Depends on your definition of "pagan".
I think TRiG was saying that to his understanding, belief in multiple gods is a necessary, but not sufficient, requirement to make one a pagan. You are saying that it is both necessary and sufficient.
Depends on your definition of "pagan".
I think TRiG was saying that to his understanding, belief in multiple gods is a necessary, but not sufficient, requirement to make one a pagan. You are saying that it is both necessary and sufficient.
We would be if we believed in many Gods.. But unlike the JW or the Mormons we don't see Jesus as a created being. Nor do we see Him as a separate God from the Father or the Holy Spirit.. This confused me when I first came out of mormonism and God in his grace gave me and understanding through geometric space..
The three dimensions being infinite must logically contains all points of space. Yet Hight is not Width, and neither are either of them Length.. Yet these three dimensions make up one infinite space.. I don't know if you can see the ****ogy but to my small brain it is a wonderful picture of the oneness of God in the weak mind of Jim.. IHS jim
The worship of any God other than YHWH makes a person an unbeliever in the God of the Bible and therefore a Pagan.. That is the only definition that makes sense Biblically.. IHS jim
Like many words, 'pagan' has more than one meaning. There is no universally accepted definition of 'christian' by christians themselves.
Could you please tell me which definition of the word pagan you're using.
We don't agree.. I say a pagan is anyone that rejects YHWH as the one and only God.. A Christian is a person who accept Jesus as YHWH.. IHS jim
"We"? The fact is, there is no universally accepted definition of the word, even among those that fit your definition of "christian" - another word without a universally accepted definition.
There is in the Church.. But you are right it was a name ***igned to disciples of JESUS by the Roman polytheists.. Today it has become a standard for those who recognize Jesus as God, Savior and King of the world.. IHS jim
The Jehovah's Witness cult is Freemasonic and pagan. The ancient heretic Arias' views of Jesus came from pagan concepts, not the biblical data. Charles Russell was a pagan and occultic Freemason, just like Joe Smith.
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