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Thread: from a political perspective, I dont have a problem voting for a Mormon like Mitt.

  1. #1

    Default from a political perspective, I dont have a problem voting for a Mormon like Mitt.

    I dont have any issues with a Christian voting for a Mormon for president.

    While I dont know about the way Mitt tends to flip-flop on some important issues....I would not bring up his personal religion in the election.

    While I believe the religion of Mitt to be in error, I would not allow him to teach at my church , not even to 3nd graders.
    Im not the type of Christian that would vote against a guy just over his personal faith.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by alanmolstad View Post
    I dont have any issues with a Christian voting for a Mormon for president.

    While I dont know about the way Mitt tends to flip-flop on some important issues....I would not bring up his personal religion in the election.

    While I believe the religion of Mitt to be in error, I would not allow him to teach at my church , not even to 3nd graders.
    Im not the type of Christian that would vote against a guy just over his personal faith.
    Thanks for starting this thread Alan. It has been interesting for me to watch the reaction of the media, the evangelical "movement" as well as just the news in general regarding this election (when they discuss the campaign and leave religion out of it.)

    I was kind of joking with my husband over the fact that last time we had McCain and this time we have Cain---maybe next time we can have Van Cain or something .

    That said, this seems like such a tenuious time for our country with so many people out of work, but what concerns me more is almost a cl***-warfare that I see going on. Kids are losing their hope in being able to work hard and get ahead. The other worry I have is there also seems to be this at***ude that government needs to solve everyone's ills or woes. I don't know if you ever read a guy named Charles Hughes Smith. I have never been able to tell if he is Democrat or Republican and some of his at***udes seem a little depressed, but I like his candor regarding to the state of morality (I am not just talking about chas***y) of the American people. It appears that we are moving further and further from God as our Savior and more and more to the government to save us.

    This is his link:
    (I am pretty sure he is not Mormon, but I am unaware of his religion or even if he has one at all)
    I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon)--Luk 24:32 And they said one to another, Did not our heart burn within us, while he talked with us by the way, and while he opened to us the scriptures?

  3. #3


    In this election, people who are Mormons and Christians and all the other faiths we can list, all have to decide what things they will take into account as "Important" when they cast their votes.

    It is my hope, that they all do so free of turning this into their own personal religious war.
    I dont think it is at all healthy for people to use the religion of others as a guide in knowing if they will vote for them of not?

    I dont think this is healthy for our country at a national level.
    Nor do i think it is health to use religion as a voting guide at even a very private and personal level. (even just in your own heart)

  4. #4


    now I have seen the fact that Mitt is a Mormon being used as a way for both Mormons and nonMormons to introduce the topic of religion into the conversation.

    I just think this is a disservice to Mitt personally.

    I think we should allow the man some privacy when it comes to matters of faith, and not try to use his reported faith as a means to push our own agenda concerning the Mormon faith.

  5. #5
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    I also think that the "Mormon" issue is a diversion. I haven't had a lot of economics cl***es, but I have had some. I can tell you, that even though Cain's 9-9-9 plan sounds enticing, it would be a way to drop us into a further recession because it would restructure the current taxes to put more of the burden on the middle cl***.

    Let me explain: let's compare two families--one makes $50,000 and one makes $500,000. Under the current plan, the one make $50,000 would pay less of a percentage of their taxes than the one making $500,000. With Cain's plan, the one making $50,000 would pay $4500 income tax and the one making $500,000 would pay $45,000 income tax (sounds far right?) Now, let's add something like groceries (as people can only eat so much). Let's say the one making $50,000 spends $600 a month on groceries and the one making $500,000 spends $800 on groceries. The $50,000 would now spend $54/month or $648/yr on taxes and the other $72 a month on taxes or $864/yr. The one making $50,000 now pays 1.3% tax while the one making $500,000 pays .17% taxes on food (as a percentage of their income).

    Now, you may argue that the rich will buy other things that the poorer one won't and therefore pay more taxes. So, the best result would be to look at their savings rate---any amount they save will not be taxed. How much can the family that makes $50,000 afford to put into savings compared to the wealthy? In short, unless they both spend all of their money (which is very unlikely for the wealthy family--as wealth usually is made by investment rather than spending), the poorer family will pay a much higher percentage of their income in taxes. That is why this is a regressive tax and will hurt our economy.

    The poorest will be paying the most to support the government---it will not be a "fair" tax as it sounds, but puts most of the burden on the middle cl*** and poorest.

    For this reason, I think Cain will not stand a chance in the 2012 elections as more and more people begin to understand this. I think Romney has the best chance of beating Obama and for this reason, all this talk about religion just makes me a little ill---it takes us away from the real discussion (just as Cain's sexual harr***ment stuff does) that needs to be had.
    Last edited by BigJulie; 11-07-2011 at 08:52 AM.
    I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon)--Luk 24:32 And they said one to another, Did not our heart burn within us, while he talked with us by the way, and while he opened to us the scriptures?

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by BigJulie View Post
    I think Romney has the best chance of beating Obama ....
    well........I think Mitt has the best chance of leading the ticket.
    Mitt has a ton of money saved, has a built-in staff where he needs it, and so he can likely just out spend the rest of the field at this point.

    But unless he learns how to attract a strong christian vote, I dont give him much more that a 20% chance of beating Obama.

    Mitt flips.

    Obama does not really flip.

    This means that Mitt undercuts his supporters.
    Obama has disappointed his supporters, but not really flipped a position and undercut his supporters.

    This means that while Obama polls now at a lower number than a Republican, this will change once we know who the Republican is.

    At that point I expect the liberals to gather around Obama.

    So are the Republicans going to gather around Mitt?....I sorta doubt it.

  7. #7


    so Mitt is and has been in 2nd for most of this election .

    Mitt seems like everyone's 2nd choice.

    We shall have to see how it goes, but right now if Mitt does not do that well in Iowa but still wins the ticket, he may need to pick a guy in the race now for his VP.

    I would have to say that Iowa will tell us if Mitt has any chance of beating Obama or not?

  8. #8
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    [QUOTE=alanmolstad;101612]Mitt flips.

    Obama does not really flip.


    Obama flips quite a bit. The difference is the "Mitt flips" has become a talking point for the compe***ion. That is they only reason you say Mitt flips and Obama doesn't. In fact, I haven't seen any politician--with enough time in politics who doesn't flip on some position.

    The latest flip for Obama was when he wasn't the president, he voted against a debt ceiling limit, changed his mind as president because he stated he know understands more.

    If being Mormon would keep "evangelicals" from voting for Mitt, I don't think he is going to give up his faith to win office. In fact, that is what he said the last go around.

    So, if "evangelicals" are not going to vote for someone based on their religion---the just as with McCain, the "christian right" can come up with their next best candidate and see if they can beat Obama. But who is that going to be? Cain, who is unravelling as we speak? Gingrich who is a career politician but has done some good things, Perry who looks like a deer in head-lights when he is debating? Santorum (who I really like, but think he needs more experience)? Michelle Bachman who the media has crucified (no pun intended)? You pick. But when I see Jill pulling stunts like putting her dad's old, bigoted stuff up for "christians' to get to know Romney---well, there you have it. If we get Obama another 4 years, we will know that the "christian right' cares more about crucifying mormons then anything else.
    I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon)--Luk 24:32 And they said one to another, Did not our heart burn within us, while he talked with us by the way, and while he opened to us the scriptures?

  9. #9


    I cant predict the future, but what i think is likely in the cards is that Mitt has to do very, very well, in the first 2 weeks of this real election,,,starting with Iowa or the slide will be unstoppable for him.

    So while i dont know the future, I can see the path up hill for Mitt, or the path down hill for him.

    let me tell you how i think each path goes...

    January 3, 2012 Iowa (caucus)
    January 10, 2012 New Hampshire (primary)
    January 21, 2012 South Carolina (primary)
    January 31, 2012 Florida (primary)

    The race to lead the ticket will be over by jan 31.

    Lets see how it goes for Mitt in my view:

    January 3, 2012 Iowa (caucus)
    Mitt can come in 2nd and there is no damage to him .

    January 10, 2012 New Hampshire (primary)
    Mitt has to win this , and if would be real good for him if he wins big in New Hampshire.
    If he shows a very good turn out on the 10th I would expect all the lesser people in the race to drop out at that point.

    So we will know by the 10th of Jan if Mitt has the general republican/Christian support he needs to later win the real general election.

    NEXT> January 21, 2012 South Carolina (primary)
    Mitt can come in 2nd here, IF and only if he won big in
    New Hampshire already.

    January 31, 2012 Florida (primary)
    This is the end of the road one way or another.
    If Mitt wins in Florida then it's all over for everyone else in the race.

    So, that is the "best case" trip to the head of the ticket for Mitt.

    Whats the worst case?
    January 3, 2012 Iowa (caucus) Cain wins, Mitt comes in 2nd, or even 3rd

    Actually, if Mitt comes in 3rd in Iowa the whole game board is flipped over and everyone in the race gets a new would make the rest of the race a knife fight in the dark.

    January 10, 2012 New Hampshire (primary), Mitt comes in 2nd
    At that point the whole rest of the republican party will look at Mitt as a loser that needs to move out of the way for someone else.

    January 21, 2012 South Carolina (primary) Cain wins
    what this would mean is that Mitt is never going to get the Christian far Right, and Tea party voter support he would need in a general election against Obama.

    At this point, the rats would start swimming away from Mitt, who will only last in this race a few more days...

    January 31, 2012 Florida (primary) This is the GAME OVER state for the race to lead the republican ticket...
    if mitt has not wrapped it up by Jan 31 its going to be the sign that he is finished and the best he can hope for is a position in a future Cain administration.

    knowing this, Mitt would have to start to decide when he would swing his support to the clear leader at that point, in exchange for a seat at the table later. (Hillery Clinton did this same thing and got to be Sec of State remember)

    As I write this its still very early in November, and yet the way i see this election pan out, in just around 2 months the race for the top spot on the ticket will be all over but the crying.

  10. #10


    So Julie, I know you and i cant see into the future.
    But when I look at the numbers, and what history has shown us is the normal way these things work out....Im guessing that by the end on the night on January 31 we will know one way or the other if Mitt not only has the Republican nomination, but also if the rank and file Christian/Tea Party voters are going to be supporting him strong enough to beat Obama.

    Jan 31 and on that night I will have to pay attention to the TV evening news, and see how my guess pans out.

    But by then we may have the answer already.
    If Mitt does poorly in Iowa, and in New Hampshire if he comes in 2nd,it puts a ton of importance on Mitt getting a win in the one state i would guess he has the biggest challenge..."South Carolina!"

    If Mitt has not won yet by South Carolina, and if he gets clobbered there too, then Florida is where we wave good by.

  11. #11


    Julie, but again let me say that on the lighter side, if Mitt wins big in New Hampshire....If he just clobbered the others....then he can more or less write off coming in 2nd or even 3rd in South Carolina and still be sitting good for a big win in Florida.

    and if you are watching Tv on the night they have their primary in Florida, and you see Mitt kicking ****?.....then that is the best news you could hope for.

    As it would mean that everything is in place, that the whole Republican rank and file membership has gathered around Mitt....

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    Quote Originally Posted by alanmolstad View Post
    Julie, but again let me say that on the lighter side, if Mitt wins big in New Hampshire....If he just clobbered the others....then he can more or less write off coming in 2nd or even 3rd in South Carolina and still be sitting good for a big win in Florida.

    and if you are watching Tv on the night they have their primary in Florida, and you see Mitt kicking ****?.....then that is the best news you could hope for.

    As it would mean that everything is in place, that the whole Republican rank and file membership has gathered around Mitt....
    We shall see. You have given me something to look at as the primaries unfold. It will be most interesting to watch.
    I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon)--Luk 24:32 And they said one to another, Did not our heart burn within us, while he talked with us by the way, and while he opened to us the scriptures?

  13. #13


    I guess what is my strongest feeling when i hear that some Christians would never vote for a Mormon is that it goes against the idea of fair play.

    I wish more Christians would pay closer attention to the Golden Rule when they use Mitt's name to attack Mormonism.
    Last edited by alanmolstad; 11-09-2011 at 07:15 PM.

  14. #14


    I dont know the future...all i know is what i see in the remarks of people I know, or overhear on the street.

    What I think about the different people running for the White House right now is that while Mitt has a lot of support, it's really just paper thin.

    I dont see anyone jumping up and down over the chance to get to vote for him.

    Even the supporters of Mitt around here talk about a future President Mitt Romney with a real lack of any enthusiasm for the idea itself.

    So, we dont see people fired up to vote for Mitt, the way we have seen for other guys in the race.
    In poll after poll Mitt always seems to come in 2nd.

    We shall see how things stand after the first two primary , but if Mitt's 2nd place standing on the current polls also carries over into the first few primary???,

    Well, that is just not going to cut it.

    The problem is that the way the dates fall in this election, if Mitt is in trouble by Florida there is this weird gap of time where he could **** all his money in a last ditch effort, and gain squat for it...

    consider what happens after the Florida primary >
    February 4, 2012 Nevada (caucus)
    February 4–11, 2012 Maine (caucus)
    February 7, 2012 Colorado (caucus)
    Minnesota (caucus)

    there you see a whole string of things where Mitt could **** all his cash and get nothing for it.
    The use of the "caucus" in these states means that you need a ground swell of support to overcome the ability of the State Republican party leadership to get out their own supporters for the guy they have already picked.

    the caucus system is a rigged system that supports the Party guy....
    So if at this point in the election Mitt has been only making it to 2nd place?, he would need to toss in his whole pile of money just to be still in the race by mid-February.

    then there is this huge Super Tuesday to consider.

    If Mitt is still in the race on Super Tuesday he would likely be alone by then.....or he would have to get off the stage.

    By Super Tuesday i think that Mitt has to have it wrapped up, or he would be finding the Republican party leadership holding his hat and coat and pointing him to the exit door.....

  15. #15


    In the minds of many Christians , the rise of Mitt in this election has given them a chance to bait Mormons .

    I have noticed topics on different internet forums that attack the faith of Mitt. and seem to single out him and his faith as the targets of their attacks.

    I just shake my head at the Christians that do this.

    I believe that if we use the faith of the people running for office against them, that sooner or later we will notice that in elections we no longer see men of faith enter the race.

    We already see this now with parents of children.

    In generations past we would always consider the children of a man in the White House off-limits.
    But that has changed over the last few years, and now many guys thinking about getting into a race admit that their family kept them from getting into the race.

    The person knows that his children will be attacked, both in person, and in the media.
    Anything the children do would be held up, and made sport of.

    any errors that normal children do, would suddenly become the subject of talk shows and conversations.

    This same thing is going to start to prove true if we do not stand up against the use of a person's faith against them when they run for political office.

    We will end up with no men of faith willing to enter a race out of the fear that theyr own private worship of their Lord would become the leading topic in the election.

    I think we need men of faith in leadership positions.

    I dont think that just being in politics and going to a church should mean your private prayers are fair game to be questioned and debated.

    The Golden Rule demands us to treat others as we would want them to treat ourselves.

    I would never want my religion used against me in an election.

    I would never want to be guilty of questioning the religion of a person who is just seeking a ***.
    Last edited by alanmolstad; 11-09-2011 at 06:11 AM.

  16. #16


    I guess what is my strongest feeling when i hear that some Christians would never vote for a Mormon is that it goes against the idea of fair play.

    I wish more Christians would pay closer attention to the Golden Rule when they use Mitt's name to attack Mormonism.

  17. #17


    There is no doubt in my mind that Cain is under attack in the hope of getting him from being picked as the VP for Mitt.

    It has been interesting watching the story go and go, with so little effect on the supporters of Cain, nor on the election at all.

    They say that it was Perry that started this story, and that might be true, But what sure seems to have happened is that "AFTER CLINTON", we don't really put much value to sex stories like we used to.

  18. #18


    however the Cain story does point out something I have talked about from the start of his run....That being; that it would have been better for Cain to run for Mayor or for Congress so that we had a chance to have a look at him over the span of a few years.

    Jumping to the front of the line as he has done means that we dont really know if he is any good at politics, nor has the ability to handle himself in the "bright lights' of the national stage?

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    Quote Originally Posted by alanmolstad View Post
    however the Cain story does point out something I have talked about from the start of his run....That being; that it would have been better for Cain to run for Mayor or for Congress so that we had a chance to have a look at him over the span of a few years.

    Jumping to the front of the line as he has done means that we dont really know if he is any good at politics, nor has the ability to handle himself in the "bright lights' of the national stage?
    Alan---just curious what you make of the sexual harr***ment information being brought forward. As a woman, I must admit it is somewhat disturbing. I think I could believe that if there was one sexual harr***ement case filed, I would have an easier time believing that it was just a fluke. With four women coming forward and two cases---even if one of them is out for their fifteen minutes of fame---I just can't swallow that even 3 is not a pattern of behavior. I don't want another Monica Lewinsky scandal type thing for our president.

    Just curious your views though.
    I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon)--Luk 24:32 And they said one to another, Did not our heart burn within us, while he talked with us by the way, and while he opened to us the scriptures?

  20. #20


    its complicated.

    as of right now, I dont actually see anything the guy did that was wrong.

    if this should change, then that would be a big issue....
    but as it is right now, from just the comments made by the lady with the blond Stripper hair?.....

    I listen to her whole statement, and kept thinking to myself..."So what Toots?"

    I dont see anything that Cain is said to have done that was anything close to crossing the line.

    But.....the whole situation reminds me of what i have said from the beginning, in that Cain should have run for mayor of Congress before jumping in to the race to the White House.

    I dont know if he has served in politics at all in his whole life...and im not sure he is any good at it.. or will he melt in the bright lights?

    So thats what i feel about Cain.

    I would vote for Cain in a heartbeat over Mitt or Perry

    i still would vote for anyone over Obama however.

    But Cain has a personality, and that's so lacking in all the rest of them....

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    Quote Originally Posted by alanmolstad View Post
    its complicated.

    as of right now, I dont actually see anything the guy did that was wrong.

    if this should change, then that would be a big issue....
    but as it is right now, from just the comments made by the lady with the blond Stripper hair?.....

    I listen to her whole statement, and kept thinking to myself..."So what Toots?"

    I dont see anything that Cain is said to have done that was anything close to crossing the line.

    But.....the whole situation reminds me of what i have said from the beginning, in that Cain should have run for mayor of Congress before jumping in to the race to the White House.

    I dont know if he has served in politics at all in his whole life...and im not sure he is any good at it.. or will he melt in the bright lights?

    So thats what i feel about Cain.

    I would vote for Cain in a heartbeat over Mitt or Perry

    i still would vote for anyone over Obama however.

    But Cain has a personality, and that's so lacking in all the rest of them....
    So, take it from a woman's standpoint that the term "Toots" can be degrading. Yet, if the case was made by her alone, I would say---okay, it is a he said/she said deal. The fact that there are others makes me wonder if other women like me find it somewhat disturbing---and to be honest, to hear men make excuses for his behavior is equally as disturbing.
    I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon)--Luk 24:32 And they said one to another, Did not our heart burn within us, while he talked with us by the way, and while he opened to us the scriptures?

  22. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by BigJulie View Post
    So, take it from a woman's standpoint that the term "Toots" can be degrading. .

    dont care..

    what Im saying is that i have seen nothing that Cain has done that is against the law.....

    I have not seen anyone even suggest that Cain broke any laws..

    Thus this is just a lot of hype by people that want a different VP for the final ticket.

    I cant predict the future, I dont know what may happen, but so far I see cain being the best challenge to Mitt out there.

    Time will tell, and there are always a lot of unknowns.
    But I would not be surprised to see Cain being in a very strong position as the real prim aryes get going.

    as for Perry?...Im not sure.
    He clearly is the worst debater in American history.
    Im not sure that counts for anything, but he sure does have a lot to learn about speaking

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    Quote Originally Posted by alanmolstad View Post
    dont care..
    And this type of at***ude is precisely why you don't see the problems Cain has coming for him. The Wall Street Journal said that 4 out of 10 women would change their vote for Cain because of this issue.

    what Im saying is that i have seen nothing that Cain has done that is against the law.....
    And it is not the law most of us are worried about, but character. I don't want a president that represents only the men in this country who see women as less then. Cain's Princess Nancy statement is another view of how he views women. He could have made his views clear on Nancy Pelosi without using a sexist term (such as your "Toots.") I can see now why the red flag is not going up for you.

    I cant predict the future, I dont know what may happen, but so far I see cain being the best challenge to Mitt out there.
    I watched the debate tonight. Perry made a good come back. Newt looks good. I still and always have liked Rick Santorum. I don't know why Michelle Bachman is not doing better and Mitt Romney still gives me the best hope for having some ideas for how to get this economy up and running. Cain's 9-9-9 plan is a new tax for the federal government and a higher tax rate for the poor---that is all.

    Time will tell, and there are always a lot of unknowns.
    But I would not be surprised to see Cain being in a very strong position as the real prim aryes get going.
    If he makes it past the primaries, he will lose to Obama. Once people get a better understanding of his plan, he is going down. The question is will this be against another Republican or against Obama. You can clamour all you want that Cain didn't break the law, but there are too many women out there who this bothers such as myself.
    I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon)--Luk 24:32 And they said one to another, Did not our heart burn within us, while he talked with us by the way, and while he opened to us the scriptures?

  24. #24


    And this type of at***ude is precisely why you don't see the problems Cain has coming for him. The Wall Street Journal said that 4 out of 10 women would change their vote for Cain because of this issue.
    Do you remember the name "Juanita Broaddrick"?

    Thus that wraps up the whole, "Women wont vote for him" argument.

    Women will vote on serious issues with Cain, and all this other stuff is just a joke.

    The people pushing the issue with Cain are the staff of the other people in the race.
    They all know that Mitt has it won, but the battle now is for the VP position.
    Traditionally the VP is picked from the guy who came in 2nd or more likely 3rd in the primary.
    Thus the staff for a guy like Perry or Paul know that they dont have to beat anyone from now on in this election, they just have to help the other guys lose.

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    Quote Originally Posted by BigJulie View Post

    Do you remember the name "Juanita Broaddrick"?

    Thus that wraps up the whole, "Women wont vote for him" argument.

    Women will vote on serious issues with Cain, and all this other stuff is just a joke.

    The people pushing the issue with Cain are the staff of the other people in the race.
    They all know that Mitt has it won, but the battle now is for the VP position.
    Traditionally the VP is picked from the guy who came in 2nd or more likely 3rd in the primary.
    Thus the staff for a guy like Perry or Paul know that they dont have to beat anyone from now on in this election, they just have to help the other guys lose.
    What? You think Mitt has it wrapped up? I am not convinced. I still think there is a major base out there that wants "anything but Mormon." We shall see.

    P.S. And yes, I remember Juanita Broderick. And the lesson learned is look at the scandal our country entered into. The are historians who believe that Clinton did no effectively deal with Osama Bin Laden after the U.S.S. Cole incident precisely because of this scandal and women voting now are not of the "Jackie O" brand much anymore.
    I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon)--Luk 24:32 And they said one to another, Did not our heart burn within us, while he talked with us by the way, and while he opened to us the scriptures?

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