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Thread: My Philosophy

  1. #1

    Default My Philosophy

    The Christian God is the only one.
    the Bible is true
    God is in trinity.,

    Mormons are lost and Mormonism is a CULT.
    God has no problem with us drinking beer.
    The JWs are lost and are also in a CULT

    All stories about UFOs are lies
    All photos of UFOs are fake
    however life may evolve on billions of worlds.

    Evolution is true enough to trust in.
    Evolution and genesis agree

    speaking in tongues is a faked gift as far as i have seen.
    But if it were real, it would be easy for science to test and prove.

    Jesus is still fully human
    Jesus died a normal human death.
    The same body that died on the cross, was seen later alive and resurrected.

    Im saved, and I can never do anything to change this.
    There is no sin that a Christian can not find forgiveness from.

    Man has free will.
    God is sovereign.

    We are saved as Christians when we believe that Jesus is the one true Lord and God...and that he was resurrected from the dead, and via this we also are saved.

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by alanmolstad View Post
    Evolution is true enough to trust in.
    Evolution and genesis agree
    Alan you really believe that evolution and Genesis agree? Really? Please explain why you believe this.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Billyray View Post
    Alan you really believe that evolution and Genesis agree? Really? Please explain why you believe this.
    Its easy to see....

    Trace back the story of all life as taught to us by Evolution and guess what you come to as the starting point?......

    The answer is you get to the same starting point for all life as we find in the Bible...

    Consider :
    And God said, Let the earth bring forth .......

    The starting point for all life in both the teachings of Evolution and in the story of Genesis is that all life is from the earth....

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by alanmolstad View Post

    The starting point for all life in both the teachings of Evolution and in the story of Genesis is that all life is from the earth....
    Do you believe that God created the first cell then directed evolution to the first man?

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Billyray View Post
    Do you believe ....
    I believe what the Bible says....and I try not to add to anything, but rather I find it best to just stick to the Text as close as i can and see how that goes....
    So lets check what the text says!

    Does the Bible say that God created the first cell?
    .....not that I can find.

    The word "cell" is not really all that clear in my version of the Bible, does anyone find it listed in theirs?

    So what does the Bible say about the origin of man?

    And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground,

    the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken

    So the teaching of Genesis is that man's origin is from the earth itself....that we are a part of the earth that has come to life.

    Now is this answer any different than where animals come from?

    And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature

    Ah, so now we see that all the animals share the same place of origin with man.....
    Our origin in common is the "earth"

    The earth was commanded to bring forth life...both human and animal.

    This also is the same answer we receive from the teachers of evolution ...

  6. #6


    The issue of Evolution is one of the few places where i totally seem to disagree with the current Bible Answer Man, Hank.

    Hank has made it very clear to me over the last few months I have looked into his views that he simply rejects evolution.

    I find most of the proof that Hank lists as proof against evolution as being very silly.

    I also remember that Walter Martin always allowed for the vast amounts of time (Billions of years) whenever he answered a question about Genesis Days.

    So, then.....what do I believe about the Genesis /Evolution question?

    I believe that Evolution has enough real support in science to be considered 100% true.
    I also believe that if you read the story of Genesis you will not actually find any anti-evolution arguments.

    I believe that a close reading of the Genesis text will show you that there is room within the way the Genesis story is written for Evolution to be true..

    I believe that the earth is Billions and billions of years old, and that this fits within the Genesis story.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by alanmolstad View Post
    This also is the same answer we receive from the teachers of evolution ...
    Alan, you believe God created the first cell then guided evolution until we got the first man?

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Billyray View Post
    Alan, you believe God created the first cell then guided evolution until we got the first man?
    I believe what the Bible says....and I try not to add to anything, but rather I find it best to just stick to the Text as close as i can and see how that goes....
    So lets check what the text says!

    Does the Bible say that God created the first cell?.....not that I can find.

    The word "cell" is not really all that clear in my version of the Bible, does anyone find it listed in theirs?

    So what does the Bible say about the origin of man?

    And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground,

    the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken

    So the teaching of Genesis is that man's origin is from the earth itself....that we are a part of the earth that has come to life.

    Now is this answer any different than where animals come from?

    And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature

    Ah, so now we see that all the animals share the same place of origin with man.....
    Our origin in common is the "earth"

    The earth was commanded to bring forth life...both human and animal.

    This also is the same answer we receive from the teachers of evolution ...

    (Oh Im sorry, I thought we were playing a game where we both copy/paste our old posts over and over)

  9. #9


    I believe the rapture is a invented idea by tent teachers.

    I do not believe for a moment that the christian church will turn tail and run from the earth that God has made....

    I do not believe for a moment that the church will be unable to stand up to the antiChrist....

    I believe that the church will break down the gates of hell...thats the point of the church.

    we are the army on the march,,,
    not the army running from the field.

  10. #10


    I believe that a lot of christians show bad manners on-line.
    They seem to have no clue how to have a nice conversation with people who disagree with them.

    I see real "hate speech' going on...

    I see people who in person are likely the most nice and calm people in the world, suddenly turn out to be posting comments that are filled with anger and bile.

    I see far too many Christians unable to tell a joke...unable to laugh at a joke ....unable to take a joke.

    I think I know what the problem is too.
    I think it is caused by the way the internet allows people to hide ....

    The use of names like "ZxCop62" gives a type of freedom to get away with things that would not be allowed had everyone known your real name.
    Some people use this ability to hide who they really are as a means to let loose with the darker angels of their souls.

    I just wish my brothers and sisters would catch on to the fact that at the end of time, when we stand before the judge, and the books of our lives will open, and we see and hear about all the things each of us did while we walked the earth, that down there at the end of the judges bench there will also be an I-Pad sitting....with all the words we ever posted .....and it to will be gone over by our Lord and discussed.

  11. #11


    The Free Will issue....

    One of the central ideas of the Christian faith is the idea that we have Free Will, and that while we do have this gift, , the free Will we have operates well within the sovereignty of God over creation.

    The Bible gives us a very clear example of how our freedom/ability/power to carry out our own wills is always yet under the sovereignty of God.

    The example I speak of is found at JOHN 19:10
    This verse and the one after it shows us clearly how both Free Will and God's sovereignty work in our lives.

    ""Do you refuse to speak to me?" Pilate said. "Don't you realize I have power either to free you or to crucify you?"
    This is human free will at work.
    Pilate had the total free will to do what he wanted with Jesus.
    He could let him go
    He could send him to his death.
    It was only Pilate's call to make.

    No one was there that had any real power at all to force what decision was to happen.
    Pilate could ***ign values to things to understand that he and he alone could value this or that more highly that other things as he thought about what he was about to do.

    This is how we all see our human free will.

    This is the very heart of the call the Christian puts out for people to "repent" and draw closer to God though Christ.
    Unless we had this type of ability to make our own decisions, there would be no need, no point in asking people to repent.

    So that is how Free Will is understood and taught in the Bible...

    Next we will read the words of Christ as he shows us how God's Sovereignty works with Free Will.

    John 19:11
    "Jesus answered, "You would have no power over me if it were not given to you from above. Therefore the one who handed me over to you is guilty of a greater sin.

    Here we see how Human Free Will does not confront the Sovereignty of God at all.
    The Free Will of Pilate is within the rule and control of God at all times....yet is never squashing the human free will at any time.

    The fact that Jesus never once contradicts Pilate shows us that Jesus knew Pilate had the free will to do whatever he wanted.
    But Jesus does point out the fact that God's Sovereignty is beyond human free will to counteract.
    that human free will is a GIFT from God!

    In the last part of the verse Jesus reminds us that we still will suffer for our sins, no matter the Sovereignty of God over creation.
    That we and we alone are responsible for our actions, and they when we sin we face a Judgement for our sins.

    And to sum it up?
    All that I believe of Free Will is in full agreement with Dr Walter Martin as shown here -
    Last edited by alanmolstad; 07-17-2011 at 07:30 AM.

  12. #12


    My Philosophy:
    My views of the Mormon faith?

    Joseph Smith made the whole thing up...

    This means?...

    This means there was no visit by any angels to him.
    No burred golden plates.
    No translations into the book of Mormon.
    The book of Mormon was just something made up.
    None of the new stories about people going to America from the holy lands are true.
    The god of the Mormons is fake, and invented.
    That all the death and suffering of Mormons to follow Smith's teachings have been pointless.
    That all the door-to-door work of Mormons is of no value at all to them, and it serves only to spread a false religion.

  13. #13

    Default Mormon topics are boring

    a christian forum that is overtaken by Mormons and mormon topics if boring.

    This forum is set up to honor one of the truly great Christian Bible teachers.....and the problem with that is that when you come here you run smack into a situation where it sure seems to appear that Mormons run this forum they have so many posters on it.

    Now im told that as a united body all the Mormons have left?
    all i can say is......

    There were so many Mormons posting, and there were so many Mormons topics going that I as a new person here had to really struggle to be heard over all the Mormon posts.

    Now that they are gone I find that even the smallest posts are things worth contemplation.

    Will the Mormons ever come back and all start posting here again?......I dont have a clue.

    I do know that if it turns out that a whole bunch of Mormons suddenly start posting on this message board again all at the same time, they this fact will will be more important to dig into than any topics the Mormons wish to discuss.

    On a personal level.....I miss a poster named Fig.

    I found Fig to never once cross the line, and the other thing that i liked about his posts is that "He got me"

    Fig seems to understand that I tell a lot of jokes....and seems to think my jokes are funny too????!
    Thats a rare me...

    Im sick to death of so many Christians who all act shocked at the moment a slightly off-color joke....

    thus....this gang MIA of the Mormons seems to me to be yet another symptom of what life for Fig must be like in a CULT.

    Gosh...i would not last about 5 minutes in a CULT that controlled people like this...

  14. #14


    all UFO stories are lies.

  15. #15

    Default's like the only topic around here.

    I have totally given up the idea that this message board might branch out into other topic besides the Mormon stuff..

    be that as it may, my views of the Mormons are unchanged.
    They are a CULT
    They are not part of the salvation offered by the Lord.
    I dont believe squat out of the mouth of J Smith
    I dont believe for a moment there was a real angel that appeared
    i dont believe for a moment there was any golden tablets
    I dont believe for a moment that any of the teachings of Mormonism are even close to being correct.

    and yet.

    If Mitt gets the nomination I will do my best to get him elected to the office of President of the United States...

    (insert at this point > )

  16. #16


    any questions?

  17. #17



    Im not sure that Christians actually should use the term "earn salvation"

    salvation is a gift.
    I dont earn a gift.
    You can only "receive" a gift....

    If you earn something then we are no longer talking about the "gift" of salvation, rather we are talking about God owing you a "payment" of salvation.

    So because God can never "owe" us anything, we cant say that by doing this___ or that____ that this makes God somehow on the hook to save us, and that He owes us our salvation.

    When i talk about how a Christian is saved i use a different manner of phrasing it.

    Salvation is a gift.
    You receive it by faith into your heart.

    It cant be taken away from you by others, nor lost by your own actions.
    It's a gift that cant be taken back.

    This is why Christians have the needed confidence with their salvation (That its a done deal and never in doubt or danger of loss) that allows us to be bold and to proclaim our faith with all boldness.

    So we are saved by Grace alone...

    How is this accomplished?
    Though Faith.

    How does a person get this needed faith?
    From hearing the word of God speak to their hearts.

    Now as for the different 'rewards' in heaven issue.

    I think of it like such:

    I went to a funeral of a cl*** member who got killed in a car accident when i was in high school.

    I worked with the guy who was killed, and i thought he was a nice guy to work with, but that was about all i knew of him.

    I remember he told a few jokes in the break room and never screwed up his work, so he was a good guy to work with.

    Thats all i knew of the guy....

    Then I went to his funeral and all of the sudden a few other of my co-workers stood up and each gave a little speach about how great a guy the person who had died was.,
    They spoke of the number of times he had helped them on issues with car problems, and how he was always looking for fun things to do on the weekend that were interesting.

    My co workers spoke of the number of times they had went to football games, and watching the Superbowl,,,and chearing for the home team...

    I had no such story to tell.

    I felt bad abut this.
    I mean my co-workers had actually known the guy who had died the very same amount of time that i had, yet they had enjoyed a rich friendship with him while i never got close to being friends with him at all.

    I came away from that funeral thinking about that fact....

    and in a very real way that experience has helped me understand the different rewards for Christians in heaven.

    The depth of friendship....the depth of love....the depth of sharing....these are things each of us have with our Lord in different ways and different amounts.

    Missed opportunities to draw closer to the lord are what we also have.
    You learn to lean alot deeper on the Lord, when you have little else to lean on at all.

    Many times we think about who will be the "greatest in the Kingdom" just like the 12 debated when Jesus was with them.
    We all tend to look at our accomplishments and put a value to them, and consider them of true important merit when it comes to deciding 'who is greatest"...

    Thats why the way Jesus gave his answer to that question is so key to our learning how god judges our 'works"

    Jesus singles out a small child when showing who is the greatest in the Kingdom.

    a child...

    a child with no works to list.
    No acts of faith to speak of.
    noting listed that we can all say of..."Thats a sign of great faith"

    Just a child.

    a child who stood before the 12 as an example, because the child was told to stand there...

    It's not the number of times that you debated that are important.
    Or the amount of words you have written here that are important.
    Your works that you can point to as being "important" are for the most part not important at all when it comes to your heavenly rewards.

    what is important?

    The love you showed your foes.
    The forgiveness you gave without being asked.
    The suffering you went though.
    The service you gave.
    The voice of the child you listened to.
    The sick you comforted.
    The hungry you fed.
    The guilty you befriend.
    The untouchable you embraced.

    Of such bring the greatest heavenly reward - of knowing God deeper.

  18. #18


    The list appears all carefully drawn out in Mathew 18 verses 18 and 19.

    Now we get to the important part....the man responds that he had kept all the commandments that Jesus had listed..

    Jesus does not disagree with this statement.

    So the "Keep the commandments" that Jesus told the man to do, are listed, and we are informed that this list was kept...

    So is that it?

    If we are to keep the Commandments, (and that we are kept saved via our own works), then this would have been the end of the conversation....
    and the works-to-salvation people would be correct.

    Are we saved by works?
    Does keeping the commandments add to salvation?

    The people that say that we are justified by 'works" and that by keeping the Commandments we have life would want us to think so.

    But Jesus has something else in mind....

    We read on in verse 21 that to be perfect the man would have to "follow " Jesus.

    So in other words, keeping the very commandments that Jesus listed still is a moot point....the only thing that is of importance is to follow Jesus.

    Then the story does not end there, but notice what Jesus remarks as the man walks away...
    Do you notice that Jesus remarks of the same man how hard it would be for rich men like him to enter into the Kingdom?

    In other words...all the keeping of the commandments that this man had done...(and he had kept them all) were moot...pointless...a waste of effort on the young man's part....

    Its the same today with people who point to their 'works' and how they are so busy keeping the commandments...

    its all a moot point, and a worthless effort.

    The answer that jesus gave the man 2000 years ago is the same answer the church sends to the world today...
    "Follow Jesus"
    Its not by works that we are saved, its by Grace though was back then, it is the same today, and a billion years from now that same thing will be just as true.

  19. #19


    let me go over the Christian understanding of how we receive our heavenly reward.

    Christians believe that we are saved by Grace though faith.

    Faith comes by hearing.

    and hearing by the word of God.

    Lets break this down and define the terms I have used.
    Grace is God saying "I love you"
    Its not based on you doing something, or you proving you merit God's love.

    God simply initiates on His own, and loves you.

    Faith is the human response to God's grace.
    we respond to the Love God has give us.
    We are drawn to God in a deeper way.
    We believe.

    Where did this faith come from?
    faith comes from hearing.
    By "Hearing" Im not talking about just being able to hear the sound of something, like knowing a jet flew overhead by the

    Rather by "hearing" I'm talking about really listening to, getting down...understanding...comprehending...following.. .

    "Hearing what?
    hearing the word of god speaking to you .

    What Im talking about with this is that the Bible suddenly became not just a dead book filled with old stories about long dead people, but rather it becomes to you a personal story to you.
    The dry words of the Bible become alive to you.

    You start to see the bible in a new way....and the story of the bible you are reading becomes very personal to you.

    So this all starts with God's grace opening the Bible to your heart.
    You read the Bible, and you believe it...and you find faith has sprung to life in your heart....and this is the salvation given to men...

  20. #20


    as far as I know, in every case where a person was told how to test the word of prophets, or in the New test when new teachings were introduced, the way things were tested was to compare the new "revelation' with scripture.

    Now if we are just making things up then the field is wide open for other means to test stuff by!
    Then I would suggest that we could come up with a way to test a revelation by lucky Dungeons-And-Dragons dice.

    Or we could say that the best way to test a teaching is to use a flip of a coin...

    Or we might say that the new revelation has to always agree with what we already think is true on our own.

    See how silly this idea is?
    lets face it, if we decide to make up our own standards to test God's revelations by, chances are that we can find a way to have everything p*** such a self-deceptive test.

    We need to find a standard that is not so individualistic, a standard that others can challenge us by and prove us wrong or prove us right by, even if they dont know anything about us or lived during a different age.

    Let me give you an example of what Im thinking of.

    As I may has talked about, I have had a long history in ministry work dealing with outreach to the CULTS.
    I can remember working once with a friend of mine who was a member of the JWs.

    We debated a few times, and then after a while I started to ask my friend what standard would he rely on?

    I learned that he said that while he trusted the Watchtower in everything, he yet would say he would use as his standard the Scriptures.

    That is where we then took our debate.

    Not to each others' private feelings.

    Not to each others' personal views...

    Not to each others interpretation of the "spirit world"

    But only back to the scriptures.
    and that is where we would turn to compare each others' teaching to.....
    Just as what they did when Paul stepped in from the the early church to preach Christ to the Bereans.

    QUESTION: can we test what is true by using our personal conscience?

    ANSWER :....Not really.

    The Bible gives us some very good examples of men who were 100% sure they were acting in accordance of God's will, only to later find out they were completely wrong...

  21. #21


    Does the revelation agree with the teachings of Mormonism?...if they do they guess what god you found?...THE MORMON GOD!

    If the revelation lines up with the teachings of Islam that guess what god you found?..........ALLAH!

    and if the revelation lines up with the teachings of Jesus Christ and the Bible, then guess what God you have found?.....

  22. #22


    When you are full of the Spirit, Jesus called it being Born Again.

    an example?
    Back when i was in Bible School this concept talked about in the Bible to "Be perfect" as well as the verses that talk about God being the author of our "perfection" came up once in a sermon.

    What we learned is best understood in this story...

    A new mom and dad are getting the house ready for both the in-laws to visit and see their new grandchild for the first time.

    The new mother had made all ready for the big visit.
    She had washed the baby , and dressed the child in the finest new baby clothes she could find in the store.

    Then she wrapped the baby in a new baby blanket, that placed the baby down in the new baby b***inet, and then carefully arranged the insides of the b***inet in the most careful of ways....

    She backed up and looked down at the sleeping child just as the doorbell rang....

    Everything was ready...

    The grand mothers enter the house, and while their husbands make small talk in the living room, both new grandmothers head directly to the back bedroom were the child was.

    as soon as they saw the child they began to praise the beauty they beheld...

    But they also got down to business and began to strip away the b***inet, strip away the new baby blankets....strip away all the baby clothes, and then began to count all the child's fingers and toes to make sure all was accounted for.

    Then satisfied the grandmothers return the baby to the mother's arms as they both pronounced the child- "PERFECT"

    The use in the story above of the term "perfect' matches the use and context that the term is also used by Jesus and also where it talks about God being the author of our "Perfection"

    what we should have in mind is that we are "lacking nothing "
    and in the context of the story of the salvation of man, the moment we place our faith in the death and resurrection of Christ we are no longer lacking something else to be saved.

    in other words?

    In other words, once a Christian is "Born Again" we no longer have to become born again a 2nd or 3rd or 4th time....being Born Again is a completed act and we are a "New creature"...

    It means that when Jesus died one for all on the cross, he does not have to die over and over and over....
    The single act of his death on the cross is sufficient and lacking in nothing...

    we are made perfect, by the author of our perfection..

    If you have a doubt about what im teaching...lets just turn to Mark 10:21

    'Jesus looked at him and loved him. "One thing you lack," he said. "Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me."

    we will always lack, and never be "perfect' unless we do as Jesus commands when he said ... "follow me"

    Doing works, keeping all the law, will always leave you coming up short of "perfection"

    The moment we place our faith in him, we no longer lack anything...

  23. #23


    Matthew 11:29
    "Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls."

    Matthew 11:30
    "For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."

    Once again this set of verses came up during my time in Bible School and I learned how to understand this part of about the "yoke" and the "burden"

    The context is talking about an agricultural understanding of how farmers would connect matched animals together to make sure they pulled equally as a team.

    The context of the phrase "My yoke is easy" is pointing to one animal pulling harder than another.

    This is again pointed to in the confirming phrase of "burden is light" meaning that the 2nd animal is a step behind the other and thus has the lighter drag that the 1st carries.

    So in the wider contextual understanding of what Jesus is talking about is that when you walk with Christ it is He who does the hard work and you who walk relieved of the burden that He alone will bear.

    This is likely a illustration of the work of the death and resurrection of our Lord in the salvation of mankind.

    It is He alone who has accomplished the needed work, while we receive the benefit of His death on the cross paying for sin.

    He does the work, our burden is light.

    Now how I try to teach this concept to people who ask about it is to point out over verses that talk about the danger in a mixed faith marriage.
    I show the text that tells us to not be "unequally yoked"
    From this you have to understand a bit about how the yoke works , but luck for me I did grow up on a farm, and so i could explain that when you yoke up two animals that dont pull (They actually push the yoke, but thats a different story) the same you have trouble as one is always pulling harder than the other.
    This is , or rather this was an issue in the olden days as it was always tricky to get some animals to pull equally being that some seem to learn if they walk just a step or two back there is very little burden on them and all of the burden is transferred to the other.....thus the use of the goad.

    I remember this once came up during the movie Ben-Hur and how Charlton Heston suggested that a team of horses be hitched up in a different order to keep one from being lazy and not pulling equally

    So the image I have is that you are a farmer 2 to 3000 years ago, and are going to pull something with animals.
    So you yoke up your draft animals , consisting of a few monster-size Oxen and a Shetland pony.

    How much real burden will that pony be dealing with?...not much...LOL

  24. #24
    Jean Chauvin

    Default ********um Eliche


    What does this have to do with philosophy? This category is dusty and nobody has the white cell power to speak on it.

    When Jill's dad was around, the cults were the main attack on the church absolutely. With the 60's spread and the 70's. However this is NO LONGER THE CASE.

    While there are cults out there that need to be evangelized, the dominate attack on Christianity is that of philosophy.

    Philosophical attacks are aggressively on the rise. Since Christians are trained in the public school system and realize later in life that they never really learned how to read, philosophy eats away at the core of Christianity and 99% of our seminaries are pagan/heretical.

    I will name a few examples so you can try to understand what is happening.

    --Natural Theology/Philosophy -
    This is absolutely an attack and prominent men are adhering to it. RC Sproul, Roman Geisler, Gerstner and virtually all the Biola Swamp in southern california.

    This is essential to Christianity and attacks sola Scriptura.

    --The philosophy of science --
    Is Christianity empiricial in areas of science (We live by faith, not by sight). Is empiricism the only way for science to be conducted?
    Since the Bible is not empiricial, thus Genesis is not science?

    --The Laws of Logic--

    Cats have 9 tails
    0 tails is less then 1 tail
    Thus cats have 8 tails

    what happen here? Is this a vald, sound invalid argument?

    How would you answer this charge against a pagan.

    "You have a leap of faith and thus you are outside of reason. "

    What does leap of faith mean? Where does it come from? What does it entail? Who created this view?

    With Post-modernism among us, every known philosophical attack is being ****n our direction. We do not know what the bullet looks like let alone how to defend it.

    In this post, somebody was trying to attack Genesis on the grounds of science. This is a philosophical attack follks.

    Once you understand where he is coming from his logical fallacies would be so incredibly clear that in a matter of moments, the pagan on here would be crying like a little girl or turning his life over to Jesus.


    Jean Chauvin (Jude 3).

    Yes, let's still evangelize to the cults, but our primary attention needs to move another direction.

  25. #25


    Quote Originally Posted by Jean Chauvin View Post

    What does this have to do with philosophy? .
    It's my topic, and this is how I view my thoughts about many's my philosophy...

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