Originally Posted by
Mary T
yeah its me! I was on the SET Board sticking up for Obama and other places sticking up for the underdog, the atheists, the gay people, and just plain ol common sense. and I stepped on someones toes. she was calling Obama a baby killer,, she was doing much other fear mongering. I was trying to be the voice of reason and even defend her to someone and saying lets pray for her and i was defending her and concerned about her.. so i try to calm her down and try to let her see things more reasonable, and i think i stepped on her anti-abortion toes, so I am suspended.
but i had to say what i said I also have been putting up topics about too much attacking going on, so maybe that also did it too.
I personaly refuse to jump on the bandwagon and hate groups of people that some christians feel i ought to hate.. if you read any of my recent posts, you can see that im beginning to get very aggravated at religous people who act unloving. Im actually today feeling like just about ready to quit chirsitanity, seems the ones who have hurt me the most this past 6 months were christians.
so the ban is off Monday noon, to be honest, im honestly very miffed at christianity in general,, but i had to go thru a lot of bad feelings today after feeling like after defending people i get suspended. ok so maybe im not the best chrisitian myself. im about to throw in the towel and quit.