12-06-2016, 09:52 AM
God planted a tree right smack in the middle of the garden that Adam was banned from eating, yet was told to tend to it and help it grow.
Adam wanted to eat from that tree.
But Adam did not want to die.
So Adam did not eat from it.
Then Eve comes along, and God tells Adam and Eve they both get to rule over the whole world.
But Adam now has a plan....
Adam comes up with a plan to eat of the forbidden tree and yet live.
The plan is to get Eve to take the blame for his eating, and have her die in punishment,
The snake seems to be aware of this plan.
The snake approaches both Adam and Eve, and talks to them.
Eve answers the snake and tells the snake the law that she learned from Adam.
The law she reports has an error within it.
Adam does not correct Eve
The snake does not correct Eve.
Eve listens to the snake and gets convinced that eating is a good idea.
Eve eats
Adam does not reach for the food, but waits for Eve to hand him some
Adam eats.
God speaks now.
Adam puts the blame onto his wife, knowing that this will likely get her killed according to the Law.
Eve points to the snake.
The snake does not seem to need to speak.
God casts the snake down to the earth.
God tells Eve that she will be ruled over by her husband
God informs Adam what his death will be like.
Adam and Eve get kicked out of the protected garden and face a future ....
Only then, only when Adam finally sees that he is going to be stuck with his wife and that she will not be killed and replaced, only then does he get around to calling her by a real name.,,,before this she was only "the woman".
Adam wanted to eat from that tree.
But Adam did not want to die.
So Adam did not eat from it.
Then Eve comes along, and God tells Adam and Eve they both get to rule over the whole world.
But Adam now has a plan....
Adam comes up with a plan to eat of the forbidden tree and yet live.
The plan is to get Eve to take the blame for his eating, and have her die in punishment,
The snake seems to be aware of this plan.
The snake approaches both Adam and Eve, and talks to them.
Eve answers the snake and tells the snake the law that she learned from Adam.
The law she reports has an error within it.
Adam does not correct Eve
The snake does not correct Eve.
Eve listens to the snake and gets convinced that eating is a good idea.
Eve eats
Adam does not reach for the food, but waits for Eve to hand him some
Adam eats.
God speaks now.
Adam puts the blame onto his wife, knowing that this will likely get her killed according to the Law.
Eve points to the snake.
The snake does not seem to need to speak.
God casts the snake down to the earth.
God tells Eve that she will be ruled over by her husband
God informs Adam what his death will be like.
Adam and Eve get kicked out of the protected garden and face a future ....
Only then, only when Adam finally sees that he is going to be stuck with his wife and that she will not be killed and replaced, only then does he get around to calling her by a real name.,,,before this she was only "the woman".