View Full Version : Adam did NOT change physically after the sin.
10-31-2016, 04:20 AM
Adam did not change physically after he sinned!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yep,look it up...
Adam did not change physically...nothing bad happened to his body...he did not degenerate.
Lots of people think that something changed within Adam (like his DNA) when he sinned...that suddenly he "became mortal".....
But this idea is wrong!
"Wrong Alan? How can it be wrong,if that is what so many Christians and other religions believe?"
Well kids its wrong because the idea that Adam suddenly "became mortal" is not based on the text of the Bible.
The idea that after Adam sinned he changed and became mortal is an invented idea.
Want to prove this for yourself?
Just answer this one question.
" Why did Adam die?"
Did God kill Adam?
Does the Bible tell us that God killed Adam?
No the Bible does not say that God had to kill Adam at all..
So why did Adam die?....the answer is this...
Adam died ONLY because he did not eat of the tree of life.
Thats the answer.
That also is the ONLY answer found in the Bible.
All the other answers you hear listed in your church, (regardless of your religion) are false.
They are invented to make the story agree with some teaching that they also hold.
But if you stick to only what you can prove in the Bible, then the only reason the Bible lists as to why Adam,(and all his children to this very day) will die is that before Adam could get over to the Tree Of Life and eat and live forever, he got kicked out.
Its that simple.
So lets just look at the text and read what it says.
The Text tells us that if Adam would have eaten of the Tree Of Life he would live forever.
This means that at the time God kicked Adam out, Adam had not yet eaten.
This means that Adam was still in his "natural" condition.
Adam was still the way God had made him....and in order for Adam to live forever he needed to eat of the tree of life.....
So mankind was not created in a natural state with the natural ability to live forever.
Humans were not created with a body that would naturally live forever.
(That's going to shake up a few people I know, but this is the facts of the text)...
We humans were not created with bodies that would naturally last forever, and that is why God gave us the tree of Life, so we all could eat of it and all of us live forever.
This also is why the Bible tells us that all death came to us from Adam....Because of the sin and the fact that Adam got the boot we still share the mortal state that Adam was created within,and because Adam was not allowed to eat of the tree of life we share in the death that we get via Adam....
Had Adam not sinned, we would be able to be born and eat of the tree of life.
But because of the sin of Adam, death rules us.
10-31-2016, 07:42 AM
Adam did not change physically after he sinned!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yep,look it up...
Adam did not change physically...nothing bad happened to his body...he did not degenerate.
Lots of people think that something changed within Adam (like his DNA) when he sinned...that suddenly he "became mortal".....
But this idea is wrong!
"Wrong Alan? How can it be wrong,if that is what so many Christians and other religions believe?"
Well kids its wrong because the idea that Adam suddenly "became mortal" is not based on the text of the Bible.
The idea that after Adam sinned he changed and became mortal is an invented idea.
Want to prove this for yourself?
Just answer this one question.
" Why did Adam die?"
Did God kill Adam?
Does the Bible tell us that God killed Adam?
No the Bible does not say that God had to kill Adam at all..
So why did Adam die?....the answer is this...
Adam died ONLY because he did not eat of the tree of life.
Thats the answer.
That also is the ONLY answer found in the Bible.
All the other answers you hear listed in your church, (regardless of your religion) are false.
They are invented to make the story agree with some teaching that they also hold.
But if you stick to only what you can prove in the Bible, then the only reason the Bible lists as to why Adam,(and all his children to this very day) will die is that before Adam could get over to the Tree Of Life and eat and live forever, he got kicked out.
Its that simple.
So lets just look at the text and read what it says.
The Text tells us that if Adam would have eaten of the Tree Of Life he would live forever.
This means that at the time God kicked Adam out, Adam had not yet eaten.
This means that Adam was still in his "natural" condition.
Adam was still the way God had made him....and in order for Adam to live forever he needed to eat of the tree of life.....
So mankind was not created in a natural state with the natural ability to live forever.
Humans were not created with a body that would naturally live forever.
(That's going to shake up a few people I know, but this is the facts of the text)...
We humans were not created with bodies that would naturally last forever, and that is why God gave us the tree of Life, so we all could eat of it and all of us live forever.
This also is why the Bible tells us that all death came to us from Adam....Because of the sin and the fact that Adam got the boot we still share the mortal state that Adam was created within,and because Adam was not allowed to eat of the tree of life we share in the death that we get via Adam....
Had Adam not sinned, we would be able to be born and eat of the tree of life.
But because of the sin of Adam, death rules us.
As usual you fail to take into account what the Bible says. It is clear that sin was not in the world until Adam ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. When God made everything he declared it "good".(See Genesis 1) I am sure that sin is not good.
Romans 5:12 states that sin entered into the world, and death by sin. Death was not in the world until Adam sinned. The wages of SIN is death. (See Romans 6:23) Death was not a part of the world, it did not exist until Adam brought sin into the world, and with sin, death entered into the world. If Adam had not sinned, there is no indication that Adam would have died. Read up on the tree of life. It will be in heaven but eternal life is in Jesus Christ; not a tree.
Genesis 1:4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.
Genesis 1:10 And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and God saw that it was good.
Genesis 1:12 And the earth brought forth gr***, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good.
Genesis 1:18 And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and God saw that it was good.
Genesis 1:21 And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good.
Genesis 1:25 And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good.
Genesis 1:31 And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.
Romans 5:12 Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death p***ed upon all men, for that all have sinned:
Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord
10-31-2016, 02:26 PM I will ask you two questions that totally under-cut all that...
QUESTION #1- what does the Bible say will happen if you eat of the Tree Of Life?
QUESTION #2 - what happens if you do not eat of the Tree Of Life?
10-31-2016, 02:45 PM
so its like this...
After Adam sinned, he got kicked out of the garden...
but ever ask why he got kicked out?
What was in the garden that God did not want Adam to be close to anymore?
Well, it sure was not the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, as that ship had already sailed.
And it was not any of the animals, nor any of the plants too...
Except for this one tree that does seem to be a very real concern for the lord.
I speak of the Tree Of Life!
The real reason Adam got kicked out of the garden was because that garden was where the Tree of Life was planted.
What did God say would happen if anyone ate of this tree?
The answer is that if anyone ate of the Tree Of Life they would live forever.
Had Adam eaten of this tree yet before he sinned?
We know he had not eaten yet of the Tree Of Life because if he had there would be no need to kick Adam out of the garden.
If Adam had eaten of the Tree Of Life the Bible says he would live "forever".
thats how we know for 100% that Adam had not eaten yet of the tree because the Bible says if you eat you live forever and we know that was a real concern for the Lord in the story.
So Adam had not yet eaten of this tree.
But.....But some people say that "Perhaps he had eaten of the Tree Of Life and had eternal life but lost it when he sinned?"
My answer is that the words the Bible used to describe the Tree Of Life and its effect on people make that impossible.
The Bible is clear if you eat of the tree Of Life you live forever.
If you think you have eternal life and yet lose it, you never had it in the first place!....:)
Eternal life lasts forever, hence the words "live forever" in Genesis.
Thus the Text of the Bible proves to us that Adam had not eaten of the Tree Of Life before the sin.
And we know that to not eat means to die, as Adam did not eat and he died.
Thus the "natural" state of the human body from Adam's creation to our very day is that our bodies of flesh are born and age, and die.
The body Adam was created with was the same type we are born with...
we age...
we get sick
we die.
Thus the real reason God planted the Tree Of Life in the garden....
The tree of life was because human bodies are just like all the other flesh of this earth...the human body ages, and dies like animals age and die.
But because of the Tree Of Life, Adam(and though Adam all men) had the golden opportunity to eat of the tree and live forever.
The fact that God planted the tree of Life in the garden proves 100% that Adam was created as a mortal and subject to age , sickness and death.
The Tree Of Life was to be there to stop that.
10-31-2016, 08:04 PM I will ask you two questions that totally under-cut all that...
QUESTION #1- what does the Bible say will happen if you eat of the Tree Of Life?
QUESTION #2 - what happens if you do not eat of the Tree Of Life?
When you eat the tree of life you live life. Don't eat the tree of life you die.
No where in the Bible is eternal life given out side of Jesus Christ, not even in the garden. I say that the tree of life was a figure of Jesus Christ.
1 John 5:11 And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son.
10-31-2016, 08:10 PM
You haven't shown me where I am wrong, you ignored it and went on to something else.
As usual you fail to take into account what the Bible says. It is clear that sin was not in the world until Adam ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. When God made everything he declared it "good".(See Genesis 1) I am sure that sin is not good.
Romans 5:12 states that sin entered into the world, and death by sin. Death was not in the world until Adam sinned. The wages of SIN is death. (See Romans 6:23) Death was not a part of the world, it did not exist until Adam brought sin into the world, and with sin, death entered into the world. If Adam had not sinned, there is no indication that Adam would have died. Read up on the tree of life. It will be in heaven but eternal life is in Jesus Christ; not a tree.
Is this not what the Bible says?
10-31-2016, 09:09 PM
When you eat the tree of life you live life.
Don't eat the tree of life you die.
You are absolutely, positively, and completely......CORRECT !!!!!
You have correctly understood the text as it is written, you have understood what it is saying, and you get the idea that I was talking about!
The Bible clearly says that to eat is to have life forever.
To not eat is to die.
Adam did not eat.
Adam died.
It's that simple.
We die today because we have the very same type of flesh that Adam was created with.
We die today because Adam was unable to eat of the Tree Of Life.
We die today because when Adam sinned he lost the chance to eat and live forever, and so all human death is the result of this sin of Adam and its consequences.
But we must not also forget that although we were designed to die...we were also designed to eat and live forever.
Via the tree of life, our flesh has the ability to live forever!!!!!
This is not an accident.
We were specially designed to live forever in this manner.
Adam was designed to live forever in that manner.
You and I are designed to live forever in this same manner.
Adam was created a normal mortal human being.
We are the children of Adam, and so we also are born into this world as a normal mortal human being.
We die because that is how God designed Adam's body when it was first created to do....and it was due to this understanding that all flesh dies,that God planted the Tree Of Life in the Garden.
The Tree Of Life proves that Adam was a mortal creature with flesh that would age , get sick, and die.
10-31-2016, 09:15 PM
I say that the tree of life was a figure of Jesus Christ.
In many books of the Bible you can find things that are listed but that they are really a symbol of something very different.
Is a topic that many great men in church history have debated for years and years...
As I said before,
Im dealing only with what the Bible actually says in Black and White here, I'm not really going to deal with what stuff "means"right now.
Thats a topic for another guy to deal with and another time....
11-01-2016, 04:28 AM
So to review:
What we have talked about here is something that I think we all have known, but just never really stopped to think fully though to its full understanding before.
We all know that God planted a tree called the Tree Of Life in the garden.
We all know that Adam was always free to eat of this tree.
We all have seen in the story that God Himself tells us that if Adam were to ever eat of the tree Of Life he would live forever.
We all have read in the story that Adam actually gets kicked out of the Garden not so much because he ate of the Tree of Knowledge, but rather he gets kicked out because he had not yet eaten of the Tree Of Life and God wanted to stop him from doing that in the future.
So what this says then is that the Tree of Life brings eternal life to Adam if he eats of it.
Thats clearly what the Bible says in black and white.
But this also points us to the other thing true in that when Adam was not able to eat of the Tree of Life he was unable to live forever.....thus he died.
What is the only reason he dies then?.....the only reason he died was because he could not eat of the tree Of life.
Had he eaten of that tree he would live forever
But he did not eat, so he did not live forever...
anyone who does not live forever, dies.
Now this also points us to the real reason God planted the Tree Of Life in the garden in the first place.
The only reason it was planted was to offer eternal life to man when man eats from it.
and this means that in his natural state as God created him, the fact is man could not live forever.
Eating from the tree of Life would cause man to live forever.
But not eating, means you remain as you were.
Thats key then to what we are seeing in the Scriptures here.
That to not eat from the Tree Of Life means you remain remain as you were created.
Adam did not eat, so Adam remained as God created him.
11-01-2016, 04:35 AM
and this means that the Bible is telling us that when Adam sinned and got kicked out of the garden, and lost his chance to eat of the Tree of Life, he simply remained as he was created.
He remained mortal.
and because he remained as mortal as he was when he was created, he died.
and this is why I named this topic it's name.
In that the Bible tells us that when Adam sinned he did not actually change physically from the time when he had not yet sinned.
"Adam did NOT change physically after he sinned"
Adam did not change from being an eternal creature to a mortal creature.
He was clearly created as a mortal creature.
He sinned and simply remained mortal.
and mortals die....
11-01-2016, 04:51 AM
If Adam had not sinned, there is no indication that Adam would have died.
That is why God planted the Tree of Life in the garden!
The tree of life was so that Adam could eat of it and then live forever!
The tree of Life would change things, would change the flesh of Adam,and allow Adam to then live forever.
So in other words, the reason you are correct in saying that had Adam not sinned he would have lived forever is that had Adam not sinned he would be free to eat of the tree of Life, and the reason God planted the tree was to have Adam eat it and live forever.
Thats the reason God planted that tree there!!!!!!
But we also know that to not eat is to not be changed.
And to not be changed means to remain as you were created.
and to remain as Adam was created means that he will die.
and to die unchanged means that God created Adam as a mortal.
11-01-2016, 10:31 AM
That is why God planted the Tree of Life in the garden!
The tree of life was so that Adam could eat of it and then live forever!
The tree of Life would change things, would change the flesh of Adam,and allow Adam to then live forever.
So in other words, the reason you are correct in saying that had Adam not sinned he would have lived forever is that had Adam not sinned he would be free to eat of the tree of Life, and the reason God planted the tree was to have Adam eat it and live forever.
Thats the reason God planted that tree there!!!!!!
But we also know that to not eat is to not be changed.
And to not be changed means to remain as you were created.
and to remain as Adam was created means that he will die.
and to die unchanged means that God created Adam as a mortal.
You still haven't shown me what I had first posted was wrong. You go on to something else.
11-01-2016, 01:53 PM
That is why God planted the Tree of Life in the garden!
The tree of life was so that Adam could eat of it and then live forever!
The tree of Life would change things, would change the flesh of Adam,and allow Adam to then live forever.
So in other words, the reason you are correct in saying that had Adam not sinned he would have lived forever is that had Adam not sinned he would be free to eat of the tree of Life, and the reason God planted the tree was to have Adam eat it and live forever.
Thats the reason God planted that tree there!!!!!!
But we also know that to not eat is to not be changed.
And to not be changed means to remain as you were created.
and to remain as Adam was created means that he will die.
and to die unchanged means that God created Adam as a mortal.
I moved this post, it was mistakenly posted in the wrong forum.
Hi Alan, interesting topic but I must disagree with your premise. Humans die from sickness and disease, Adam was not subject to these before sin
entered the world. Adam was created with a perfect body and perfect physiology. When Adam sinned everything God created was corrupted, including the perfect
human bodies He made for man. Man was meant to live on earth, a sinless earth, to be fruitful and multiply and to exist without corruption. Adam and Eve probably could have eaten from the Tree of Life originally, but God gives no decree that they had to eat of it to sustain their life at that point. Also, keep in mind that the Bible gives no hints that they had to eat of this tree until after sin. After they sinned in Genesis 3, God sentenced them to die, and this was in part why they were forbidden to take from the Tree of Life. But consider God’s statement here: Then the Lord God said, “Behold, the man has become like one of Us, knowing good and evil; and now, he might stretch out his hand, and take also from the tree of life, and eat, and live forever” Genesis 3:22
This seems to imply that Adam and Eve could have eaten from the Tree of Life after they sinned to live forever. Had they been permitted to eat from the Tree of Life, then they would have been forced to live eternally in a sin-cursed world. But God had a better plan in place—one of redemption in Jesus Christ with a new heavens and new earth that would not be cursed.
“So also is the resurrection of the dead. The body is sown in corruption, it is raised in incorruption. It is sown in dishonor, it is raised in glory. It is sown in weakness, it is raised in power. It is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body. And so it is written, “The first man Adam became a living being.” The last Adam became a life-giving spirit.” 1Cor. 15:42-45
11-01-2016, 01:56 PM
That is why God planted the Tree of Life in the garden!
The tree of life was so that Adam could eat of it and then live forever!
The tree of Life would change things, would change the flesh of Adam,and allow Adam to then live forever.
So in other words, the reason you are correct in saying that had Adam not sinned he would have lived forever is that had Adam not sinned he would be free to eat of the tree of Life, and the reason God planted the tree was to have Adam eat it and live forever.
Thats the reason God planted that tree there!!!!!!
But we also know that to not eat is to not be changed.
And to not be changed means to remain as you were created.
and to remain as Adam was created means that he will die.
and to die unchanged means that God created Adam as a mortal.
So what gives us eternal life now eating from the tree of life or Jesus?
11-01-2016, 05:33 PM
So what gives us eternal life now eating from the tree of life or Jesus?
The resurrection from the dead we have in Christ gives us the promise of eternal life after the resurrection, when our dead bodies will rise and be changed.
11-01-2016, 05:37 PM
It is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body. And so it is written, “The first man Adam became a living being.” The last Adam became a life-giving spirit.” 1Cor. 15:42-45
We get our human natural body via Adam who himself was created as a natural mortal creature.
11-18-2016, 11:44 AM
So what gives us eternal life now eating from the tree of life or Jesus?
This post is for both Saxon and Disciple: I'd like to respond to both in a single posting.
I firmly believe that Adam died TWO DEATHS. The first one was spiritual death the day he ate of the forbidden fruit, and the second was physical death c. 930 years later. Therefore, the tree of life was for physical life, since God cast Adam out of the garden to prevent him from eating of it. Adam died spiritually after eating the forbidden fruit, since God said "in the day you eat of it, you shall surely die." If God was talking about physical death, then the serpent was right by saying "you shall not surely die." But in fact, the serpent was changing the definition of the word "die" in order to deceive Eve, which he was successful in doing. 1 Tim. 2:14 states that Eve was deceived, but Adam was not. Therefore, Adam ate the fruit knowing that he was going to die spiritually but not physically (because he understood God's words, since he was not deceived). He understood God to be using the term "die" as a metaphor for spiritual disconnection from God, in exactly the same way the apostle Paul uses it in most of his writings, for example Eph. 2 (where it is obvious). In fact, in places like Rom., Paul uses the term back and forth for both physical and spiritual death, in order to prove his point about spiritual death. There is a connection between them, but they are not the same event.
Spiritual and physical immortality are also different events. We have eternal life through Christ, yet our bodies are not immortal until the resurrection. Only then do we have eternal life both spiritually and physically. Even then, we might need the tree of life to maintain immortality (I'm unsure of this part), otherwise why is the tree of life in Paradise (Rev. 2:7)?
11-18-2016, 02:04 PM
I just dont find any reference to "spiritual death" in the story.
I just read the words in the story to be talking about normal everyday type of death...where your heart stops and you rot to dust...
11-19-2016, 07:24 PM
I find myself agreeing with you on this subject.
11-19-2016, 08:53 PM
I find myself agreeing with you on this subject.
Oh no......
Thats not a good sign....
11-19-2016, 08:56 PM
I find myself agreeing with you on this subject.
because I tend to deal with this subject a lot in both my outreach to the CULTS as well as conversations with brother Christians...I end up taking positions that are new to me too.
I never really thought much about this topic, but after I posted on it above I went back and rerad what IU had written and I believe its close to the truth........
well close anyway.... :)
11-20-2016, 04:51 AM
the main point I was making is this : That there is a common understanding that most people seem to have about the "fall of man" and its that Adam was created with this type of human body that would have lived forever, but that when Adam sinned his human body was somehow changed and became mortal.
Its a nice little story....its a story that works well with a bunch of other teachings and so no one really questions it.
Im just saying that that such a story is not supported by the text.
Yes, thats true!
The idea that Adam was created with some type of super human body that would have lasted naturally forever is not a teaching that is supported in any way by the text of Genesis.
What is supported by the Text?
The only thing I can find in the real text of Genesis is that Adam was created with the same type of mortal human body we also are created with.
The only reason Adam (and us too) would later die in the Genesis story was that he got kicked out of the garden and so was unable to get to the Tree Of Life.
11-20-2016, 07:53 AM
Re-read what the Bible says:
Romans 5:12 states that sin entered into the world, and death by sin. Death was not in the world until Adam sinned. The wages of SIN is death. (See Romans 6:23) Death was not a part of the world, it did not exist until Adam brought sin into the world, and with sin, death entered into the world. If Adam had not sinned, there is no indication that Adam would have died. Read up on the tree of life. It will be in heaven but eternal life is in Jesus Christ; not a tree.
Genesis 1:4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.
Genesis 1:10 And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and God saw that it was good.
Genesis 1:12 And the earth brought forth gr***, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good.
Genesis 1:18 And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and God saw that it was good.
Genesis 1:21 And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good.
Genesis 1:25 And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good.
Genesis 1:31 And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.
Romans 5:12 Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death p***ed upon all men, for that all have sinned:
Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord
Show me your supporting text that you claim and be sure that it does not contradict the text that I have supplied.
11-20-2016, 08:19 AM
As i said, when you read the text as written in Genesis you dont find that the human body that Adam was created with was any different than the human bodies we get too,.
There is not even a hint that Adam's body was a different type of human body...or that Adam was a different type of human.
Now lets just ask ourselves why did Adam die?
The common thinking is that at the fall the body of Adam was changed and went from being everlasting to mortal.
But when you read the story what you find out is that the only reason Adam got kicked out of the garden was to keep him from going over to the Tree Of Life and eating of it and living forever...
Thats the reason he dies later...
He dies due to the natural mortal body he was created with running out of time.
If Adam was created with a different type of body...if it was a body that could live forever, then what was the point of the Tree Of Life?
The fact that God planted the Tree Of Life in the garden to be there and eaten by the man proves 100% that God created Adam as a normal mortal.
The Tree Of Life only does one ***...
The Tree Of Life brings everlasting life to any who eat of it.
Thats it's ***'s only ***.
If Adam had been created with everlasting life at the beginning, then the Tree of life is pointless...
The Tree of life only works on cant give everlasting life to someone who has it already.
Thus in the text we have only one teaching that is supported by the bible as to the state of the human body that Adam was created with....that is that Adam was created with a normal mortal human body that needed to eat of the Tree Of Life to live forever.
Adam was created mortal in need of eating
We also are born with a mortal body that is in need of eating of the tree of life.
What happened to Adam is that before he could eat of the Tree Of Life he got kicked out...
Due to his sin, he was unable to eat of the Tree of life...
Thus due to sin, death is still here and is p***ed down to us his children.
This also is why the Tree Of Life is again talked about in the biook of Revelation...
It'ds because God did not error in creating and planting the Tree of Life...for in the end, the Tree gets to do what it was first created by God to do.
In other words, the angels are not sitting around and every once in a while glance over to the tree of life and make the comment "Boy, that idea sure went nowhere"
11-20-2016, 11:48 AM
As i said, when you read the text as written in Genesis you dont find that the human body that Adam was created with was any different than the human bodies we get too,.
There is not even a hint that Adam's body was a different type of human body...or that Adam was a different type of human.
Now lets just ask ourselves why did Adam die?
The common thinking is that at the fall the body of Adam was changed and went from being everlasting to mortal.
But when you read the story what you find out is that the only reason Adam got kicked out of the garden was to keep him from going over to the Tree Of Life and eating of it and living forever...
Thats the reason he dies later...
He dies due to the natural mortal body he was created with running out of time.
If Adam was created with a different type of body...if it was a body that could live forever, then what was the point of the Tree Of Life?
The fact that God planted the Tree Of Life in the garden to be there and eaten by the man proves 100% that God created Adam as a normal mortal.
The Tree Of Life only does one ***...
The Tree Of Life brings everlasting life to any who eat of it.
Thats it's ***'s only ***.
If Adam had been created with everlasting life at the beginning, then the Tree of life is pointless...
The Tree of life only works on cant give everlasting life to someone who has it already.
Thus in the text we have only one teaching that is supported by the bible as to the state of the human body that Adam was created with....that is that Adam was created with a normal mortal human body that needed to eat of the Tree Of Life to live forever.
Adam was created mortal in need of eating
We also are born with a mortal body that is in need of eating of the tree of life.
What happened to Adam is that before he could eat of the Tree Of Life he got kicked out...
Due to his sin, he was unable to eat of the Tree of life...
Thus due to sin, death is still here and is p***ed down to us his children.
This also is why the Tree Of Life is again talked about in the biook of Revelation...
It'ds because God did not error in creating and planting the Tree of Life...for in the end, the Tree gets to do what it was first created by God to do.
In other words, the angels are not sitting around and every once in a while glance over to the tree of life and make the comment "Boy, that idea sure went nowhere"
Why did Adam die you ask? Adam died because he sinned. (See Romans 5:12) By one man sin entered into the world, and death came in by sin. The waged of sin is what???? DEATH. (See Romans 6:23)
Adam was driven out of the garden because he was a sinner and as a sinner he had no right to the tree of life. If Adam ate from the tree of life as a sinner he would have lived forever as a sinner, but the Father had a better plan that would redeem Adam and the rest of mankind so he could live forever as a righteous man and not as a sinful man.
Romans 5:12 Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death p***ed upon all men, for that all have sinned:
Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord
Your whole commentary is total speculation as you have not provided any statement to explain your post. You need to explain why there was no death before Adam sinned and why Adam could die before there was sin and death in the world. If there was no sin and death Adam could not have died.
11-20-2016, 02:24 PM
In the story of Genesis, what would have happened if Adam were to have eaten of the Tree of Life?....
ANSWER - He would live forever.
Did Adam eat of that tree?
Did Adam die?
Answer - yes.
Its that simple.
The fact that there is a tree of Life in the Garden proves to us that Adam was created mortal.
11-20-2016, 02:30 PM
so its that simple.
If you eat of that tree you live forever
If you dont eat of it you dont live forever.
11-20-2016, 02:34 PM
so...the reason Adam later died of old age is due to his sin, thats for sure.
But specifically he died because he was unable to eat of the tree of life.
The tree of life gives eternal life to a mortal man that eats of it...
What mortal man is there in the story?......only Adam.
The fact that God planted the Tree of Life in the garden in the first place proves 100% that God created Adam as a mortal.
11-20-2016, 02:39 PM
Is there a single verse in the story of Genesis that has God telling Adam that he had changed the nature of Adam's body so that now it would die?!
The body of Adam never changed at all from the time before he sinned to the time after he sinned.
In fact, the verse that talks about man being dust can be understood as telling Adam he remains as he always was ...
He did not change...
God never tells him that he was any different.
Adam's body remained as it always was....mortal....a mortal body that was always in need of eating of the Tree of Life to live forever.
Thats the reason for the Tree of Life!
11-20-2016, 02:56 PM
here is a link....
11-20-2016, 03:05 PM
God gives eternal life. Jesus is eternal life. He was nailed to a tree.
1 John 5:11 And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son.
11-20-2016, 03:09 PM
Romans 5:12 Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death p***ed upon all men, for that all have sinned:
Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord
How could Adam die before there was sin and death in the world??
11-20-2016, 03:13 PM
Genesis 1:26 Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”
The image and likeness of God is eternal.
11-20-2016, 03:14 PM
Have life in Christ and you live forever!
11-20-2016, 03:17 PM
Put Christ and the tree of life together, as in Jesus is the tree of life. There is no eternal life but by Jesus. Basic Bible, get over it.
11-20-2016, 04:13 PM
Genesis 1:26 Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”
The image and likeness of God is eternal.
that of man that is made in the image of God is not our bodies of flesh...
Thats a false Mormon teaching.
Mormons believe that God has a body with fingers and flesh ...thats a Smith idea that goes against the Bible totally.
The Bible tells us our bodies of flesh are nothing but dust and always were from the beginning...
When we die our flesh goes into the grave and our SPIRIT goes to the God who gave it....
This points us to the fact that God created Adam as a mortal creature...a mortal creature that had need of the tree of life...
thats the reason God planted the tree for us...its because we needed it....
11-20-2016, 05:14 PM
There is also the fact that man is also a trinity; spirit, soul and body. (God is Father Son and Holy Spirit)
Try to deal with Romans 5:12 and Romans 6:23 by saying why you seem to think that it is not correct; death coming into the world on the coat tails of sin. You are dodging the following:
Why did Adam die you ask? Adam died because he sinned. (See Romans 5:12) By one man sin entered into the world, and death came in by sin. The waged of sin is what???? DEATH. (See Romans 6:23)
Adam was driven out of the garden because he was a sinner and as a sinner he had no right to the tree of life. If Adam ate from the tree of life as a sinner he would have lived forever as a sinner, but the Father had a better plan that would redeem Adam and the rest of mankind so he could live forever as a righteous man and not as a sinful man.
Romans 5:12 Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death p***ed upon all men, for that all have sinned:
Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord
03-03-2017, 09:46 PM
Adam died only because he was not allowed to eat of the tree of life....
Thats why he died according to the Bible...thats why his death is p***ed on to his children due to his sin and being kicked out of the garden.
at no place does the Bible say that the flesh of Adam changed...The Bible does not say Adam became mortal, rather it tells us that the Tree of Life offers mortals the ability to live forever.
So the tree of Life allows mortals to live forever.
The tree of Life was there for men to eat, as it is part of the food in the garden that was given to man to eat...
This means that man was created mortal and was designed to eat and live forever.
03-04-2017, 07:35 AM
"Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth.".....a command given to humans when we are created.
Not really something you tell immortal beings...
Angels are never told to reproduce
Jesus says that in the Kingdom we do not marry, so there seems therefore to be no need for immortal beings to reproduce..
The Tree of Life appears in the ending of the Book Of revelation, and is said to be being eaten by people...
The time the tree of life is said to be feeding people is AFTER the resurrection!
We dont reproduce in the Kingdom, yet we need to still eat of the tree of Life...
The tree of Life changes a mortal being of flesh and blood, into an immortal being of flesh and bone.
Everyone always tells me that in the resurrection, mankind will return to the physical state we had in the garden before the sin.
Fine, I have no problem agreeing with that, But I will just point out that Adam was created with a need to eat of the tree of life....for the only thing the tree of life does is change a mortal being into an immortal being..
Thus this proves that man was created mortal.
For in Revelation we see the tree of Life once again doing what it was created to do...offer life to humans.
03-04-2017, 08:00 AM
Now when I address questions like this that are dealing with the text of Genesis, I always first approach things with the idea that everything is to be taken literal.
This helps me get to the point of "What does the text literally say?"
So much of the YEC teachings are based on nothing found in the written text of the Scriptures.
This is why before I try to teach people what the Bible "means" I first try hard to stick close to what the Bible literally "says" in black and white.
This means that if the Bible talks about a 'tree of life"...then the first way i try to deal with the text is to ***ume that we are talking about a real 'tree"...a real tree with bark and roots and everything.
But in truth, I also understand that the Bible is filled with symbols.
Somethings might well be called one type of thing, but they are not to be taken that literal, for they but have a higher meaning...
I dont remember Jesus calling himself the "tree" of life, but he does call himself the "bread" of life.
Was Jesus really made of grain and yeast?
Jesus used the idea of bread to teach us something about himself.
Jesus also stayed within this symbol as he would teach that we must eat of the "bread of life".
So this shows us that even if Jesus was not for a moment saying that he was literally made of bread, he yet continued to stay within this use of a symbol to teach us higher concepts.
Clearly there is a lot of use of symbols in the Bible, so much so that while we may read of a single "tree of life" in a bible story or the listing of a snake that talks to people, we should never lose track of the understanding that much of this may be due to a rich use of symbols in the story.....
and as a likely story filled from one end to the other with symbols we should never demand that it "Must be taken literally ".
03-05-2017, 06:07 PM
Adam did not change physically after he sinned!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yep,look it up...
Adam did not change physically...nothing bad happened to his body...he did not degenerate.
Lots of people think that something changed within Adam (like his DNA) when he sinned...that suddenly he "became mortal".....
But this idea is wrong!
"Wrong Alan? How can it be wrong,if that is what so many Christians and other religions believe?"
Well kids its wrong because the idea that Adam suddenly "became mortal" is not based on the text of the Bible.
The idea that after Adam sinned he changed and became mortal is an invented idea.
Want to prove this for yourself?
Just answer this one question.
" Why did Adam die?"
Did God kill Adam?
Does the Bible tell us that God killed Adam?
No the Bible does not say that God had to kill Adam at all..
So why did Adam die?....the answer is this...
Adam died ONLY because he did not eat of the tree of life.
Thats the answer.
That also is the ONLY answer found in the Bible.
All the other answers you hear listed in your church, (regardless of your religion) are false.
They are invented to make the story agree with some teaching that they also hold.
But if you stick to only what you can prove in the Bible, then the only reason the Bible lists as to why Adam,(and all his children to this very day) will die is that before Adam could get over to the Tree Of Life and eat and live forever, he got kicked out.
Its that simple.
So lets just look at the text and read what it says.
The Text tells us that if Adam would have eaten of the Tree Of Life he would live forever.
This means that at the time God kicked Adam out, Adam had not yet eaten.
This means that Adam was still in his "natural" condition.
Adam was still the way God had made him....and in order for Adam to live forever he needed to eat of the tree of life.....
So mankind was not created in a natural state with the natural ability to live forever.
Humans were not created with a body that would naturally live forever.
(That's going to shake up a few people I know, but this is the facts of the text)...
We humans were not created with bodies that would naturally last forever, and that is why God gave us the tree of Life, so we all could eat of it and all of us live forever.
This also is why the Bible tells us that all death came to us from Adam....Because of the sin and the fact that Adam got the boot we still share the mortal state that Adam was created within,and because Adam was not allowed to eat of the tree of life we share in the death that we get via Adam....
Had Adam not sinned, we would be able to be born and eat of the tree of life.
But because of the sin of Adam, death rules us.
again you make mistakes. Adam did become mortal for sin and death were brought into the world at Adam's sin. Now in part you are correct for Adam's physical features, his reproductive unit, his genetic makeup and its function etc., did not change, it just came under the curse was not allowed to function perfectly
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