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Thread: Is Election the Only Means of Salvation?

  1. #101


    That is very Christian of you. Are you just out to win an argument or are you interested in sharing ideas as to what the truth is? You can't get ahead if you are not willing to give of yourself. All I am asking is a clear and truthful answer to the question and then we can go on to a better knowledge of truth if it is truth you are looking for. You won't gain anything by trying to annoy people. A simple yes or no and we can go further.

  2. #102


    like I many times as you need....

  3. #103


    Quote Originally Posted by alanmolstad View Post
    as I said....

    before the world was made...before the first sun was placed into the darkness of time and space....before any of the things that are now were made...before all this..

    God saw me with Him.

    And not just accidentally...
    God was not just looking into the future....God was not looking at what "was to be"

    God was looking at what is.

    For God has no past,
    God cant look into his future for he has none.

    And so my salvation is not just a happy accident.
    my salvation was not left up to me to decide and then inform God...
    God did not sit and watch me make a choice with the outcome in my hands....NO!

    For God is a God of life and a God of action!.....not a god who sits and hopes for the best, with a back-up plan for whatever I might decide to do.

    So this means that my salvation is an "act".....of God's Grace...
    Not accidental, but rather it was predestined

    And when things are predestined to happen one way, they can not happen any other way......
    One of my better posted comments on this issue...

    When things are predestined by God to happen one way, they can not happen any other way......AMEN!

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