View Full Version : UPCI Standards Questions
03-12-2009, 02:06 PM
What do you think of the UPCI's holiness standards? What do you think of their refusal to serve in the military or politics?:)
What do you think of the UPCI's holiness standards? What do you think of their refusal to serve in the military or politics?:)
I wasn'rt aware that oneness refused to serve in the military.
My only son served in Vietnom. He came home safely. :)
Holiness standards ? God looks on the heart of man, not his outside appearance.
Although, I agree, modesty is the key word in our dress, especially for today.
I can't understand why you can't cut your hair?
Paul was preaching to the Corinthian church, to the Jews.
This is a cultural issue. This is 2009, not 55 AD.
However, if you want to keep your hair long, I guess it's okay, as long as you aren't judging those who chose not to. :)
Do you believe this as a salvation issue?
God bless,
03-24-2009, 02:56 PM
Do you believe this as a salvation issue?
I've no opinion. I just wanted to know what others thought for my own edification.:)
7But the LORD said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the LORD seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart.
You notice in this scripture it says God looks at our heart he see's where men can not see.
Man see's the outward appearance of a person, so the way we dress is how men will see us, in
Deut 22 vs 5.The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God. of course in the days of Abraham men wore robes as well as woman BUT.. womens robes were longer then the mens, and men wore pant's under their robes.. they still had their distinguish clothes both for men and woman... Abomination means Extreme hatred-in saying that time's have changed now they have turned menswear into womenswear (Pant's shorts etc)
in Corinthians 6v 9-10 it says 9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,
10Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. Effeminate a person who dresses like a woman or Man, in saying this alot of clothes, pants look great on women and they do look like women, and I will say that only God is the judge not man, I don't frown on woman walking into the church with a pants on, I love them the way God loves them because he doe's the changes not us. what it is, men look at a women diferently from a womens point, and they see all the curves of a women, even tho we can not stop a man from lusting we can do our best to try not to provoke it from happening, by not revealing too much of our body, long skirts past the knees, not too tight, no low blouses to show our chest, etc Modest apparel for God.. Our hair 1 corinthians 11
13.Judge in yourselves: is it comely that a woman pray unto God uncovered?
14Doth not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him?
15But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is given her for a covering.
Did you know our long hair is a covering for our husbands and our children, it has power thats why God says its a glory for her... remember Man changes God never changes
and his word never changes... Ive known alot of people especially ministers of God where their wifes have cut their hair, the men are now with another women out of church and the children are in the world, so my hair is a covering for my husband and my children, I want to be safe and please God I don't care what men think about my way of dress or my long hair, I do it because I want to please our God
God Bless sorry for taking up your whole page
Sister Kat
John Carr
04-22-2009, 04:25 PM
Jade, I know of Oneness people who serve in the military, both Enlisting and those during the Vietnam era doing so when drafted, serving as Medics in many cases.
I don't know of many serving in political positions, but I do know one Brother is on the State House I believe it is in Missouri and another fellow was a State Supreme Court Judge in Mississippi.
John Carr
04-22-2009, 04:29 PM
Jean, God does look on the inward, but he also expects his real saints dressed and looking different on the outward when the inward is clean.
Oneness don't dress like the trinitarians and the world.
Women don't wear makeup and jewelery nor cut their hair and dress immodestly.
Neither men or women drink or curse, or smoke and men are to not have long hair or dress immodest and act or look feminine.
05-06-2009, 07:25 AM
Jean, God does look on the inward, but he also expects his real saints dressed and looking different on the outward when the inward is clean. Oneness don't dress like the trinitarians and the world. Women don't wear makeup and jewelery nor cut their hair and dress immodestly. Neither men or women drink or curse, or smoke and men are to not have long hair or dress immodest and act or look feminine. JC
"There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Oneness." :rolleyes:
Jean, God does look on the inward, but he also expects his real saints dressed and looking different on the outward when the inward is clean.
Oneness don't dress like the trinitarians and the world.
Women don't wear makeup and jewelery nor cut their hair and dress immodestly.
Neither men or women drink or curse, or smoke and men are to not have long hair or dress immodest and act or look feminine.
There are many ways to live as a chirstian.
We are not to judge other christians. :)
Feed the poor. Visit the sick. Be a loving witness. Not by telling others where to go tho church , but how to love each other.
The Lord will judge how we live not how we look.
The Bible speaks of drunkeness, this most certainly is a sin. But not drinking a gl*** of wine. Jesus performed his first miracle at the wedding of Cana. He changed the water into wine. what do you think the people did with the wine? :)
Smoking is bad for a persons health. Dressing in the manner which you have described certainly doesn't reflect a christian lifestyle. You must be referring to worldly folks, right? :)
Mt.22:37 read the advice Jesus gives to his disciples. Do you love your neighbor?
God bless,
"There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Oneness." :rolleyes:
I don't know any christian that lives the lifestyle which you have described. Do you?
Can you recite the Ten Commandments today, without looking them up?
That is how the Lord wants us to live.
Praise God,
05-20-2009, 12:09 AM
Jean, God does look on the inward, but he also expects his real saints dressed and looking different on the outward when the inward is clean.
Oneness don't dress like the trinitarians and the world.
Women don't wear makeup and jewelery nor cut their hair and dress immodestly.
Neither men or women drink or curse, or smoke and men are to not have long hair or dress immodest and act or look feminine.
Quite the example of the extreme legalism that Oneness Pentecostalim adheres to similarly to the Pharisees. Oneness Pentecostalism's legalistic extremism places OP tradition above Scripture just as the Pharisees did. This illustrates another area in which Oneness Pentecostalism departs from Scripture.
"There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Oneness." :rolleyes:
post tribber,
The one signifcant error of the oneness faith is , denying the Trinity.
Oneness teach that Jesus is his own Father.
Who died on the cross for your sins? the Son or the Father?
Please preface your reply with scripture.
God bless,
Jean, God does look on the inward, but he also expects his real saints dressed and looking different on the outward when the inward is clean.
Oneness don't dress like the trinitarians and the world.
Women don't wear makeup and jewelery nor cut their hair and dress immodestly.
Neither men or women drink or curse, or smoke and men are to not have long hair or dress immodest and act or look feminine.
There are other believers that have certain dress codes as well. Amish, Catholics.
All christians know how they should dress and conduct themselves.
We have to confess our sins before we can receive the Body and Blood of Christ. We honor the Lord by our actions.
If your church demands that the ladies dress and wear their hair because they want to that's fine, but if they choose not to, what would happen to them?
Explain the reasons given, please.
"There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Oneness." :rolleyes:
The verse reads "In Christ." :)
7But the LORD said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the LORD seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart.
You notice in this scripture it says God looks at our heart he see's where men can not see.
Man see's the outward appearance of a person, so the way we dress is how men will see us, in
Deut 22 vs 5.The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God. of course in the days of Abraham men wore robes as well as woman BUT.. womens robes were longer then the mens, and men wore pant's under their robes.. they still had their distinguish clothes both for men and woman... Abomination means Extreme hatred-in saying that time's have changed now they have turned menswear into womenswear (Pant's shorts etc)
in Corinthians 6v 9-10 it says 9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,
10Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. Effeminate a person who dresses like a woman or Man, in saying this alot of clothes, pants look great on women and they do look like women, and I will say that only God is the judge not man, I don't frown on woman walking into the church with a pants on, I love them the way God loves them because he doe's the changes not us. what it is, men look at a women diferently from a womens point, and they see all the curves of a women, even tho we can not stop a man from lusting we can do our best to try not to provoke it from happening, by not revealing too much of our body, long skirts past the knees, not too tight, no low blouses to show our chest, etc Modest apparel for God.. Our hair 1 corinthians 11
13.Judge in yourselves: is it comely that a woman pray unto God uncovered?
14Doth not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him?
15But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is given her for a covering.
Did you know our long hair is a covering for our husbands and our children, it has power thats why God says its a glory for her... remember Man changes God never changes
and his word never changes... Ive known alot of people especially ministers of God where their wifes have cut their hair, the men are now with another women out of church and the children are in the world, so my hair is a covering for my husband and my children, I want to be safe and please God I don't care what men think about my way of dress or my long hair, I do it because I want to please our God
God Bless sorry for taking up your whole page
Sister Kat
Duet. 22:5 refers to transves***es. This verse refers to men and women. They not to reverse their sexual roles.
If a lady is wearing jeans or slacks today that doesn't mean she is trying to change her sexual iden***y. she is just wearing what is in style today.
About the length of hair. 1Cor 11:10 reads, ""For this reson a woman ought to have a symbol of authority on her head." In this case it is a veil. :)
Not the length of hair.
Verse 16 refers to this as a custom. Customs change. We are longer wearing robes or sandals. Where do you draw the line? We could join the Amish church. They seem to have a dress code too. ;)
God bless,
God bess,
7But the LORD said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the LORD seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart.
You notice in this scripture it says God looks at our heart he see's where men can not see.
Man see's the outward appearance of a person, so the way we dress is how men will see us, in
Deut 22 vs 5.The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God. of course in the days of Abraham men wore robes as well as woman BUT.. womens robes were longer then the mens, and men wore pant's under their robes.. they still had their distinguish clothes both for men and woman... Abomination means Extreme hatred-in saying that time's have changed now they have turned menswear into womenswear (Pant's shorts etc)
in Corinthians 6v 9-10 it says 9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,
10Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. Effeminate a person who dresses like a woman or Man, in saying this alot of clothes, pants look great on women and they do look like women, and I will say that only God is the judge not man, I don't frown on woman walking into the church with a pants on, I love them the way God loves them because he doe's the changes not us. what it is, men look at a women diferently from a womens point, and they see all the curves of a women, even tho we can not stop a man from lusting we can do our best to try not to provoke it from happening, by not revealing too much of our body, long skirts past the knees, not too tight, no low blouses to show our chest, etc Modest apparel for God.. Our hair 1 corinthians 11
13.Judge in yourselves: is it comely that a woman pray unto God uncovered?
14Doth not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him?
15But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is given her for a covering.
Did you know our long hair is a covering for our husbands and our children, it has power thats why God says its a glory for her... remember Man changes God never changes
and his word never changes... Ive known alot of people especially ministers of God where their wifes have cut their hair, the men are now with another women out of church and the children are in the world, so my hair is a covering for my husband and my children, I want to be safe and please God I don't care what men think about my way of dress or my long hair, I do it because I want to please our God
God Bless sorry for taking up your whole page
Sister Kat
We are interested in what you believe. :)
How is the length of your hair considerd a covering for your family?
We as christians are covered by the shed blood of Christ, not the length of our hair. The length of hair? This is simply a cultural issue.
Do you view this custom that you practice a salvation issue? If so, where does it read that you are saved by the length of your hair?
There are two main sacraments for christians, baptism and Holy Communion.
Long hair is not a sacrament. :)
God bless,
"There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Oneness." :rolleyes:
post tribber,
Oneness who deny the Trinity?
This is a very serious doctrinal error.
You don't know who God is.
How is God presented to you in scripture? How do you see Him?
05-27-2009, 06:12 PM
"There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Oneness." :rolleyes:
I was being 'facetious'. :D
John Carr
05-28-2009, 11:52 PM
Quite the example of the extreme legalism that Oneness Pentecostalim adheres to similarly to the Pharisees. Oneness Pentecostalism's legalistic extremism places OP tradition above Scripture just as the Pharisees did. This illustrates another area in which Oneness Pentecostalism departs from Scripture.
As with most trinitarian false church people, they hold to no biblical standards as shown in DT. 22;5 where women are not to dress in clothing pertaining to a man, it is a abomination.
We see women with painted faces and looking like tramps and thus are not shamefaced as 1 TIM 2:9 states.
We know trinity women must put on jewelery and attract men to them, instead of to Christ and this is against 1 tim 2;9 adn 1 pet 3:3.
We also know that most trinity women , just like the world cut thie hair and deny the Biblical truth of not cutting hair found in 1 Cor.11:1-16.
Add piercings and tatoos and drinking and smoking and cussing and the trinity women and weak kneed men are not Holy and not saved, they choose not to be.
John Carr
05-28-2009, 11:54 PM
Amish adn Dunkards and German Baptists and some Mennonites hold extreme dress practices from previous centuries, thinking that to conform to dress codes of the 2oth century is wrong. Why ain't they holding to dress codes with robes, instead they took on the dress code from the time their were birthed as reformation churches and really are still mostly trinitarians which mean they are unsaved anyway.
05-29-2009, 08:22 PM
As with most trinitarian false church people, they hold to no biblical standards as shown in DT. 22;5 where women are not to dress in clothing pertaining to a man, it is a abomination.
We see women with painted faces and looking like tramps and thus are not shamefaced as 1 TIM 2:9 states.
We know trinity women must put on jewelery and attract men to them, instead of to Christ and this is against 1 tim 2;9 adn 1 pet 3:3.
We also know that most trinity women , just like the world cut thie hair and deny the Biblical truth of not cutting hair found in 1 Cor.11:1-16.
Add piercings and tatoos and drinking and smoking and cussing and the trinity women and weak kneed men are not Holy and not saved, they choose not to be.
And you flat out lie here. God abhors your deceit.
05-30-2009, 01:12 PM
[COLOR="blue"]Jean, God does look on the inward, but he also expects his real saints dressed and looking different on the outward when the inward is clean.
WRONG! God looking for a clean heart! A clean heart will reflect Christ love within/ without us...This is the sign folks should see, Christ love shining forth, within from without! Sure they'll be an outward change, just not a wardrobe one!
Oneness don't dress like the trinitarians and the world.
Women don't wear makeup and jewelery nor cut their hair and dress immodestly.
Wrong again! Oneness dress like many LDS polygamist groups! A lot women don't cut or wear makeup, nor are they Oneness! Sorry but you Oneness folks look and dress just like the world you speak out against!
Neither men or women drink or curse, or smoke and men are to not have long hair or dress immodest and act or look feminine.
At this point your just being ridicules or just dense , alot people don't do these things above, they are not Oneness!
You are delusional !
John Carr
05-30-2009, 05:21 PM
Those Biblical scriptures tear you up don't they.
No lies, that is real Biblical truth.
Women who dress in pants are a abomination. Theya re paiting their faces and are not shamefaced, they wear jewelery adn immodest clothing against 1 tim 2:9 and 1 pet.3:3
Put up some links to women in your church, or organization if you don't have a web site.
I bet we sin plenty of sin and corruption.
John Carr
05-30-2009, 05:23 PM
My name is not Schmit, my name is John Carr and you are not using my real name and are making false accusations, you are also in error on how Oneness women dress, they do not dress like Mormons or LDSers, some may, but that is not the norm of dress.
Trinity men and women are not following Holiness.
I use scriptures, you folks got none for the filthy lifestyles you are in.
05-30-2009, 05:42 PM
My name is not Schmit, my name is John Carr and you are not using my real name and are making false accusations, you are also in error on how Oneness women dress, they do not dress like Mormons or LDSers, some may, but that is not the norm of dress.
Trinity men and women are not following Holiness.
I use scriptures, you folks got none for the filthy lifestyles you are in.
Your transparent!
John Carr
05-30-2009, 05:44 PM
I don't live in Lafayette,
and don't have a clue what you are referring to.
Saying something about a Bob may mean something to them, but my name is John Carr and they will have no clue what you are speaking about.
John Carr
05-30-2009, 05:45 PM
Yes I am, my truth is seen by all and I openly show what I believe, most true Oneness believers do.
05-31-2009, 10:42 AM
I don't live in Lafayette,
and don't have a clue what you are referring to.
Saying something about a Bob may mean something to them, but my name is John Carr and they will have no clue what you are speaking about.
Everyone has a writhing style!
A style reveals the writer's personality or 'voice' It is the result of the choices the writer makes in syntactical structures, diction, and figures of...
This is the same style you carry on with over at CRAM! Right down to the insults, flippant remarks!
05-31-2009, 10:45 AM
I don't live in Lafayette,
and don't have a clue what you are referring to.
Saying something about a Bob may mean something to them, but my name is John Carr and they will have no clue what you are speaking about.
That's to be determine !
05-31-2009, 10:47 AM
Yes I am, my truth is seen by all and I openly show what I believe, most true Oneness believers do.
I think by now, you have realize this tone didn't go over very well at the other sit as well! :rolleyes:
John Carr
06-01-2009, 07:52 PM
I am not on another site, I am on this one.
So why is it Trinity women do not abide by Biblical standards of Holiness?
They cut their haid and dishonor themselves and their husband. see 1 Cor.11:1-16
They paint their face with paints and are not shamefaced as 1 TIM 2:9 states
They wear jewlery and deny the Bible and what it stated for N.T. Christians 1 Tim.2;9 and 1 Pet 3;3.
They wear pants and jeans and are considered a abomination by the Lord from DT. 22:5
Many pierce their bodies and wear tatoos and dye their hair and drink and smoke and cuss adn take drugs, so why is this so prevalent in the Trinity (supposed Christian) Cult?
Oneness women don't do these things and lay them down and are cleaned by the Spirit of God and his word in them.
John Carr
06-01-2009, 07:53 PM
It refers to women in men's clothing and not Transves***es at all.
John Carr
06-01-2009, 07:55 PM
I have made no insults or any flippant remarks. No such thing in what I have stated. You are the one making remarks and comparing me to someone else and not me.
I have my own writing style and if someone else holds the same doctrine, they will; most likely make the very same comments and use the same Oneness taught scriptures from the BIBLE!!!
Since you cannot defend what you post and prove me wrong and you are whatever you are supposd to be, since you say you are not Oneness and not a trinitarian, then I ***ume you have no truth and cannot tell us what self taught mess you follow.
John Carr
06-01-2009, 07:56 PM
Sorry it is determined, whether you believe it or not.
06-01-2009, 09:05 PM
I am not on another site, I am on this one.
Because you were banned from the other site!
So why is it Trinity women do not abide by Biblical standards of Holiness?
They do! Unlike the Oneness folks they are fooled nor deceived into believing it's a wardrobe change! But a heart one!
Again why are you only addressing women on the issues of dress??? Oneness men look like the world, so do your women! Sorry to tell yo, but you outward not setting you apart!
They cut their haid and dishonor themselves and their husband. see 1 Cor.11:1-16
Untruth, I know of many women and cultures who don't cut their hair, nor are they Oneness!
They paint their face with paints and are not shamefaced as 1 TIM 2:9 states
They wear jewlery and deny the Bible and what it stated for N.T. Christians 1 Tim.2;9 and 1 Pet 3;3.
More untruths, again you don't understand the Word! The word does not say you can't do these things, it say don't let those things become your outer beauty, let your beauty come from within ! Shamefaced is an at***ude , nothing to do with makeup! Again many women don't do these things are not Oneness. That the problem with your teaching, never get into the meat of the Word. Instead they twist it to it's own destruction !
They wear pants and jeans and are considered a abomination by the Lord from DT. 22:5
Aging your wrong! This p***age is about gender rolls! Another thing the bible clear you must follow all the Law not just this one p***age (DT. 22:5) as Oneness do! You can't pick and chose! By rejection the rest your in contempt of the Law. The Word also clear, they who follow the Law will be judge according to the Law . Then you have grace, Jesus as our law and judge, you have a choice!
Many pierce their bodies and wear tatoos and dye their hair and drink and smoke and cuss adn take drugs, so why is this so prevalent in the Trinity (supposed Christian)
The Word full of story and scriptures where God gave jewelry and nose rings, etc!
Again there are many none Oneness who don't do these things above! You tell untruths!
Again Oneness is label as Cult!
Oneness women don't do these things and lay them down and are cleaned by the Spirit of God and his word in them.
Again you have no ideal what these women do!
John Carr
06-01-2009, 09:14 PM
I wasn't banned from any site.
I just finished my last year of College.
So I was not posting much and now that I am at home I will be posting alot more.
What you know doesn't chnage the biblical doctrines that you and your trinity friends don't abide in.
Oneness can be labeled what ever you folks want to label it. You church used force and the Martyrs Mirror and Foxes Book of Martyrs show this.
I would say to pick up a copy and see that your church cannot contain itself and keep from abusing it's power.
The O.T. wear God gave jwelery is not needed in the NEW, where we are taught to abstain from the worldly things such as the trinity women and non-religious women go after.
One cannot tell Church women in most Trinity churches from the world, our women are always seen as speerated and having our long hair and dresses only, people generally know who and what we are.
You think that is of God? I don't.
06-02-2009, 12:52 AM
My name is not Schmit, my name is John Carr and you are not using my real name and are making false accusations, you are also in error on how Oneness women dress, they do not dress like Mormons or LDSers, some may, but that is not the norm of dress.
Trinity men and women are not following Holiness.
I use scriptures, you folks got none for the filthy lifestyles you are in.
As I stated your delusional !
06-02-2009, 01:01 AM
It refers to women in men's clothing and not Transves***es at all.
The New Testament instruction in Galatians 3:28 that “there is neither male or female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus” applied to status in God’s sight and not to dress.
The UPC has taken slacks and created a huge issue out of them, and left every other article of clothing on the sidelines. If the UPC would apply their rules consistently then I could respect their views, even though I disagree with them. But when I see UPC pastors preach against women wearing slacks from the pulpit, and then I go visit them in their homes and see their wives and daughters walking around in pajama pants, then I see hypocrisy, not holiness!.
John Carr
06-02-2009, 12:39 PM
AN ABOMINATION for a woman to wear clothing pertaining to that of a man. MEN'S PANTS AND JEANS worn by women are a abomination.
Women paitning their faces to attract men to look at them and their beauty and not Christ.
Women wearing jewels and jewelery to be flashy and attract men and not after Christ, but after themlselves.
Women cutting their hair to not only dress like men, but look like them to try and take power from men and usurp their position because they tell women how to quit playing with sin, but live Holy like Oneness women.
What goes on in the privacy of their home is their personal walk with Gd and not in public, you are now grabbing at straws trying to defend your own lifestyle and grievances against God.
John Carr
06-02-2009, 12:40 PM
name calling me is all you got it appears.
06-02-2009, 03:13 PM
The overt and extreme legalism you espouse is not held by Scripture and is the sociological element that also qualifies you and the UPCI and Oneness Pentecostalism in general as cultic.
06-02-2009, 03:46 PM
I wasn't banned from any site.
Keep on telling yourself that!!
I just finished my last year of College.
So I was not posting much and now that I am at home I will be posting alot more.
Lucky us!
What you know doesn't chnage the biblical doctrines that you and your trinity friends don't abide in.
Untruths..You have no ideal how others live!
Oneness can be labeled what ever you folks want to label it. You church used force and the Martyrs Mirror and Foxes Book of Martyrs show this.
I would say to pick up a copy and see that your church cannot contain itself and keep from abusing it's power.
Don't forget UPCI teaches the Magic Hair....Another gospel as well, dress salvation!
The O.T. wear God gave jwelery is not needed in the NEW, where we are taught to abstain from the worldly things such as the trinity women and non-religious women go after.
One cannot tell Church women in most Trinity churches from the world, our women are always seen as speerated and having our long hair and dresses only, people generally know who and what we are.
More lies, I see women all the time with long uncut hair, no makeup or jewelry and wearing dresses who are not UPCI! Again you have not separated yourself, you and your women dress just like the world!
You think that is of God? I don't.
God didn't ask you know did He???
06-02-2009, 03:50 PM
The overt and extreme legalism you espouse is not held by Scripture and is the sociological element that also qualifies you and the UPCI and Oneness Pentecostalism in general as cultic.
Note he has issues women, probably a lust one! These type go on and on about women, not one word of what set their men apart...Pharisees are very much alive amongst them...;)
06-02-2009, 03:52 PM
AN ABOMINATION for a woman to wear clothing pertaining to that of a man. MEN'S PANTS AND JEANS worn by women are a abomination..
Women paitning their faces to attract men to look at them and their beauty and not Christ.
Women wearing jewels and jewelery to be flashy and attract men and not after Christ, but after themlselves.
Women cutting their hair to not only dress like men, but look like them to try and take power from men and usurp their position because they tell women how to quit playing with sin, but live Holy like Oneness women.
Again more untruths, but that the norm with you people....
What goes on in the privacy of their home is their personal walk with Gd and not in public, you are now grabbing at straws trying to defend your own lifestyle and grievances against God.
LOL!! YEAH right!!!
7But the LORD said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the LORD seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart.
You notice in this scripture it says God looks at our heart he see's where men can not see.
Man see's the outward appearance of a person, so the way we dress is how men will see us, in
Deut 22 vs 5.The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God. of course in the days of Abraham men wore robes as well as woman BUT.. womens robes were longer then the mens, and men wore pant's under their robes.. they still had their distinguish clothes both for men and woman... Abomination means Extreme hatred-in saying that time's have changed now they have turned menswear into womenswear (Pant's shorts etc)
in Corinthians 6v 9-10 it says 9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,
10Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. Effeminate a person who dresses like a woman or Man, in saying this alot of clothes, pants look great on women and they do look like women, and I will say that only God is the judge not man, I don't frown on woman walking into the church with a pants on, I love them the way God loves them because he doe's the changes not us. what it is, men look at a women diferently from a womens point, and they see all the curves of a women, even tho we can not stop a man from lusting we can do our best to try not to provoke it from happening, by not revealing too much of our body, long skirts past the knees, not too tight, no low blouses to show our chest, etc Modest apparel for God.. Our hair 1 corinthians 11
13.Judge in yourselves: is it comely that a woman pray unto God uncovered?
14Doth not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him?
15But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is given her for a covering.
Did you know our long hair is a covering for our husbands and our children, it has power thats why God says its a glory for her... remember Man changes God never changes
and his word never changes... Ive known alot of people especially ministers of God where their wifes have cut their hair, the men are now with another women out of church and the children are in the world, so my hair is a covering for my husband and my children, I want to be safe and please God I don't care what men think about my way of dress or my long hair, I do it because I want to please our God
God Bless sorry for taking up your whole page
Sister Kat
Yes, your right, God's word does not change, only the interpretation of his word. :)
Have you noticed, no other christian church views the oneness Pentecostal's view? Do you ever wonder why? Could oneness possibly be in error?
For example, where does it read in the Bible that a person must speak in tongues to be saved?
When were you saved? Before or after you spoke in tongues?
God bless you as you search for the truth in His word,
Again more untruths, but that the norm with you people....
LOL!! YEAH right!!!
Spoken like a true man of God. :rolleyes:
Are you aware of this p***age, 1 Jn.4:10-11 "Love one another." verse 19--21 "Whoever loves God must also love his brother"
Do you really believe that oneness pentecostals are the only believers that are going to be saved??? That would mean Christ died on the cross for one Church. Do you really believe this?
Is this what your leaders teach you? I sincerely hope not.
AN ABOMINATION for a woman to wear clothing pertaining to that of a man. MEN'S PANTS AND JEANS worn by women are a abomination.
Women paitning their faces to attract men to look at them and their beauty and not Christ.
Women wearing jewels and jewelery to be flashy and attract men and not after Christ, but after themlselves.
Women cutting their hair to not only dress like men, but look like them to try and take power from men and usurp their position because they tell women how to quit playing with sin, but live Holy like Oneness women.
What goes on in the privacy of their home is their personal walk with Gd and not in public, you are now grabbing at straws trying to defend your own lifestyle and grievances against God.
Duet 22:5 reads,"A woman shall not wear mens apparel, nor shall a man put on a womans garment; For whoever does such is abhorrent to the Lord
What this means is.. Men and women are not to reverse their sexual roles. It is not a statement about clothing styles. It refers to transves***es.
Oneness interpretation is in error.
Please look this up in any Commentary.
PS, I have never seen a woman 'paint' their face, nor wear the gaudy jewelry you described. Your being very rude.
I can ***ure you, men aren't the least bit interested in a ladies jewelry, are they? :)
Again more untruths, but that the norm with you people....
LOL!! YEAH right!!!
I have never been mistaken for a man. My husband knew I was a female in the beginning. :)
I don't know one lady friend of mine that has been ever mistaken for a man because she had slacks on.
Have you noticed, Women aren't built like men.:) We shop for our clothing in the ladies department.
Don't believe everything you think.
Keep on telling yourself that!!
Lucky us!
Untruths..You have no ideal how others live!
Don't forget UPCI teaches the Magic Hair....Another gospel as well, dress salvation!
More lies, I see women all the time with long uncut hair, no makeup or jewelry and wearing dresses who are not UPCI! Again you have not separated yourself, you and your women dress just like the world!
God didn't ask you know did He???
wild card,
Wild is right
Isn't fornunate, we don't have to dress to your Old fashion requirements
Do you own a Commentary? Read it. Or look your key p***ages up on the net.
AN ABOMINATION for a woman to wear clothing pertaining to that of a man. MEN'S PANTS AND JEANS worn by women are a abomination.
Women paitning their faces to attract men to look at them and their beauty and not Christ.
Women wearing jewels and jewelery to be flashy and attract men and not after Christ, but after themlselves.
Women cutting their hair to not only dress like men, but look like them to try and take power from men and usurp their position because they tell women how to quit playing with sin, but live Holy like Oneness women.
What goes on in the privacy of their home is their personal walk with Gd and not in public, you are now grabbing at straws trying to defend your own lifestyle and grievances against God.
Where are the scriptures to support your views? i'm not interested in your opinion.
I wasn't banned from any site.
I just finished my last year of College.
So I was not posting much and now that I am at home I will be posting alot more.
What you know doesn't chnage the biblical doctrines that you and your trinity friends don't abide in.
Oneness can be labeled what ever you folks want to label it. You church used force and the Martyrs Mirror and Foxes Book of Martyrs show this.
I would say to pick up a copy and see that your church cannot contain itself and keep from abusing it's power.
The O.T. wear God gave jwelery is not needed in the NEW, where we are taught to abstain from the worldly things such as the trinity women and non-religious women go after.
One cannot tell Church women in most Trinity churches from the world, our women are always seen as speerated and having our long hair and dresses only, people generally know who and what we are.
You think that is of God? I don't.
They do not sell mens clothing in the ladies department
I don't purchase mens clothing. Unless it's for my husband. I don't wear his clothes either. They don't fit.:D
06-24-2009, 07:31 PM
'koom-byah .... koom-byah .... sniffin regular octane on a warm sunny day .... koom-byah .... koom-byah!!' :rolleyes:
07-31-2009, 09:14 PM
I have never been mistaken for a man. My husband knew I was a female in the beginning. :)
I don't know one lady friend of mine that has been ever mistaken for a man because she had slacks on.
Have you noticed, Women aren't built like men.:) We shop for our clothing in the ladies department.
Don't believe everything you think.
Same here, my hubby knew I was all woman....;)
07-31-2009, 09:17 PM
Spoken like a true man of God. :rolleyes:
Are you aware of this p***age, 1 Jn.4:10-11 "Love one another." verse 19--21 "Whoever loves God must also love his brother"
Do you really believe that oneness pentecostals are the only believers that are going to be saved??? That would mean Christ died on the cross for one Church. Do you really believe this?
Is this what your leaders teach you? I sincerely hope not.
Hi Jean~ I'm a she...;) I'm an ex-UPCIer....I no longer believe those things, I was set free~
11-26-2009, 11:55 PM
Hi Jean~ I'm a she...;) I'm an ex-UPCIer....I no longer believe those things, I was set free~
Thank you for the update. :)
Very happy you left upci. I have two dear friends that are still involved with this church.
In my opinion their pastor will have to answer for teaching false doctrine.
The fact they deny the Trinity is bad enough but they also deny the sufficiency of Jesus to save them. they rely on works. ie, 'speaking in tongues
Lets pray for them,
What do you think of the UPCI's holiness standards? What do you think of their refusal to serve in the military or politics?:)
Why is it then that whenever oneness pentecostals teach about “holiness” they teach about rules for the way you look? “Don’t wear jewelry, don’t wear make-up, women can’t wear pants, men can’t wear a beard.” Some even teach that if women wear open toed shoes they will go to hell! I can’t find any scriptures in the Bible that support these claims. The ones used to support these claims are used out of context, or are misread. In fact, Ezekiel 16 shows that God does not have a problem with jewelry. Peter said, (my paraphrase) “let your beauty before God not be your outward appearance”; he did not say, “don’t wear gold.” If he did, then we shouldn’t be wearing clothes either (1 Peter 3:3). In the same light, Leviticus 19:27 says that men MUST wear a beard. When did God change his mind on that and say, “You can’t serve me if you have a beard?” The only proof for most of the “holiness standards” is misused scriptures. While we are on the subject (which so many are curious about), oneness pentecostals use a scripture from the mosaic law (Deut 22:5) to say that women should not wear pants, however they ignore another scripture from the mosaic law (Lev 19:27) that requires men to wear a beard. The point of Deuteronomy 22:5 is to ensure definition between the sexes; men should look like men and women vice versa. Why? Both the old and new covenants were representative of marriage contracts. The man has a specific role in the marriage contract, which is representative of God, and the woman has specific roles likewise which are representative of the church. If the lines between the sexes are blurred, the definitions of the contracts between God and humanity become blurred. Therefore God gave commandments to ensure we don’t blur these lines. What could be more manlike than keeping the beard God gave you?
In Colossians 2:20-23 Paul asks (my paraphrase), “If you really believe that Jesus was the ultimate sacrifice, then why do you follow man-made rules that you think make you look holy; but they really have nothing to do with true holiness?”
1st John 5:3 says, “For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments; and His commandments are not burdensome.” What are the commandments of God? The ten commandments? Jesus said that the greatest commandment was “HEAR, O ISRAEL! THE LORD OUR GOD IS ONE LORD; 30AND YOU SHALL LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART, AND WITH ALL YOUR SOUL, AND WITH ALL YOUR MIND, AND WITH ALL YOUR STRENGTH.' 31"The second is this, 'YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF.' There is no other commandment greater than these." If you look at the ten commandments, you will see that the first five have to do with how to love God, and the second five have to do with loving others; which is exactly what Jesus said. Read the 15th Chapter of John. That is as good a summation as I can find. Do you really love God? Do you really love your fellow man? If not, are you really being holy like God wants? AND, does a dress code in any way make you more holy (according to scripture)?
01-05-2010, 10:47 PM
Why is it then that whenever oneness pentecostals teach about “holiness” they teach about rules for the way you look? “Don’t wear jewelry, don’t wear make-up, women can’t wear pants, men can’t wear a beard.” Some even teach that if women wear open toed shoes they will go to hell! I can’t find any scriptures in the Bible that support these claims. The ones used to support these claims are used out of context, or are misread. In fact, Ezekiel 16 shows that God does not have a problem with jewelry. Peter said, (my paraphrase) “let your beauty before God not be your outward appearance”; he did not say, “don’t wear gold.” If he did, then we shouldn’t be wearing clothes either (1 Peter 3:3). In the same light, Leviticus 19:27 says that men MUST wear a beard. When did God change his mind on that and say, “You can’t serve me if you have a beard?” The only proof for most of the “holiness standards” is misused scriptures. While we are on the subject (which so many are curious about), oneness pentecostals use a scripture from the mosaic law (Deut 22:5) to say that women should not wear pants, however they ignore another scripture from the mosaic law (Lev 19:27) that requires men to wear a beard. The point of Deuteronomy 22:5 is to ensure definition between the sexes; men should look like men and women vice versa. Why? Both the old and new covenants were representative of marriage contracts. The man has a specific role in the marriage contract, which is representative of God, and the woman has specific roles likewise which are representative of the church. If the lines between the sexes are blurred, the definitions of the contracts between God and humanity become blurred. Therefore God gave commandments to ensure we don’t blur these lines. What could be more manlike than keeping the beard God gave you?
In Colossians 2:20-23 Paul asks (my paraphrase), “If you really believe that Jesus was the ultimate sacrifice, then why do you follow man-made rules that you think make you look holy; but they really have nothing to do with true holiness?”
1st John 5:3 says, “For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments; and His commandments are not burdensome.” What are the commandments of God? The ten commandments? Jesus said that the greatest commandment was “HEAR, O ISRAEL! THE LORD OUR GOD IS ONE LORD; 30AND YOU SHALL LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART, AND WITH ALL YOUR SOUL, AND WITH ALL YOUR MIND, AND WITH ALL YOUR STRENGTH.' 31"The second is this, 'YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF.' There is no other commandment greater than these." If you look at the ten commandments, you will see that the first five have to do with how to love God, and the second five have to do with loving others; which is exactly what Jesus said. Read the 15th Chapter of John. That is as good a summation as I can find. Do you really love God? Do you really love your fellow man? If not, are you really being holy like God wants? AND, does a dress code in any way make you more holy (according to scripture)?
Oneness definition of holiness has nothing to do with the way a person dresses.
Christian holiness comes from the heart.
If oneness ladies are foolish enough to have a man tell them how to dress they are weak minded. Dress codes are out of date.
There is nothing wrong with a lady weaing slacks. It's the custom today. Styles change, otherwise we would all be wearing robes and sandles.
The Bible speaks of modesty, which I agree with.
Amish choose to dress alike, certain catholics dress differently as well.
I'm not going to put myself in the position of judging anyone.
Why is this such a devisive issue?
01-05-2010, 10:51 PM
I am not on another site, I am on this one.
So why is it Trinity women do not abide by Biblical standards of Holiness?
They cut their haid and dishonor themselves and their husband. see 1 Cor.11:1-16
They paint their face with paints and are not shamefaced as 1 TIM 2:9 states
They wear jewlery and deny the Bible and what it stated for N.T. Christians 1 Tim.2;9 and 1 Pet 3;3.
They wear pants and jeans and are considered a abomination by the Lord from DT. 22:5
Many pierce their bodies and wear tatoos and dye their hair and drink and smoke and cuss adn take drugs, so why is this so prevalent in the Trinity (supposed Christian) Cult?
Oneness women don't do these things and lay them down and are cleaned by the Spirit of God and his word in them.
Your definitions of the above scriptures are wrong.
It's your opinion.
Pants or jeans that some ladies choose to wear today are not armor.
01-05-2010, 11:02 PM
Jean, God does look on the inward, but he also expects his real saints dressed and looking different on the outward when the inward is clean.
Oneness don't dress like the trinitarians and the world.
Women don't wear makeup and jewelery nor cut their hair and dress immodestly.
Neither men or women drink or curse, or smoke and men are to not have long hair or dress immodest and act or look feminine.
I'm aware how oneness are required to dress. It has nothing to do with holiness, but a lot to do with conrol.
The Lord looks on the heart of man, not their outside appearance.
I have never met a drunken christian. Also, I don't know of any friend of mine whose vocabulary is so limited that would would have to interject profanity to make a point. I don't know one friend of mine that even smokes.
Where do you get you ideas from? Are you judging others?
See Mt.7:1-5 it may curb your judging attiitude. :)
God bless,
Rom.2:11 "For God does not show favortism."
01-05-2010, 11:20 PM
Those Biblical scriptures tear you up don't they.
No lies, that is real Biblical truth.
Women who dress in pants are a abomination. Theya re paiting their faces and are not shamefaced, they wear jewelery adn immodest clothing against 1 tim 2:9 and 1 pet.3:3
Put up some links to women in your church, or organization if you don't have a web site.
I bet we sin plenty of sin and corruption.
you are reading into these p***ages with a 51 A.D. a***ude
Jewish women in that culture were treated as second cl*** citizens.
You are also describing dress codes which your church is foolish enough to p*** unto a third millenium woman.
As long as your not doing this with a judgmental at***ude , you ways are your own.
What matters is... do you view this as a salvation issue? Dress codes that is.
God bless,
01-29-2010, 07:47 AM
What are "trinity women"?
09-05-2010, 10:27 PM
What do you think of the UPCI's holiness standards? What do you think of their refusal to serve in the military or politics?:)
Holiness standards? There is nothing holy in the way they dress.
They choose to dress differently from others . I find that exeptable for them, but God looks at the heart of man, not the outside appearance.
Pride is another problem to watch for.
09-05-2010, 10:38 PM
Jean, God does look on the inward, but he also expects his real saints dressed and looking different on the outward when the inward is clean.
Oneness don't dress like the trinitarians and the world.
Women don't wear makeup and jewelery nor cut their hair and dress immodestly.
Neither men or women drink or curse, or smoke and men are to not have long hair or dress immodest and act or look feminine.
I realize there are ladies and young people that do dress as you have discribed.
The length of hair has nothing to do with salvation. 1Cor.11 was the culture of dress in the early church. We don't wear robes and sandles today.
Smoking of course is bad for a persons health. Drunkeness is a sin.
Jesus performed His first miracle at Cana by changing the water into wine .
Having a gl*** of wine is not a sin.
Dressing immodestly is also not to be done.
We as Christians are filled with the Holy Spirit. Some folks haven't gotten that far yet.
Jesus does not show favortism. Rom.2:11 he loves everyone. Even sinners. :)
And non-Pentecostals. :)
God bless you,
05-30-2014, 11:53 AM
I saw this post and not sure if posters will come back, but wanted to set straight about Oneness serving in Military.
Now some at least those I have known in the past served many times as conscientous objecters, in roles alot in the medical field, my pastor did so, when he was not yet a minister and had worked in a hospital before the Vietnam war.
Served in the front in places on firebases (one nearly overrun).
I personally was in Military when I was saved, but did not change to that status.
I have known a Minister's Son who served in the Armor in Iraq war and had a vehicle ****n up and overturned and he survived.
Now many Oneness have not run alot in politics, they would have even though conservative status, have Trinitarians objecting to a Oneness and not getting out the vote.
I do know of a State Legislater from MO. a few years back.
And a Supreme Court Judge from down South who got saved at a older age and was in the highest position as s Judge.
Oneness people vote and very conservative for the most part, MOST LIKELY 95%+ REPUBLICAN (I have never heard one profess to being a Democrat, though through ignorance and not knowing that Democrats have dropped off the cliff on morals, a older person could still be thinking this is olden days).
I have helped campaign for Governor, Congressman, State Senators and State Representatives and some other local offices (mostly state positions though).
So we are very conservative, and most know what is going on and that Democrats are running this country into the ground.
I think the UPCI dress standards regarding Holiness and living and teaching are biblical based and to be followed.
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