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Hi Margie. I have been "labeled" as new age by many folks however, I don't think it really fits me in every instance either. I have very eclectic beliefs and chose to take the good I learn from all belief systems and try to incorporate those beliefs into my daily life.
I think the term "new age" is misleading at best as new age is really nothing "new", many of it's views and pilosophies have been around for hundreds of years or more.
As far as the original topic of the thread regarding new age views being the "preparation" for the anti-christ. I really don't believe that, not just because I don't believe in the biblical view of the anti-christ but also because the new age "way" is to focus on light, love, peace harmony, doing good to those around you, etc. The "true" new age believer has no need or desire to focus on "evil" or darkness. Even those of us that lean towards "new age" beliefs but do not fully consider ourselves to be labeled as such, even we have much more interest in the good things life has to offer and tend to focus on that and also look for it when it isn't blatently aparant. I find it really hard to believe that "new age" views would be the thing that would usher in something ego driven like an anti-christ type figure.