We moved to from Iowa to Oklahoma City. Mark got a *** three days after we got there, but we only had $150. when we left Iowa. When we got there we had about $11 left.
The interesting thing was that God actually used unbelievers to provide for us and make a way.

We learned that no matter what God does take care of you and it doesn't kill you to not have any stuff.
The surprising thing is that my son (age 37) told me a few months ago that he has fond memories of those years (about 4). He said that at times he thinks he would rather live in a travel trailer than be in debt the way he is now. What he remembers is that we were happy. He said that we (his parents) taught him that no matter what happens it will be alright.
I think what he learned is that heart felt peace and contentment doesn't come from money or the things it can buy.