View Full Version : Evolution as Demonic
08-20-2016, 10:30 AM
In another post calling for Biblical scrutiny of the hypothesis of evolution, it’s base support here forwards approval saying
"It became clear to me, , there are no real arguments found in the Genesis text that stand against, , the teachings of evolution”
“a system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object.”
Correction, because the resident evolutionist is willingly bound by venerated thought in Genesis, he cannot possibly risk contemplating that all of Genesis is subject to its Author. That goes for any of the books of the Bible, it’s tenants, precepts, insights and interpretations are subject to the Bible’s own best commentary – itself.
“All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for, , correction, , “ (II Tim 3:16)
With the above in mind, a juvenile understands if there is a thought in Genesis that seems plausibly gray, the reader clearly understands one of two paths, subject that thought to “All scripture”, or shield the isolated imagination. That is basically the only way it can survive, run away from all who apply II Tim 3:16 to the book of Genesis. Anyone that stands in opposition to II Timothy 3:16 to support anything else needs to shut their mouth while they defile themselves with a heart far from His will.
Aside from this, it cannot be said too much, , the attempt to ram down the reader’s throat by an evolutionist ignorant of scripture is flat godless, carnal and devilish. An evolutionist will attempt to sanitize their position with I believe on the Christ. But the Christ warned against jumping into this justification,
“Even the demons believe—and shudder!” (James 2:13)
“of, resembling, or characteristic of demons or evil spirits.”
Without going down the road of all the corrections currently ignored, I think are most easily categorized by this simple feature, ignoring scripture that deal with any subject is not only wrong, but resembles the characteristics of the Devil that we need to correct the devilish spirit just as Jesus did,
Not some, one, or a few but “EVERY WORD”.
God bless!
08-20-2016, 12:54 PM
Once again, I dont understand a word of your posts....
But,on the bright side, you did quote me, and I take that as an invitation to expound on my quote you have listed!
My quote was - ""It became clear to me, , there are no real arguments found in the Genesis text that stand against, , the teachings of evolution”, and what I mean by this is that if you stick close to the text in Genesis as written you simply dont find any anti-evolution arguments.
This means that all the Young Earth Creationism junk we see blasted at us actually is not based out of the Bible, but rather is based out of the works of men.
In the Bible we see in Genesis is says "And God said, “Let the land produce living creatures..."
Notice that the Bible teaches that God commanded the "land" to produce the animals.
The "LAND!"
The very land of the earth itself is what God commanded to bring forth Life on the earth.
and this is noteworthy because when you follow the trail of life as taught in Evolution, back to the source you also come to this same point of agreement between Genesis and evolution.
That agreement is that all life starts out as part of the Earth itself!
So in a very real way, Evolution does trace back all life until it gets to the same source we see in Genesis 1:24 !!!!!!!
08-21-2016, 07:00 AM
Once again, I dont understand a word of your posts....But,on the bright side, you did quote me, and I take that as an invitation to expound on my quote you have listed! My quote was - ""It became clear to me, , there are no real arguments found in the Genesis text that stand against, , the teachings of evolution”, and what I mean by this is that if you stick close to the text in Genesis as written you simply dont find any anti-evolution arguments. This means that all the Young Earth Creationism junk we see blasted at us actually is not based out of the Bible, but rather is based out of the works of men. Consider: In the Bible we see in Genesis is says "And God said, “Let the land produce living creatures..."
Notice that the Bible teaches that God commanded the "land" to produce the animals. The "LAND!"The very land of the earth itself is what God commanded to bring forth Life on the earth. and this is noteworthy because when you follow the trail of life as taught in Evolution, back to the source you also come to this same point of agreement between Genesis and evolution. That agreement is that all life starts out as part of the Earth itself! So in a very real way, Evolution does trace back all life until it gets to the same source we see in Genesis 1:24 !!!!!!!
You yourself once said,
Terms “get their own meanings only from the context of the rest of the sentence.”
If you understand the concept of understanding terms, why don’t you start a discussion and select one term OR sentence you are in question of?
Surely, you aren’t trying to throw the thread with doublespeak are you?
Again, propping yourself under the guise of being an expert on clarity, , then why don’t utilize a little for***ude? Simply say,
I don’t understand ________ because_________! Uh, hello?
It’s that simple. Otherwise, it just appears you are just deflecting my reasoning and trying throw the thread as a troublemaker. Only a fool would.
For as you may have noticed, the thread is addressing the whole bible against evolution, did you not see that?
So back at ya, where do you see in the scriptures (all) that
“Evolution does trace back all life”
Didn’t you read Ravi’s conclusion?
“Evolution cannot be a theory of ultimate origins, it’s operation presupposes the existence of certain en***ies with specific potential behaviors and an environment of some specific kind that operates upon those en***ies in some specifically ordered fashion. The type of structure found in evolution did not itself come through evolution.”
You say evolution “traces”, but Ravi says it “cannot”. Why is a trained theologian wrong?
08-21-2016, 07:16 AM
Yes, once again, I dodnt understand much of that at all...
Excpet for this last thing you write, the final question you ask "Why is a trained theologian wrong?
That I can answer;
My doctor knows a lot more that I do about a great many things concerning the human body, but I would never trust the guy driving my mom around until I saw for myself he was as good a driver as I was.
The fact that he knows a bunch of things in one area of study does not mean for one second we should therefore trust the guy's abilities in all other matters.
Its the same for any of us.
I know a lot of stuff that concern my ***....likely a lot more things than most people would ever care to know about my ***.
Yet even if I know so much about this one area it does not mean for one second that i can do your ***.
Your *** could be totally unrelated to the type of work Im used to doing.
I would be interested in a few things a Theologian might have to say on a few topics, but if he was totaling up my bill at the lumberyard I would want to check his math myself too.
It's nothing personal, but just because you know a lot about the Bible doesnot mean you know how to add 2+2
The false idea that a lot of Christians have is that a theologian's study of the bible makes them also a great science dont.
When people think it does, is where the Church falls into trouble, and ends up burning people at the stake who teach ideas about the universe that run counter to their interpretations of scripture.
08-21-2016, 07:24 AM
Yes, once again, I dodnt understand much of that at all...
Excpet for this last thing you write, the final question you ask "Why is a trained theologian wrong?
That I can answer;
My doctor knows a lot more that I do about a great many things concerning the human body, but I would never trust the guy driving my mom around until I saw for myself he was as good a driver as I was.
The fact that he knows a bunch of things in one area of study does not mean for one second we should therefore trust the guy's abilities in all other matters.
Its the same for any of us.
I know a lot of stuff that concern my ***....likely a lot more things than most people would ever care to know about my ***.
Yet even if I know so much about this one area it does not mean for one second that i can do your ***.
Your *** could be totally unrelated to the type of work Im used to doing.
I would be interested in a few things a Theologian might have to say on a few topics, but if he was totaling up my bill at the lumberyard I would want to check his math myself too.
It's nothing personal, but just because you know a lot about the Bible doesnot mean you know how to add 2+2
The false idea that a lot of Christians have is that a theologian's study of the bible makes them also a great science dont.
When people think it does, is where the Church falls into trouble, and ends up burning people at the stake who teach ideas about the universe that run counter to their interpretations of scripture.
08-21-2016, 07:38 AM
The false idea that a lot of Christians have is that a theologian's study of the bible makes them also a great science dont.
Edited back to it's inept originator
08-21-2016, 07:39 AM
The false idea that a lot of Christians have is that a theologian's study of the bible makes them also a great science dont.
On the flip-side of un-qualified is just because just you have devised an imagination of don't
08-21-2016, 07:51 AM
On the flip-side of un-qualified is just because just you have devised an imagination of don't
>>>>Once again,no clue what you just said?
Im not even sure you wrote a real sentence?
When I read that post , all I get is that you must have used some type of random-word generator, and stung the resulting words together.
08-21-2016, 08:05 AM
>>>>Once again,no clue what you just said?
Im not even sure you wrote a real sentence?
When I read that post , all I get is that you must have used some type of random-word generator, and stung the resulting words together.
Just repeating your own choice of wording which I have to agree is quite un-distinguishable.
08-21-2016, 08:08 AM
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Member Abuse of Thread
08-21-2016, 08:09 AM
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Member Abuse of Thread
08-29-2016, 03:42 PM
You yourself once said,
quote: Alanmolstad, Terms “get their own meanings only from the context of the rest of the sentence.”
Do you still agree with this, , your own statement?
08-29-2016, 05:29 PM
Do you still agree with this, , your own statement?
I said that on this topic, or another?
I ask because I did a fast read of my posted comments on this topic and I could not find where I said that?
If I did say it, then it likely was in the context of talking about words that have more than one known correct meaning in the bible.
In that case, you learn what is the correct meaning by looking at the rest of the sentence and learning the context of what the sentence is talking about..
a sentence too is also correctly understood when you keep in mind the context of the other sentences around it or the ones talking about the same point.
08-30-2016, 06:00 PM
well....I will be around in case you answer...
08-30-2016, 08:38 PM
I am always happy to go over anything I have posted on thie message forum and explain what I was talking about in more clear detail.
However I have alot of posts on this forum, and I might need to be given a bit of a hint where the quote of my words came from?
It sounds like something I might say in connection with dealing with the term "heaven"? the word has a few different meanings in the Bible and so you need to read the term in its context to learn what the writer was aiming for.
Or it might be something I said in connection with the use of the term "day"in Genesis?, as that term in Genesis can be talking about both a limited amount of times in some context and a very much unlimited amount of time in other context.
Other that that, I have no idea whereto look to find out where you lifted my quotation from so that I can see what I was talking about.
01-26-2018, 05:41 PM
Do you still agree with this, , your own statement?
Here is what I believe on that point:
I believe that there are words and terms that the Bible will use or have been chosen by the Bible translators that can have different meanings according to their context.
This is why you need to look at the rest of the verse, or the full set of verses around the term in question to get a good understanding of what was meant by the term.
So, yes, if you are asking about the quotation where I say something about needing to look at the rest of a sentence to get the true meting of a term?...then YES, that is true in many places.
01-26-2018, 05:44 PM
"It's nothing personal, but just because you know a lot about the Bible doesnot mean you know how to add 2+2
The false idea that a lot of Christians have is that a theologian's study of the bible makes them also a great science dont.
When people think it does, is where the Church falls into trouble, and ends up burning people at the stake who teach ideas about the universe that run counter to their interpretations of scripture."[/QUOTE]
My point in the above quote is this-
That just because a person knows many things about the Bible it does not make him an expert in all other things as well...
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