I have a link here that is in some ways what i have in mind when I think about the whole topic of the "End Times"
Now the link might suggest that the Anti-Christ and the 12th imam are the same guy, but when i read the Scriptures I just dont see that being necessarily true.
I have always had a feeling that the Anti-Christ will be someone who can unite the Jew, Islam, and Christians under one banner.
I have always felt that the Bible's False Prophet is connected to Islam and could be seen as the highly expected 12th Imam.
Also, when so many teachers on the End times talk about a limited "7 year tribulation" I don't believe that for a moment....
I believe that all the teachers that have their whole end times time-line all centered around a limited '7 year Tribulation" are guilty of doing Bable math and thinking that they can add things up like that , when in truth we simply cant expect the bible to talk and teach like that....
This topic has one of my best ***les ever....
I always believed that the false prophet would be a pope, they have had a lot of practice.I have a link here that is in some ways what i have in mind when I think about the whole topic of the "End Times"
Now the link might suggest that the Anti-Christ and the 12th imam are the same guy, but when i read the Scriptures I just dont see that being necessarily true.
I have always had a feeling that the Anti-Christ will be someone who can unite the Jew, Islam, and Christians under one banner.
I have always felt that the Bible's False Prophet is connected to Islam and could be seen as the highly expected 12th Imam.
Also, when so many teachers on the End times talk about a limited "7 year tribulation" I don't believe that for a moment....
I believe that all the teachers that have their whole end times time-line all centered around a limited '7 year Tribulation" are guilty of doing Bable math and thinking that they can add things up like that , when in truth we simply cant expect the bible to talk and teach like that....
But the anti-christ, as you said, must be someone who will unite everyone. With anti-semitism on the rise and the hatred the arab world has for the Jew, I'm thinking it will be a European.
perhaps, ...but there is such a thing as the idea that he might come as is expected.....and that means from the city of David.
3 When Herod the king heard this, he was disturbed, and all Jerusalem with him. 4 So he called together all the chief priests and [d]scribes of the people and [anxiously] asked them where the Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed) was to be born. 5 They replied to him, “In Bethlehem of Judea
I do think that because he will claim to be the Christ that the Jews have been seeking, that this tends to suggest he has to be a jew .
Last edited by alanmolstad; 10-26-2017 at 03:18 PM.
this topic is all just a wild guess on anyone's part.
What I can say is only what conclusions I have come to via my study and my "gut feeling" as to some things that are simply not clear from the text.
My view of the future Anti-Christ is that he shall be someone that seems to fit the predictions of many people for the type of Christ they have been searching for.
My view is that because he is called the anti-Christ, it fits that the main idea is that he will claim to be the real Christ.
There is also the idea that he will be able to preform works that support his claim to be the returned Christ.
In this light then, it would fit that as the truth Christ was a Jew then the false Christ would also need to be a Jew.
It fits also that he would be the type of Jewish teacher that the Jews have searched for....and because there seems to be a lot of other things the AntiChrist does to get people to worship him as God, that it seems that he also is the type of Christ that many other religions , like Islam, have also been searching for and waiting for the return of.
It would seem to also fit that the Anti-Christ would come forth from the City of David.