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03-06-2009, 04:23 PM
Jews during Old Testament times were absolutely monotheistic and would've rejected the trinity as paganism and tritheism. The early Christians were the same. In fact, the "majority of the [Christian] believers [in circ. 213]" rejected the Trinity in favor of Old Testament absolute monotheism as per Tertullian, the man that coined the term Trinity, himself. Tertullian, Against Praxeas, 3, circ. 213 A.D., states: "The simple, indeed, (I will not call them unwise and unlearned,) who always cons***ute the majority of believers, are startled at the dispensation (of the Three in One), on the ground that their very rule of faith withdraws them from the world's plurality of gods to the one only true God...." That's right, absolute monotheism was the dominate view of early Christians up to circ. 213 A.D. not the Trinity as per the man that coined the term Trinity originally! Sorry, but there's no possible way to deny that!
Whether or not the Jews believe in the Trinity is debatable. The Bible teaches the truth of the Trinity in both the Old Testament and the New Testament. According to biblical scholar Rev. George P. Pardington:
1. The plural noun Elohim (God) with a singular word bara (created) in Gen. 1:1.
2. The expression "Let us make" in Gen. 1:26
3. The priestly benediction in Num. 6:24-27
4. The Tersanctus* and Trisagion* in Isa. 6:3 and Rev. 4:8.
5. The formula of baptism in Matt. 28:19.
6. The Apostolic benediction in II Cor. 13:14.
From Outline Studies in Christian Doctrine, Christian Publications, Inc., 1926.
*"An ancient ascription of praise," and "a hymn to, or invocation of, God as the thrice holy.” --Websters
08-28-2011, 12:14 AM
Jews during Old Testament times were absolutely monotheistic and would've rejected the trinity as paganism and tritheism.
That would be a strawman because Trinity is not Tritheistic. The Jews were monotheistic, believing in one God (Being). But there is no evidence that they would have rejected the view of three persons existing as one Being. In fact, the Old Testament hints at the fact that there is a plurality within the one Being of God.
The early Christians were the same. In fact, the "majority of the [Christian] believers [in circ. 213]" rejected the Trinity in favor of Old Testament absolute monotheism as per Tertullian, the man that coined the term Trinity, himself.
That's pure nonsense. The Trinity was taught by the apostles and the earliest of Christian writers. Can you give me the name and a source of a Christian during this time period rejecting the Trinity? Just because you make a claim does not mean it is true.
J Tertullian, Against Praxeas, 3, circ. 213 A.D., states: "The simple, indeed, (I will not call them unwise and unlearned,) who always cons***ute the majority of believers, are startled at the dispensation (of the Three in One), on the ground that their very rule of faith withdraws them from the world's plurality of gods to the one only true God...." That's right, absolute monotheism was the dominate view of early Christians up to circ. 213 A.D. not the Trinity as per the man that coined the term Trinity originally! Sorry, but there's no possible way to deny that!
You didn't finish the quote from Tertullian. It states in relevant part:
...(of the Three in One), on the ground that their very rule of faith withdraws them from the world's plurality of gods to the one only true God. not understanding that, although He is the one only God, He must yet be believed in with His own dispensation."
He then goes on to explain the Trinity. This whole work is a defense of the Trinity.
The Trinity IS absolute monotheism. AGAINST PRAXIS is a work by Tertullian in which he defends, in all essential points, the doctrine of the Trinity. See Elucidation 1.
12-08-2012, 06:16 AM
Jews during Old Testament times were absolutely monotheistic .....
as well as are good Trinity-believing Christians.
02-26-2013, 08:55 AM
The trinity is monotheistic, so the whole understandings of the original poster of this topic is silly....
04-14-2013, 04:46 PM
The Old test is read in the brighter light of the New test...
We should not expect that jews under the Law would understand Grace, as when the church was just starting up the idea of being no longer under the Law of Moses was splitting the early church.
This is why there is a New Test by the way, for simply put, we are under a new and "better" covenant than the Jews were under the old....
02-01-2014, 07:13 PM
Jews during Old Testament times were absolutely monotheistic and would've rejected the trinity as paganism and tritheism. ....
Unless they stopped to ask what the Church was talking about...Then they would have seen how everything talked about in the Old testament was fulfilled in the 2nd person of the Trinity!
03-13-2017, 05:54 PM
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