The naked eye, now I wonder who hatched that idiom? But this is what I wanted to address here.
“the lust of the eyes…is not from the Father, but is from the world.” (1 John 2:16)
There are so many factors that contribute to our not seeing the world clearly anymore. Factors such as promotional enticements or the misleading characteristics of marketable products till we seldom give it a second thought. We through promotional exhaustion quite possibly have become captive to subtle excess. The money handlers know where the pulse rests, and how the adventures the eye can lead man through a world of fascination and mind-numbing delight. The Christian can barely catch his breath, or else commit to avoiding a heavy portion of this world’s allure. In many instances, he should.
Are they concerned over the people’s wellbeing from overexposure of the overexposed? Not lately, not when the profit margins show the need to re-correct itself to the horizons of more and more profit. So sanitized from every mention of man’s disorders of ill-equipped spiritual safeguards, the governing censorship boards of books and entertainment have long been replaced by engineers of finely tuned sweet indulge, who skillfully taps into all forms of sensuality, sex and relationship concurrently, or the pride of a prestigious life, or the false gratification of increase with all the legal protection awarded to “artistic expression”.
Those safeguards of 60-plus years ago were there for a reason. Not because those behind the imagery held high concern for the country in which they lived, but because public acceptance would not permit much of the offensiveness thought harmless today. My oh-my, if I didn’t know better, I might come to the conclusion the world doesn’t want the Christian convert to gain a significant foothold of a morally happy living before the living Lord. As if we have never wondered what the heck happened to man’s outlook.
Just as the p***ing of the old-world masters’ expertise many times went to the grave with them, so is the moral comp*** of responsive reason being ground down daily. How equally morbid! Like the world saying with one voice, “Here’s mud-in-your-eye”. Well, if it is mud, I would rather welcome the Lord’s administering health to it rather than a world run amock with its love affair of godless blind intelligence, which is inescapably everywhere. May His Spirit guide us, yes, convince us, through conviction to peace with Him.
I wrote you in my letter not to ***ociate with immoral people; I did not at all mean with the immoral people of this world, or with the covetous and swindlers, or with idolaters, for then you would have to go out of the world. (1 Corinthians 5:9,10)
So here I present a couple of reads of this topic. The first article is dealing with this subject more in a socially acceptable context. The next, also dealing with personal choices but on a wider spectrum of applications, and under a more biblical consideration.
How Much Skin is Sin?
Word God, picture Devil