one thing is just as the scriptures declare, the will of God isn’t meant to be performed solely by human strength:
“Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.”
(Ephesians 6:10)
As you may have noticed, I thought it would be easier at times to digest this into two evaluations along the way, real-world application and the fuller inspection in God’s word, as there are times when the need to discuss both from point to point would occur.
As it is a habit I feel with so many, whatever it takes for me to respond to receiving His might, my might wanting His might isn’t a scratch-and-claw admonition. The victories gained in this life take more than what mankind can possibly conjure. If there is some type of inward blockade I prefer to maintain that keeps us from receiving that power, then we reduce ourselves back to human ability.
Just as with so many threads on life in the Spirit, applications of the Spirit, gifts of the Spirit, followings, leanings, and refusals of the gifts some believe no longer remain, why would I take it upon myself to disclose for others my own findings? Well, there are some reasons.
One thing that always challenged my understanding was concerning the approach itself. Whatever body of believers you presently keep to, anyone whom steps into the instructional tier concerning the Holy Spirit, should also of the Spirit have at the very minimum most of the scriptural confines explaining Him, but, I would like you to consider for better positioning, someone to transfer the available findings more fully. If this is unacceptable to you but don’t wish to comment, you have my blessing. What kind of findings?
Take the claims presented to us by the modern Pentecostal movement, this site alone is no stranger at absorbing their points in bulk. Few of us would be surprised to hear them report while discussing the Spirit that His enablement is held as “More than human greatness”. I question here, this is supposed to be the extent of their humility aside from the scriptural lineup, that the “greater” demonstration of His power happens when we unravel all the ***ociated p***ages in the word, claim all the right verbiage? These may be good, but miss the objective.
All the best memory devises doesn’t make approaching the Spirit necessarily easier nor more likely. While we should “study”, scriptural retention to hasten being filled is easily disproven from the scriptures themselves. The humility of insignificant “human greatness” is brought lower still when we heed the Master’s voice.
"If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him?" (Luke 11:13)
This is the one thing I feel is often missed in Holy Spirit messages that shower receptive congregants. For notice the servant’s “wretched man that I am” condition. Thank God for higher learning, it is sometimes heaven on earth to see it on display. But it isn’t the A.B., M.A., Th.B., B.D., D.R.E., Ph.D. of “human greatness” bestowing a syllabus that will approach the Spirit. The speaker is advised of the Lord here to maintain the Apostle’s humble example/tradition which becomes the Christian’s laying on of hands (Catholic – Confirmation, Orthodox - Chrismation).
“He stood beside me and”, , “laying his hands on him he said, “Brother Saul, the Lord Jesus who appeared to you on the road by which you came has sent me so that you may regain your sight and be filled with the Holy Spirit.” (Acts 22:13, 9:17)
But there is something more to Luke I’d like to mention, the environment there, how that an informal occasion is used for delivery of the request. Not to say the formal wouldn’t happen, but it probably would and be blessed of God, but elevation is granted to the informal. Another thing is Pentecostals love to reference by asking did you receive the “baptism” more than asking if you received the “Holy Ghost”, or were you “filled” as the scriptures prefer in p***ing. While indeed there are text on the “baptism”, for whatever the reason, just a note to guard against bias there or anywhere you see something used in a promotional sense. I am a bit of a stickler for the all-encomp***ing word of God.
I have often heard from those who stand in opposition to abandon such request for being “filled” or receiving the Spirit. That being a certain apprehension thereby placing them in a list of “What-ifs?” “What if I am inviting something other than what God wants for me?” The inner rec***ude to shield themselves while being unsure is undeserved fear. To which I must ask in earnest; which do you trust more, your doubts or what God says about this exact thing, your doubt on receiving the actual Holy Spirit?
“So I say to you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. “For everyone who asks, receives; and he who seeks, finds; and to him who knocks, it will be opened. “Now suppose one of you fathers is asked by his son for a fish; he will not give him a snake instead of a fish, will he? “Or if he is asked for an egg, he will not give him a scorpion, will he? “If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him?” (Luke 11:9-13)
This might be as good a time as any to touch on what the newcomer will encounter in the day-to-day willingness coming from their chosen places of worship. It’s a bit like the Amish and their exposure to the outside world; they allow just so many modern conveniences per their respective sects, some are scant if at all, some do tweak those per individual houses of worship.
So it is with the spectrum of Churches, some, which may have a tradition that is so well founded but that I am not aware of, may find have will have to uproot some things. We rise up to support each other.
Many are well familiar with the teaching of having the Holy Spirit upon conversion of which we all should agree:
“Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.” (Rom 8:9)
What about when a Christian is new to the faith, should he seek an infilling of the Spirit right away? The scriptures conclude men did in the book of Acts. The younger ones may need time to grow, again judgment to be exercised.
Continued (http://www.waltermartin.com/forums/showthread.php?3917-Lifting-the-Presence-to-Might-pt2), ,
A mighty fortification within I like to think of it, that which happens to the Christian when God’s spiritual blessing begins to form within us. I propose to you here that when a person hungers after the Lord with this specific potential God gives, that is quite an undertaking and varied under His complete guidance. I would like to cover here this aspect spoken of in the word of God concerning our proximity to the Holy Spirit, also referred to as the Holy Ghost which are the same.
Tender greetings, the goal here is towards not just the knowledge of His agent, the Holy Spirit and His office of work, but how we may access, or remove the barriers and be a vibrant part of that work. My hope here, how this might possibly benefit the Christian, I would find an exceptional privilege.
Could it be possible God still blesses His people in such a manner as it is detailed in the word to be “filled” and to receive specific “gifts” rewarded to each who believes in this particular instruction? As the Holy Spirit lives and testifies of those who speak the truth in God, this most certainly is a gift from God and still happens. Can it be true, that the Spirit brings God’s power and joy to the Christian, power to be His light and witness to a fallen world with an infectious and overcoming joy? What are the circumstances surrounding this thing that blesses or entertains upon His leading?
“Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, ,” (Ephesians 3:20)
Through this journey, as though being escorted by your own personal surveyor / inspector to your inherited estate, He, the Holy Spirit it is who helps unveil those things God has already provided. He gets it and fully understands every last s**** of all our needs and abilities for which to use, for you and me personally to the glory of God!
I have loosely divided this into two sections, the first one is more random thoughts I have acquired along the way, and then closing with a more orderly ***ortment of references. I’m sure many here could match or exceed this (in fact, please do make additions). But I just wanted to invite any reading these comments of mine here to feel free to isolate, correct or qualify for fuller and decidedly established submissions, or just vent a general response for any and all, it is open for your comment, God bless.
Hopefully, I can answer a few of these concerns here:
• What it is,
• Why we need it,
• Examples in everyday life,
• What to do if we have squelched its power to help us.
It is unfortunate how many of us have given the subject a large p*** and by this are in effect telling God; “You are able, not me.” will hardly seize the power we are told of for “all” the others. Maybe not quite this bad in most cases, but, in what follows, I believe we can address these too if I haven’t already.
• Where do I begin
• Should I feel its fullness
• Should I guard against going too far
• What environment makes for spiritual
• Trappings that disturb His communion
Why should we want it? Well, for one thing is just as the scriptures declare, the will of God isn’t meant to be performed solely by human strength:
“Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.”
(Ephesians 6:10)
As you may have noticed, I thought it would be easier at times to digest this into two evaluations along the way, real-world application and the fuller inspection in God’s word, as there are times when the need to discuss both from point to point would occur.
As it is a habit I feel with so many, whatever it takes for me to respond to receiving His might, my might wanting His might isn’t a scratch-and-claw admonition. The victories gained in this life take more than what mankind can possibly conjure. If there is some type of inward blockade I prefer to maintain that keeps us from receiving that power, then we reduce ourselves back to human ability.
Just as with so many threads on life in the Spirit, applications of the Spirit, gifts of the Spirit, followings, leanings, and refusals of the gifts some believe no longer remain, why would I take it upon myself to disclose for others my own findings? Well, there are some reasons.
One thing that always challenged my understanding was concerning the approach itself. Whatever body of believers you presently keep to, anyone whom steps into the instructional tier concerning the Holy Spirit, should also of the Spirit have at the very minimum most of the scriptural confines explaining Him, but, I would like you to consider for better positioning, someone to transfer the available findings more fully. If this is unacceptable to you but don’t wish to comment, you have my blessing. What kind of findings?
Take the claims presented to us by the modern Pentecostal movement, this site alone is no stranger at absorbing their points in bulk. Few of us would be surprised to hear them report while discussing the Spirit that His enablement is held as “More than human greatness”. I question here, this is supposed to be the extent of their humility aside from the scriptural lineup, that the “greater” demonstration of His power happens when we unravel all the ***ociated p***ages in the word, claim all the right verbiage? These may be good, but miss the objective.
All the best memory devises doesn’t make approaching the Spirit necessarily easier nor more likely. While we should “study”, scriptural retention to hasten being filled is easily disproven from the scriptures themselves. The humility of insignificant “human greatness” is brought lower still when we heed the Master’s voice.
"If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him?" (Luke 11:13)
This is the one thing I feel is often missed in Holy Spirit messages that shower receptive congregants. For notice the servant’s “wretched man that I am” condition. Thank God for higher learning, it is sometimes heaven on earth to see it on display. But it isn’t the A.B., M.A., Th.B., B.D., D.R.E., Ph.D. of “human greatness” bestowing a syllabus that will approach the Spirit. The speaker is advised of the Lord here to maintain the Apostle’s humble example/tradition which becomes the Christian’s laying on of hands (Catholic – Confirmation, Orthodox - Chrismation).
“He stood beside me and”, , “laying his hands on him he said, “Brother Saul, the Lord Jesus who appeared to you on the road by which you came has sent me so that you may regain your sight and be filled with the Holy Spirit.” (Acts 22:13, 9:17)
But there is something more to Luke I’d like to mention, the environment there, how that an informal occasion is used for delivery of the request. Not to say the formal wouldn’t happen, but it probably would and be blessed of God, but elevation is granted to the informal. Another thing is Pentecostals love to reference by asking did you receive the “baptism” more than asking if you received the “Holy Ghost”, or were you “filled” as the scriptures prefer in p***ing. While indeed there are text on the “baptism”, for whatever the reason, just a note to guard against bias there or anywhere you see something used in a promotional sense. I am a bit of a stickler for the all-encomp***ing word of God.
I have often heard from those who stand in opposition to abandon such request for being “filled” or receiving the Spirit. That being a certain apprehension thereby placing them in a list of “What-ifs?” “What if I am inviting something other than what God wants for me?” The inner rec***ude to shield themselves while being unsure is undeserved fear. To which I must ask in earnest; which do you trust more, your doubts or what God says about this exact thing, your doubt on receiving the actual Holy Spirit?
“So I say to you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. “For everyone who asks, receives; and he who seeks, finds; and to him who knocks, it will be opened. “Now suppose one of you fathers is asked by his son for a fish; he will not give him a snake instead of a fish, will he? “Or if he is asked for an egg, he will not give him a scorpion, will he? “If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him?” (Luke 11:9-13)
This might be as good a time as any to touch on what the newcomer will encounter in the day-to-day willingness coming from their chosen places of worship. It’s a bit like the Amish and their exposure to the outside world; they allow just so many modern conveniences per their respective sects, some are scant if at all, some do tweak those per individual houses of worship.
So it is with the spectrum of Churches, some, which may have a tradition that is so well founded but that I am not aware of, may find have will have to uproot some things. We rise up to support each other.
Many are well familiar with the teaching of having the Holy Spirit upon conversion of which we all should agree:
“Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.” (Rom 8:9)
What about when a Christian is new to the faith, should he seek an infilling of the Spirit right away? The scriptures conclude men did in the book of Acts. The younger ones may need time to grow, again judgment to be exercised.
Continued (http://www.waltermartin.com/forums/showthread.php?3917-Lifting-the-Presence-to-Might-pt2), ,