Three short hand verses, no, four, as I am sure you know them already:
They had Moses and the prophets
They killed the vineyard owner's messengers and then his son
"at least let me go back and warn my brothers". "Even if a man should come back from the dead they will not believe."
The creation itself testifies of God.
So much for the pla***udinal apologetic

Last month I watched "Machine Gun Preacher" based on the extant life of
Sam Childers. It is a wild ride. He runs an orphanage in Africa where the so called Lord's Resistance Army is reigning terror on Africa. That Sam Childers is alive today is a miracle of sorts. But why no whithered hands being restored? Why are there Siamese twins born today? Why does the
LRA get to terrorize as long as they have? The list may be endless and I just do not know.
My hope is that God makes it all right in the end. What I do know is that God is just, righteous, and did not spare His own Son tremendous suffering on our behalf. That, too, is incomprehensible. Maybe that is why. It is incomprehensible that God would do such a thing. The Jew fror 400 years probably wondered the same thing whille captive in Egypt, I am sure they wondered the same thing. To quote Billy Graham's daughter after the World Trade Center collapse "We have for 40 years asked God out of our public systems...". Here is a full verse "Draw nigh to God and He will draw nigh to you."
Perhaps he is distant because people reject Him to begin with. What if all the world were born again?
Grace and Peace,