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Thread: Why we take it literally.

  1. #76


    both Genesis and evolution trace life back to the very same source the earth itself

  2. #77
    John T


    Quote Originally Posted by alanmolstad View Post
    Im finally home and I have the free time to check out your link...BUT, for some reason it does not work for me?????
    It does not work because it proves that you are wrong in this debate!

  3. #78
    Senior Member disciple's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by alanmolstad View Post
    both Genesis and evolution trace life back to the very same source the earth itself
    Hi Alan,
    On the subject of human evolution I must refer back to what Jesus said in Matthew 19:4
    "And He answered and said to them, “Have you not read that He who made them at the beginning ‘made them male and female". Jesus didn't say that God made it possible for life to evolve in the beginning, He said God made them, just like He made the heavens and the earth. In my estimation Jesus still carries more weight than Darwin or any scientific theory. You said,"Young Earth Creationism seemed to me to be more an "invention" pulled out of thin air rather than the literal interpretation of the Scriptures that was being claimed." Isn't the idea of human evolution the same thing?

  4. #79


    What does genesis say man is made from?

    Where is all life from in genesis?

    according to evolution all life including human life all stems from the same source ......well guess what that's the same idea that we get in Genesis!

    the very same source is the source for life in Genesis as it is the same source for life in evolution there is no difference

  5. #80


    what this means is evolution is a tool of our most holy God thus it deserves to be respected and in fact dismissing evolution is missing the tools that God used to create his world.....

    young earth creationism is An invented idea that is replacing what God has given us in his Bible therefore young earth creationism is an insult to God's holy ways...

    it also means that in a very real way scientists that study the earth and evolution in the history of the world are in fact holy men pursuing something that is a very good thing to pursue the study of God's world in the study of God's work......

    I am just so sick and tired of so many people accusing scientists are being anti God or anti religious the truth is that the very first scientist in the world was Adam when you look at what Adam did he wasn't just the gardener for the garden .......for the Lord brought all the animals to Adam to find out with Adam would name them anDth study them and then Adam with name the animals and after that that was their name this is action of a true scientist
    Last edited by alanmolstad; 08-21-2014 at 10:49 AM.

  6. #81
    Senior Member disciple's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by alanmolstad View Post
    What does genesis say man is made from?

    Where is all life from in genesis?

    according to evolution all life including human life all stems from the same source ......well guess what that's the same idea that we get in Genesis!

    the very same source is the source for life in Genesis as it is the same source for life in evolution there is no difference
    It says God formed man from the dust of the ground and even if you read that as the elements of the earth it is a far, far stretch to put faith in what Darwin theorized. Why would man have to evolve from lower forms? There is nothing in the scripture to indicate this.

  7. #82


    Quote Originally Posted by disciple View Post
    It says God formed man from the dust of the ground and even if you read that as the elements of the earth it is a far, far stretch to put faith in what Darwin theorized. Why would man have to evolve from lower forms? There is nothing in the scripture to indicate this.
    so the place where evolution traces man back to the ground of the earth is exactly the same place with the book of Genesis trace is all human life back to not only human life but all life stems from the earth itself we are part of the earth that is come alive

  8. #83


    Quote Originally Posted by disciple View Post
    Why would man have to evolve from lower forms? .
    that is a question you could ask God he is the one who came up with the idea of using the earth to create humans

  9. #84
    Senior Member disciple's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by alanmolstad View Post
    that is a question you could ask God he is the one who came up with the idea of using the earth to create humans
    Ok Alan,

    Looks like we have taken this topic as far as we can. Thanks for all the time you spent and I look forward to future discussions.

  10. #85


    Quote Originally Posted by disciple View Post
    There is nothing in the scripture to indicate this.
    What we find in the Bible works within Evolution, but it does not teach Evolution itself.

    The deal is that in Genesis we can trace back all life to a common source.
    Both human and animals life is traced back in the Bible to the very earth itself.

    This is also true within the teachings of Evolution, for in evolution we all see that the common source for all life, (Both animals and human) is the earth itself.

    So the source for Life in the Bible is the earth, and the source for life in evolution is the earth.

    So the Bible and evolution do not openly disagree.

    This is why I tell you that Evolution and the Bible walk hand-in-hand.
    They do not say the same things in the same way, but they do agree and work with each other nicely.

  11. #86


    We have to remember, that we are but dust.
    Many Young earth believers want to build-up what man is...they want us to be some sort of KING of the universe, and not at all connected to the lower forms of life on this earth.
    I notice many times how terrible some YEC believers think the teaching that humans evolved from the apes it makes us look like we are nothing but monkeys........they look down on the apes and make fun of the suggestion that we share anything in common with them.

    They point out to me that "Man is made in the image of GOD!...not the image of the ape!"

    But the Bible teaches us differently.
    The Bible tells us over and over that we are nothing but dust.....the very dust of the earth.
    And the Bible tells us that when we die we RETURN to the earth, for the earth is where we are all from!

    As far as made in the image of God goes, this is true, but we need to always remember, "It has nothing to do with our flesh"
    The flesh of man is of the earth, the image of God that men are has nothing to do with our arms and legs.
    For when we die our dead flesh goes into the ground from where it had come, and our Spirit goes to the Lord who gave it.

  12. #87


    Quote Originally Posted by tdidymas View Post
    v. 16 says the 2 great lights were "made", which is the same verb as is used in other days for beasts, plants, etc. .......

    Yes!.....the lights were made!
    (Thats what I have been trying to tell you all this time!)

    Question:The what was made?....
    Answer: The LIGHTS were made!....yes, yes, yes....!

    The sun was made already, but due to the clouds the light was unable to reach our earthbound point of view ....this is what the earth was in "darkness"

    But on the 4th day we read about the "light"...and the 'amount of light is talked about"...some "GREATER"...some LESSOR"....

    Greater and lessor are AMOUNTS of light.....
    They are the different amounts of new light that was not seen until on the 4th day.

    The source for the light was already made at Genesis 1:1
    But the "light" was unseen until the thick clouds talked about at *** 38 had thinned away.

    So I would never tell you in a million-zillion years ( thats 6,000 years for you Young Earth people) that God did not make the "lights" of the 4th day.
    Did the Lord make the lights on the 4th day? Sure He dd!

    But let us also keep in mind that the Bible also clearly told us at Gen 1:1 that God had already made the Source for the light.
    Last edited by alanmolstad; 08-21-2014 at 08:01 PM.

  13. #88


    Quote Originally Posted by disciple View Post
    Ok Alan,

    Looks like we have taken this topic as far as we can. Thanks for all the time you spent and I look forward to future discussions.
    A few of my posts on this topic were done while I was at work, and I tried to use my cellphone and have it translate my spoken words into text.

    The results were mixed.
    The phone does a very good *** for most of the time, however every once in a while I noticed that the word I wanted to say is replaced with some other word that must have sounded close to it.

    The other issue with the way the cellphone does text is that there is no "sentence", there is no way to end a sentence and start a new one.
    All you end up with is a huge wad of text that is very hard to read.

    I have tried to go back and fix a few things I noticed were wrong, and I have tried to return to topics once I got on to my home laptop and re-worked them to make things very clear as to what I was talking about on the phone with you.

    I hope that all the things I have been able to share have had a chance to be read.
    If you have gone over the many things I have posted on this topic and noticed something you think is in error?...or if there is some conclusion that i have come to that you would like to see the support from Scripture?...then just ask me to address it.

    I have tried to show why I think the Young Earth Creation ideas are totally in error, I have tried to show how a strict reading of the Text does not have any disagreements with both an Old Earth and with Evolution.

    If you or anyone else have anything that they want me to look at, or think about, Please let me know!

  14. #89
    Senior Member disciple's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by alanmolstad View Post
    A few of my posts on this topic were done while I was at work, and I tried to use my cellphone and have it translate my spoken words into text.

    The results were mixed.
    The phone does a very good *** for most of the time, however every once in a while I noticed that the word I wanted to say is replaced with some other word that must have sounded close to it.

    The other issue with the way the cellphone does text is that there is no "sentence", there is no way to end a sentence and start a new one.
    All you end up with is a huge wad of text that is very hard to read.

    I have tried to go back and fix a few things I noticed were wrong, and I have tried to return to topics once I got on to my home laptop and re-worked them to make things very clear as to what I was talking about on the phone with you.

    I hope that all the things I have been able to share have had a chance to be read.
    If you have gone over the many things I have posted on this topic and noticed something you think is in error?...or if there is some conclusion that i have come to that you would like to see the support from Scripture?...then just ask me to address it.

    I have tried to show why I think the Young Earth Creation ideas are totally in error, I have tried to show how a strict reading of the Text does not have any disagreements with both an Old Earth and with Evolution.

    If you or anyone else have anything that they want me to look at, or think about, Please let me know!
    Hi Alan,

    All of your posts were understandable and while I don't agree with you on all points, I appreciate the fact that you write not with arrogance and pride but with sincerity and what seems to be a desire to help. Good ***.

  15. #90


    Quote Originally Posted by John T View Post
    It does not work because it proves that you are wrong in this debate!
    I Am never wrong

  16. #91


    Quote Originally Posted by alanmolstad View Post
    "Hermeneutics" = is the theory of text interpretation, especially the interpretation of biblical texts.

    Here you go Tdidymas....
    The "light" of the 1st day is the very same "light" talked about on the 4th day.

    The light is the same.....

    So if the light is the very same light that we have already talked about on the 1st day, what is so different now on the 4th?

    The answer is found in what we read about the light on the 4th day..
    Thats all we have to do to learn the answer...Just read the text!

    It's than simple.

    Just read the text as it appears and dont feel the need to twist the text into saying things that dont appear .

    For what we read is that there is now a "greater" light...and a "lessor" light.

    So the light of the 4th day and the 1st day is the same light, but the "AMOUNT" of light seen on the earth is now changed!

    The source is still the same source.
    The source for the light on the 1st day is the same source on the 4th day, AND (You are going to want to pay attention to this next part).......and its the very same source for the same light we see today!

    The source for the Light never changed from Genesis 1:1 to today .
    The source is still the same.

    But on the 4th day we do now find that the "AMOUNT" of light is said to now have changed.
    This answer I have to say is one of my best to this issue of the lights of the 4th day.

    I may have to copy/paste it on a few forums Im a member of?

  17. #92


    seems I always get the last word......
    Last edited by alanmolstad; 10-14-2017 at 07:35 AM.

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