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Thread: Random Selection brought me here , But love Walter Martin

  1. #1

    Default Random Selection brought me here , But love Walter Martin

    As a life long Christian ,there's nothing I enjoy more than sharing ideas with like minded folks.

    I hope this turns out to be fun. Looking forward. So howdy to all.

  2. #2



    I have a question. Can one change their user name? Also, I re-registered in order to get a new name (I don't care for my present name), but never received a registration conformation email and link. If memory serves, I had this same problem when I opened this present account as well.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by pilgrim1411 View Post

    I have a question. Can one change their user name? Also, I re-registered in order to get a new name (I don't care for my present name), but never received a registration conformation email and link. If memory serves, I had this same problem when I opened this present account as well.
    they may have had ,and may still be experiencing tech problems. I don't know ,just guessing.

    But the administrators can change a username.. the key is getting in touch with the right person.. keep at it.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by pilgrim1411 View Post

    I have a question. Can one change their user name? Also, I re-registered in order to get a new name (I don't care for my present name), but never received a registration conformation email and link. If memory serves, I had this same problem when I opened this present account as well.
    I want to change my user name also.

  5. #5


    at any given time this message board is host to around an average 50 or so non-members who are brought here via web searches and receive needed answers to their questions.

    now we should always remember that where 2 or 3 are while it would be nice to see more members bringing friends here, we also should keep in mind that we should not judge our works by the numbers...for even our Lord knew he would never attract many followers on His way to the cross....

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