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Thread: Nothead has come to town

  1. #1

    Default Nothead has come to town

    Big deal, yeah.

    Say I got an initial impression here. Unless you are debating Mormonism, no one cares. Or posts.

    Well, maybe things gonna change, yes? I have this theory, see. That Christianity will be renewed as soon as the SHEMA is again upheld.

    No, not cult. Jesus said so in Mk 12, it is the First Command.

    Don't like commands? Maybe we aren't BOUND by these anymore? Cheap Grace here? The CULT of Cheap Grace?

    Well, guess what. I will periodically check this site. Nothing going on, that I can see. No one wants to argue.

    Yeah, haggling is for well, um hagglers. My name ain't Marvin but I will haggle you to the wall, I mean mat, I mean the Truth.

    And common sense prevails. Hagglin' has no meaning unless we use this right?

  2. #2


    No greeters after two days? My feelings are hurt.

    See I'm not one for insults per se, but I do have a healthy sense of irony...maybe you should delete my posts here, the few I have...since well, they might shed an evil LIGHT upon the board as a whole...

    ...and cut me out RIGHT NOW before the Truth comes out. Mainline Christianity is a farce as a whole, espousing both Cheap Grace and a Plural God.

    And you have NO IDEA how bad this means. Ever see a horror flick? THAT BAD. YOU all broke the first command when you made Jesus God.

    Thou shalt have no other elohim to my presence. That you did, BROKE it. And you have the gall to support a critique of other 'cults?'

    Am I angry? An angry man, yes, I can be. But no matter any way which I AM still the Truth will not be denied.

  3. #3
    Senior Member disciple's Avatar
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    Sep 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by nothead View Post
    No greeters after two days? My feelings are hurt.

    See I'm not one for insults per se, but I do have a healthy sense of irony...maybe you should delete my posts here, the few I have...since well, they might shed an evil LIGHT upon the board as a whole...

    ...and cut me out RIGHT NOW before the Truth comes out. Mainline Christianity is a farce as a whole, espousing both Cheap Grace and a Plural God.

    And you have NO IDEA how bad this means. Ever see a horror flick? THAT BAD. YOU all broke the first command when you made Jesus God.

    Thou shalt have no other elohim to my presence. That you did, BROKE it. And you have the gall to support a critique of other 'cults?'

    Am I angry? An angry man, yes, I can be. But no matter any way which I AM still the Truth will not be denied.
    Greetings nothead,

    Let me be the first to welcome you. So why are you angry?

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by disciple View Post
    Greetings nothead,

    Let me be the first to welcome you. So why are you angry?
    notheads don't know any better. Knites on a mission. As a bluesbrother once said, "We are on a mission from God."

    Who is WE? Darned if I know. If God is multi-personal, why can't I be?

  5. #5
    Senior Member disciple's Avatar
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    Sep 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by nothead View Post
    notheads don't know any better. Knites on a mission. As a bluesbrother once said, "We are on a mission from God."

    Who is WE? Darned if I know. If God is multi-personal, why can't I be?
    You know nothead, there are quite a few people here willing to have a serious discussion, with a little humor thrown in for good measure. So give it a try.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by disciple View Post
    You know nothead, there are quite a few people here willing to have a serious discussion, with a little humor thrown in for good measure. So give it a try.
    Nothead try yes. Nothead try like the ****ens yes. That is Shema, yes...ALL you heart soul and might...

    ...not some of like lukewarm Christians are wont to do, everything ELSE being extra credit.

    Still in SCHOOL are ye? I'll show you SCHOOL.

    The School of Hard Knocks that is. That is that, that is...

  7. #7


    Grace is key to understanding the Christ who died on the cross.....(it is not cheap)

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