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Thread: Another CARM reject...

  1. #26


    Quote Originally Posted by Heart2Heart View Post
    What is SET Board?
    I think she meant the SEP board. Society, Ethics, Politics

  2. #27
    Mary T


    Quote Originally Posted by Heart2Heart View Post
    What is SET Board?
    Society,Ethics and Politics forum.

  3. #28


    Boy do I know where you are coming from- I am avoiding the same place for the same reasons.

    Good to meet you! Sorry I never ran into you over there!

  4. #29


    Quote Originally Posted by Trinity View Post
    unChristian: What a New Generation Really Thinks about Christianity... and Why It Matters
    by David Kinnaman, Gabe Lyons

    Review by Daniel B. Clendenin

    "In his book The Heart of Christianity (2003) Marcus Borg of Oregon State University describes how his university students have a uniformly negative image of Christianity. "When I ask them to write a short essay on their impression of Christianity," says Borg, "they consistently use five adjectives: Christians are literalistic, anti-intellectual, self-righteous, judgmental, and bigoted."

    Christians might object, rather defensively, that it's unfair to draw sweeping conclusions based upon the report of one person. If you think that way, you'd be right in your logic but wrong in your conclusion. A new book called unChristian (2007) by David Kinnaman of the Barna Group presents objective research that supports Borg's subjective anecdote. Kinnaman's three-year study documents how an overwhelming percentage of sixteen to twenty-nine year olds view Christians with hostility, resentment and disdain.

    These broadly and deeply negative views of Christians aren't just superficial stereotypes with no basis in reality, says Kinnaman. Nor are the critics people who've had no contact with churches or Christians. It would be a tragic mistake, he argues, for believers to protest that outsider outrage at Christians is a misperception. Rather, it's based upon their real experiences with today's Christians. In addition to their statistical research, the book includes anecdotes from people who were interviewed, follow-on comments at the end of each chapter by some 30 Christian leaders, and reflections about why we've come to such a place and how we might make it better.

    * anti****sexual 91%
    * judgmental 87%
    * hypocritical 85%
    * old-fashioned 78%
    * too political 75%
    * out of touch with reality 72%
    * insensitive to others 70%
    * boring 68%

    It would be hard to overestimate, says Kinnaman, "how firmly people reject-- and feel rejected by-- Christians" (19). Or think about it this way, he suggests: "When you introduce yourself as a Christian to a friend, neighbor, or business ***ociate who is an outsider, you might as well have it tattooed on your arm: anti****sexual, gay-hater, ****phobic. I doubt you think of yourself in these terms, but that's what outsiders think of you" (93).

    Gabe Lyons of the Fermi Project who commissioned the Barna research remembers his first look at the data. "I'll never forget sitting in Starbucks, poring through the research results on my laptop. As I soaked it in, I glanced at the people around me and was overwhelmed with the thought that this is what they think of me. It was a sobering thought to know that if I had stood up and announced myself as a 'Christian' to the customers ***embled in Starbucks that day, they would have ***ociated me with every one of the negative perceptions described in this book" (222, his italics). Sad to say, Marcus Borg was even more right than he knew."

    Wow! i'd say thats dead on!!!

    a you think the way christians throw around...
    "let me pray for you"....and pray for ball games....healing of illness...etc
    can be a part of the growing "atheism" we see?
    I have heard it mentioned several time by agnostic/atheist...
    and have been much....

    with love,

  5. #30
    Administrator Jill's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Minneapolis, MN


    Yes, I agree that some Christians get caught up in religious words and actions and forget the love that is supposed to be behind those words and actions. The media also has contributed a great deal to the negative stereotype of Christians by showing the lunatic fringe and rarely the truly loving Christians. It is sad, but these are the end times and Jesus did say that if people hated Him, they would hate us, too.

    Welcome again to everyone here. We truly hope this is a place of fierce (and respectful) discussions --and a place of peace where friends can come and find love and support.

    Quote Originally Posted by sunofmysoul View Post
    Wow! i'd say thats dead on!!!

    a you think the way christians throw around...
    "let me pray for you"....and pray for ball games....healing of illness...etc
    can be a part of the growing "atheism" we see?
    I have heard it mentioned several time by agnostic/atheist...
    and have been much....

    with love,
    How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God. 1 John 3:1

  6. #31


    it is interesting to see how people respond

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