Shalom JohnD!
Nice thread, good read, interesting style, and so much to concur over. . thanks.
All those theologians/scholars who have worked so very hard, I mean so hard that it was just too hard to achieve what should have happened unto completion.
What better way to show the world that we are His disciples then when after several hard-won victorious centuries we can now bask in the knowledge to have secured for ourselves formalized schisms amongst so much of Christendom (aka-divisions)! My goodness, that was close. We came near to not even amounting to much at all – NOT.
Whichever way you choose to look at the lack on this, it’s always stifling. I am convinced that you would have in response one-hundred times more folk accusing you of non-Christian universalism than you would receive blessing for attention to the unity of Christ.
This brings me to ask, with such an annoying show as we now endure, being handed-down and shown to those under our care, possibly, in that rare instance when vigilant young from both (orthodox/protestant/non) look up to us for response to the question:
Is this a formal dissolution of Christian unity?
I have tried not to be distracted by this immense cloud. I tried to maintain focus on what was going on, , on both sides of the issue when Martin Luther filed his “protest”. Well, I’m afraid mine won’t likely cut it either, as it will undoubtedly be viewed as evasive and over simplistic, even though I am not totally in the dark on what they were engaged in.
My problem with what was going on is this:
“There are six things which the LORD hates, , Yes, seven which are an abomination to Him: . . .he that sows discord among brothers.” (Prov 6:16, 19)
Among those involved:
One says you deny me tradition, yet is dealt departure > discord
One says you deny me promise, yet is denied tradition > discord
For either to make claim on what the other currently holds in greater weight is an act of hostility, which I do resist. No one is ever told that the church is incapable, but triumphant. We aren’t told to lay hold of a sect of our choice, pick up our division, and follow Him, which towers over love to boast against my brother. We are told to stand firm to the end and to look into the well-being of others.
Somehow, I just don’t see that jury being dismissed on the possibility of dissolution as yet.