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Thread: Calling evolution "theistic" dosen't make it true.

  1. #176
    Senior Member jude1:3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MichaellS View Post
    How supremely unfortunate a twist THIS time over these last entries of all of our concern, and to say it is a paramount concern seems to fall well short over what has just occurred.

    I am compelled to rest.


    It's sad that people don't realize that evolution was thought up and created by Godless Occultist Evil Men.

    Evolution was brought about to steal people's faith in The Bible's Origin of Man, The Fall, The Prophets, and The Redemption of Fallen Man Through The Lord Jesus Christ.

    Evolution wants young people to believe that morality is subjective and that there are no absolutes.

    *Evil Men don't want people to believe in The Spiritual world so they can control them and use it against them. If you don't believe in God then you're obviously not going to believe in the other side of the coin like demons, The devil, Sorcery Etc.

    That's why I honestly don't trust a so called Christian that promotes Macroevolution. It is in complete opposition to the gospel and that is why people like Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens and others promote it.

  2. #177


    The Earth was created as a dead dry world

    The Young Earth Teachers believe the earth was created wet....whats the Bible say?......the answer is found at Genesis 2:5 Now no shrub had yet appeared on the earth[a] and no plant had yet sprung up, for the Lord God had not sent rain on the earth and there was no one to work the ground, 6 but streams[b] came up from the earth and watered the whole surface of the ground

    Lets go over that and look closer at what is being taught.

    Now no shrub had yet appeared on the earth, from when we were were reading about the Days of Genesis, we know that vegetation appeared on the earth on Day 3....
    So this part of the verse is likely talking about a time prior to day 3...

    for the Lord God had not sent rain on the earth
    we also know that the Bible talks about the "waters" and "the deep" on day one, so this means we are talking about an early moment on Day 1 before water had covered the earth.

    but streams (mist) came up from the earth and watered the whole surface of the ground in this part of the verse we learn where the water came from that the Spirit of God was hovering over at the start of the story....Notice that the water that came from underground watered the "whole surface"of the ground.
    This is were 'the deep"seas came from.

    So to sum up.
    In science and we learn that the earth was formed as a dry dead world, and that over millions of years via volcanic activity water formed clouds and later would fall to earth and fill the low areas into great seas.
    And we now see that this history taught to us by science is confirmed in the text of the Genesis story...

    Truly another example of theistic science at its best!

  3. #178


    Tomorrow I will share a few thoughts on the next entry on my list of things taught in Genesis > "The reason the "waters" are said to be in "darkness" is given in *** 38
    At *** 38 the reason for the darkness is thick clouds.

  4. #179
    Senior Member jude1:3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by alanmolstad View Post
    Tomorrow I will share a few thoughts on the next entry on my list of things taught in Genesis > "The reason the "waters" are said to be in "darkness" is given in *** 38
    At *** 38 the reason for the darkness is thick clouds.

    You should repent from promoting Heresy.

  5. #180


    You still don't dare open your bible to test what actually says eh?

  6. #181
    Senior Member jude1:3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by alanmolstad View Post
    You still don't dare open your bible to test what actually says eh?

    Evolution was thought up by and promoted by men who were Not Christians. Why do you promote a theory that was Literally created to destroy the Bible, Christianity and the belief in God all together ?

  7. #182
    Senior Member MichaellS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jude1:3 View Post
    It's sad that people don't realize that evolution was thought up and created by Godless Occultist Evil Men.

    Evolution was brought about to steal people's faith in The Bible's Origin of Man, The Fall, The Prophets, and The Redemption of Fallen Man Through The Lord Jesus Christ.

    Evolution wants young people to believe that morality is subjective and that there are no absolutes.

    *Evil Men don't want people to believe in The Spiritual world so they can control them and use it against them. If you don't believe in God then you're obviously not going to believe in the other side of the coin like demons, The devil, Sorcery Etc.

    That's why I honestly don't trust a so called Christian that promotes Macroevolution. It is in complete opposition to the gospel and that is why people like Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens and others promote it.
    Thanks Jude1:3.

    I’m beginning to see that.

    I see a little better on this subject than before entering the last two or three postings. This just isn’t my

    It appears the evil that prevents discussion is soo dependent on the victim to detach oneself as you say, till they cannot tolerate absolutes, or relative morality.

    They cannot tolerate the word of the Lord spoken through His servant that the “God of this world has blinded” (II Cor 4:4)

    And where do they find solace, that they are worthy, because they are handling the word of God?

    Apparently, the word fails to reach their ears to correct their artificial faith:

    "These people come near to me with their mouth and honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me” (Is 29:13, Mat 15:8, Mk 7:6)

    “They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him” (***us 1:16)

    What works is God being denied honor here? Well try this oh enlightened one,

    “submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.” (Eph 5:21)

    Doggone, there’s another point, but the vanity is sure to swallow.

    When we asked in unison to cease from this foolish handling of the word, where is the “submit”?

    This spirit refuses the fellowship of Christians.

    Sad? The whole thread wreaks of sadness. Truth has to be that way sometimes.

    But any hope for “submit” just returns the same “open your Bibles” and forget all those precepts of what the Lord said concerning these things the spirit knows by now isn’t the way out of this m***ive contention.

    But it in effect is saying ‘Ahhh don’t worry about it, just put your mind in neutral’

    Nope, not there either.

    “Be of sober spirit, be on the alert.” (I Pet 5:8)

    Let’s see,

    • There are those who are diligent and submit to one another and share in the joy of the Spirit.

    • And there are those who upset study, refusing to submit to others and cause immense sadness.

    Just as Disciple called up,

    "He who is not with Me is against Me; and he who does not gather with Me scatters.” (Mat 12:30)

  8. #183


    The reason the "waters" are said to be in "darkness" is given in *** 38

    Then the Lord spoke to *** out of the storm. He said:.......
    “Where were you when I laid the earth’s foundation?.......
    .Who marked off its dimensions? Surely you know!
    Who stretched a measuring line across it?
    On what were its footings set,
    or who laid its cornerstone—...........

    “Who shut up the sea behind doors
    when it burst forth from the womb,
    when I made the clouds its garment
    and wrapped it in thick darkness,

    This chapter of the book of *** is clearly talking about the very same moment in time talked about in Genesis !
    Notice how it talks about when God "laid the earth’s foundation" and so there can be no doubt that this section is clearly dealing with the same time as is Genesis.

    We read how water came to form the great seas as the water is said to "burst forth from the womb"...this is a description of just how the "mist" came up from underground talked about in Genesis 2.

    The descriptions of this early sea talked about in Genesis continues "when I made the clouds its garment and wrapped it in thick darkness,"

    This is where we see the reason the waters of the first chapter of Genesis were said to be in "darkness" for the darkness talked about here in the Book of *** is the very same early earth darkness talked about in Genesis !

    and the reason for this darkness is the very simple and easy to understand reason of it being cloudy.

    So there was a sun burning brightly in the heavens as we have already discussed before, but due only to the thick clouds listed here at *** 38 there was darkness across the waters of Genesis and ***.

    Nothing here is against science in the smallest bit.
    Last edited by alanmolstad; 04-13-2016 at 04:04 AM.

  9. #184


    I like also how the King James says it at *** 38

    Or who shut up the sea with doors, when it brake forth, as if it had issued out of the womb?

    9 When I made the cloud the garment thereof, and thick darkness a swaddlingband for it,

  10. #185


    the image we are to have of God's actions is that god wrapped the earth tightly in darkness caused by thick clouds....

    swaddlingband =
    and -

    This is why the waters spoken of in Genesis were said to be in 'darkness">>..for the earth was wrapped tight by the Lord in clouds and darkness.

  11. #186


    Later tonight I will be writing a few thoughts on the next teaching from our list -

    "The 7th Day of the creation week has no ending yet in the Bible.

    Thus we are still in the 7th day of the creation week "

    I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all who have sent messages to me over the last week, and encouraged me to continue to stand up for Christians who are not afraid to open their Bible and believe it as written.
    I also would be happy to answer any more questions about what the Bible saying in Genesis, all you have to do is drop me a message for I try to always answer my messages first every night.

    thanks again -

  12. #187
    Senior Member disciple's Avatar
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    Hello Alan,

    I am curious to know which you were exposed to first, the theory of Evolution(perhaps in public school) or the Bible? And since most people don't receive direct revelations from God explaining Bible doctrine, who do you credit for enlightening you to the "old earth" doctrine you espouse? Thanks.

  13. #188


    Quote Originally Posted by disciple View Post
    Hello Alan,

    I am curious to know which you were exposed to first, the theory of Evolution(perhaps in public school) or the Bible? And since most people don't receive direct revelations from God explaining Bible doctrine, who do you credit for enlightening you to the "old earth" doctrine you espouse? Thanks.
    Ken Ham.....
    I attended an 8-week YEC cl*** that Ken Ham came to our Bible cl*** and taught us personally.
    There were about 60 of us in the cl*** ( it's a big church) and i attended every one of the lessons.

    I believe I have written on this forum several times about how it dawns on me that YEc is a lie, that Ken Ham, (although a nice enough guy) was totally clue-free as to what the Bible taught.

    I also believe that I have told everyone here several times, that in all the 8-weekcl*** I never asked any questions ,except once.
    Ken was talking about the first order of the things God created, and he listed 'light"as being first of all the things God has made....and I called that into question.

    What happened later is some of the older guys in the cl*** came over and we sat around later after cl*** and the guys started asking me questions because I have said something in my question to Ken Ham that sparked a lot of souls into really re-thinking the whole body of teachings that ken was there spreading.

    It truly was one of the best bible-based conversations any of us had been in....
    Years later I still heard the guys talking about how I really was on fire and they had never seen anyone who had it all worked out the way I had....

    The truth is, I was just opening my bible and addressing every issues the guys raised with a Bible verse that clearly addressed it.

    its like the light came on for the guys in the room...and from that day forward I have never doubted that if a person stays close to the black-and-white words found in the Scripture that you will never in a million/ zillion years believe in the YEC teachings.

    They simply are an invented idea ,pushed on to Christians who are too trusting of evil men, and too unsure of their own sills with the Bible to know any better.

    as things went along I became aware later of this Dr Walter Martin guy, and I remember so many times people would call into his radio Answer man show, with a question about the Young Earth Creationism teachings, and I remember how Walter would never come down on the side of Ken ham on any such question..

    Im glad to see that the current Bible Answer man host also does not support the Young earth teachings too!

    so im in good company on that issue...

    With the rise of the internet what has happened is that a bunch of websites with out-dated YEC teachings is always out there getting hits.
    They are selling ideas that long ago guys like Ken ham gave up teachings because it became clear it was all based on faked facts....(moon dust, dino footprints etc)
    But you still find foolish Christians thinking that outdated information is the 'truth" and so lies of the YEc teachers of the past keep getting spread around to the Church all the time.

    thus with forums like this I try to point out the main flaw in YEC teachings...that being,"They are a bunch of ****"

    The research of the YEC teachings is faked...and a bunch of ****..

    The books and websites...are ****.

    the thinking behind the YEC teachings is ****...

    so there is a lot of **** found in the YEC topics I find on the internet forums Im a member of.

    To fight this **** what do I do?......I use the Bible.

    Thats my only weapon.
    I dont quote people...I dont rely on other books,,,I dont have websites that Im hitting all the time for new answers,
    I dont try to get people to go read some other book,,they dont need to go visit some other teacher, they dont have to go climb a mountain,

    I just pick up my bible and see what it says...then I believe that and teach that..

    if I cant see it in the text?....,I dont believe it...

    what I have ended up with is that I have a set of teachings I share with people that dont require me to add anything to the Bible.
    i dont have to add words...I don't have to add endings to days that don't appear in the text...
    I dont have to pretend the word "light" means other things in the past and a different thing to day.

    To me its a lot more easy to believe that "light" is normal light....
    I dont need to invent a unknown , source-less light just to make my teachings work.

    so in other words...I stick to the text because it makes it a lot more easy .

    I dont really push anything except for people to open their Bible and see if what Im saying the Text says is actually what it says.

    people that are not afraid, will open their Bible and put all my words to the TEST!...

    If I say that a verse teaches ___, then they will open their bible to that verse and read it for themselves to see if i quote it correctly?

    Thats the thing with me..I really push Bible reading.
    I push people all the time to simply sit down and read the text for themselves...
    If someone were to ask about what i was attempting to get people to do?..I want the answer to be that Alan was always goading people to read their bibles.....

    That is the Only Thing Im guilty of.....
    Last edited by alanmolstad; 04-13-2016 at 07:35 PM.

  14. #189
    Senior Member MichaellS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by disciple View Post
    Hello Alan,

    I am curious to know which you were exposed to first, the theory of Evolution(perhaps in public school) or the Bible? And since most people don't receive direct revelations from God explaining Bible doctrine, who do you credit for enlightening you to the "old earth" doctrine you espouse? Thanks.
    Honestly, trying to get a direct answer without the usual ‘because I refused this’ response is lost.

    After all that has been discussed in the Bible and by reason thus far, one can easily see who is of an accepting behavior to be “fully furnished” (II Tim 3:17) in Bible study, and who it is that cherry-picks scripture to support a heresy.

    If the later one is the kind of Bible teaching one seeks that is devoid of the simplicity that is Christ, then the heresy brought by this evolution teacher is your man.

    Elsewhere on this site he said,

    “the Bible is true”

    Then, in the same breath said:

    “Evolution is true”

    The repeat postings of ignoring the charge are telling to all true interception.

    If soundness and virtue are the hallmark of his Bible study, then he would have no reason to resist answering straight forward questions as we have asked.

    I just pick up my bible and see what it says...then I believe that and teach that..

    That is true for Alan, because whatever he can extract towards evolution. But if the Bible rises up against evolution, , I think you get the point, , how’s it go Alan? – Not just “Can it!” but trash the messenger too.

    “Paul came to them and taught,”

    “That's how you test things...”

    “Every word that I have shared here (and will share in the future) is always backed with Scripture.”

    I said trash the messenger and that is what I meant! This has been covered and completely left you unraveled to even think to challenge it, and they know it. And I won’t insult their intelligence the way you do.

    But you also seem interested in picking up on my vernacular, attempting to ferment me along the road to hostility, as though you dive in on it more and more as tid-bit to your silly heresy. Maybe you could take a tip from the OT prophet Elijah for your God of evolution,

    “Shout louder!” he said. “Surely he is a god! Perhaps he is deep in thought,” , , But there was no response, no one answered, no one paid attention."

    That is, no one who showed up for the love of the Lord a few posts ago.

  15. #190


    I don't understand any of that....
    But back to what I'm going to be posting on later...I believe next up is the teaching from Genesis that the 7th day has no ending yet in the Text.

  16. #191
    Senior Member jude1:3's Avatar
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    Macroevolution is just one of Many Heresies that The Church has battled through the centuries. This list goes on and on :


  17. #192
    Senior Member jude1:3's Avatar
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    Here is a huge list of Heresies The Church has rejected :

  18. #193
    Senior Member MichaellS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jude1:3 View Post
    Here is a huge list of Heresies The Church has rejected :

    http://<span style="font-family: Ari...</font></span>
    “Free Spirit” which Alan also subscribes to is on that list. But I see no mention of evolution.

    Many Christians now walk oblivious to obedience to the will of God over this.

    Consider my scriptural condemnation of evolution,

    Christians and “evolution”, a movement with a significant following. Is it possible the use of evolution and faith has in any way given way to disrespect that faith? I would like to remind the reader, we don’t have the luxury to apply it wherever we see fit, that is, where it seems to fit, or the amount of liberty where we want it to fit. But rather, does the complication follow the text of faith?:

    “for we walk by faith, not by sight” (II Corinthians 5:7)

    “And without faith it is impossible to please God” for “whatever is not from faith is sin.” (Hebrews 11:6, Romans 14:23)

    “Neither give heed to fables, , , which minister questions, rather than godly edifying which is in faith” (I Timothy 1:4)

    What does evolution minister? Those who are convinced that the bible supports evolution should have exhausted the possibility that evolution is no fable to minister questions and is something which we can by edified on.

    If you’re going to set out to prove evolution as a Christian, then you must be able to ***ume responsibility of how faith is introduced alongside of this hypothesis, for that is all it is up to this point, a hypothesis.

    Anyone who commits to the hypothesis of evolution without ***uming responsibility of not just the bible as reference, but the word of faith has failed the course and wishes to upset the whole community of faith within range which leads to seduction from the truth.

    If the word appears “figurative” to you and you bring that forth to grant more interest in question, then that is not of faith but “minister questions”.

    A hypothesis is a proposal for a phenomenon. On the other hand a theory, borrowed from science friend of mine:

    “scientific theory is a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world, based on a body of facts that have been repeatedly confirmed through observation and experiment. Such fact-supported theories are not "guesses" but reliable accounts of the real world.

    So, calling evolution a theory would be wrong then. It’s merely a hypothesis.”

    To think how easily a Christian can begin to pick up on philosophies over time is incredible, as you know. My position is that this theory carries an allure that if truly honest, would oppose portions in the word of God. The science involved must not give into an allurement that carries such a large reputation as an easy one to be underestimated.

    From what I see coming from the Deistic Evolutionist, Old-Earth Evolutionaries or Theistic Evolution creationists’, etc, this being a mixture of evolution and a belief in God simply doesn’t offer a clear understanding of what it is when they say “evolution” and when it recognizes creation. A rather fuzzy variant, a vehicle of chance, a tool of God without any direct affiliation from the Father.

    As Colossians points out:

    “by him all things are held together.” (Colossians 1:17)

    I do think it noteworthy that roughly half of the translations out there use one of the two words, either “held” or “consist”. Fair to say that the word itself, “held” right off the bat doesn’t sound entirely conducive to the movement of progression, but stationary. Let’s see this verb once from Strongs:

    4921. sunistémi and sunistanó
    Strong's Concordance
    sunistémi and sunistanó: to commend, establish, stand near, consist
    Original Word: συνίστημι, συνιστάνω
    Part of Speech: Verb
    Short Definition: I commend, prove, am composed of, cohere
    Definition: I place together, commend, prove, exhibit; instrans: I stand with; I am composed of, cohere.
    What is furthermore said in James:

    “Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow.” (James 1:17)

    Does evolution hold up well when asked; where does James say here that the original design intents of God change? Not that I have seen. Maybe someone could show me a fairly good reference to support that.

    But consider, to continue in this theory can’t help but subs***ute faith with something prior, something that made or caused that thing to appear or happen, originating all the way back to the point of creation, and nothing else.

    In James 1:17, what “good” thing was ever given from God to show the invariableness, the shiftlessness of v17 which would be contrary to evolution? For remember, it isn’t God the Father 17 is referring to, but that which proceeds from Him with the use of “with whom”.

    What “good”? The very first reflection God gave upon creation itself and everything thereafter:
    “And God saw that it was good” (Gen.1:4,10,12,18,21,25)

    Not to forget the constant good the Father does as again Colossians points out:

    “by him all things are held together.” (Colossians 1:17)

    “, , by him all things subsist - Or are sustained, , The meaning is, that they are kept in the present state; their existence, order, and arrangement are continued by his power. If unsupported by him, they would fall into disorder, or sink back to nothing. - Barnes' Notes on the Bible
    Or consider He who spoke not of himself, Jesus. If everything is in a state of constant redesign, then the Christ himself would have certainly recognized this when He cursed the fig tree.

    "May no one ever eat fruit from you again!" – Jesus Christ (Mark 11:14)

    But He didn't recognized the world and its ever-changing state, but rather it’s UN-“shifting shadow” as it was intended, the original design intents of the Creator. If we want to ***ume anything less, we obscure His reasoning He stood upon that day. Are we still willing to tow in the evolutionary thought to this shaky, contrary sound; the sound of self-seduced void of faith imagination rising up against faith?

    My conclusion is there simply isn't the smallest hint of scriptural support for this "theory". For me to do so isn't that far from refusal to believe the Lord is capable of giving life to “Every good thing” created without “evolution” within the above considerations.


  19. #194


    The 7th Day of the creation week has no ending yet in the Bible.
    Thus we are still in the 7th day of the creation week

    I have already on several opportunities here on this forum discussed this idea that we find in the bible.
    Basically in a nutshell its this : that in the story of genesis we have 7 days talked about, 6 of them have very clear clear you cant miss it.
    The wording for each of the endings is the same...always the same.

    this points us to the fact that the writer of genesis wanted to know for sure...for 100% sure by the way, that the first 6days of genesis are already ended.

    There is no doubts about it...

    No one disputes the fact that the bible clearly wants us to be very informed that the first 6 days of genesis are ended.

    But the 7th?.....
    The 7th has no ending in the Bible..

    Now I can remember the fist time this fact came up in conversation with others in the bible school I attended at our church.
    I was in a Bible school cl*** with about 25 other guys. I was one of the youngest in the cl***, but what really separated me from others is that I was clearly not a YEC believer by this time.

    I had already attended the 8-week ORIGINS cl*** taught to us by Ken Ham, so I knew by now the whole set of teachings found in the Young earth Creation movement was nothing but a house of cards that could be made to fall easy.

    so Like I said, I stuck out in our Bible School cl*** as being like the 'head guy" who didnt follow the YEC teachings at all, whereas most of the other students including the instructor had been seduced by Mr Ham's teachings.

    Well at one point we were discussing the "Days" of genesis , and I was sticking to the Bible's text alone while the other guys were giving me back all the normal YEC arguments, (None of their stuff was based on the Bible mind you) when one of the biggest YEC students turned to me and tried to use the Hebrew word "YOM" to say that that word "always" means a 24 hour day"

    ( Here a little clue I have learned, whenever a YEC believe says something like "It ALWAYS means ___"you can put real money on the fact that it dont always mean squat....)

    The word "always" is used a lot in the YEC textbooks, and people read i and believe it...yet when you dig into things you come to realize that the word "always' really falls short of the full understanding of any Hebrew word.
    They use the term "YOM" and say that because a word is 'singular" it must also mean that its only connected in context to a single 24 hour day.

    But I point out that a day can be very "singular" and have a totally "unknown, or unlimited" amount of time it talking about!!!

    The YEC student challenged me to back that up!

    I answered with the sentence...."[I]You know, back in my "DAY" most cars didn't come with automatic shifters"[/I]

    You could see the smile on the YEC students fact freeze as he went over my sentence in his mind...

    He could see that the word 'day" could be very singular, yet be about years and years in meaning due to the context .

    But like I say, this other student really believed in his heart that the bible must be only talking about 24 hour days, so he tried a few other ways that the YEC textbooks had taught him to challenge my views...a

    Then i swirched gearson him, and asked him if he knew for sure that the days of Genesi had ended?
    Oh he was more that ready to address that question , and he and a bunch of other students dug into their Bibles and started to quote me the Bibles endings for the first 6 days...
    All the students were smiling because they thought for a moment at last "The had me"...they had proved the "days of genesi were only 24 hours because they could show me the verse where each ends.

    Then really without knowing the full depth of the thing i was about to say, it dawned on me at the time that no one listed the ending to the 7th day...I had never really given the 7th day's ending much of a thought beofre that moment, but out the words came from my mouth...

    "Could you show me where the Bible says the 7th day ended?"

    the YEC students started to dig into their Bibles....even the instructor started to turn a page or two of his Bible.
    There was a lot of whispering.....and then i saw the students start to reach into their bags to drag ut the YEC textbooks .

    I thought that was a very good symbol for the YEC movement in the Christian Church.

    the symbol is that you cant fing the YEC teachings in the have to read about it in YEC textbooks.

    I pointed this fact out to the students.
    This is why whrn i debate the roll of evolution in God's creation, the people that argue against my views never open their bible to prove me wrong..
    They cant prove me wrong by using the text found in Genesis...
    They learn that i got Genesis down pat.

    I proved my case.

    So to sum up: its the same with the bible's use of the word "day" in can also be very singular in appearance, and yet speak to a vast unknown amount of years.

    and that search high and low for a verse that teaches that the 7th day has ended and you cant find it listed within the bible.
    The Bible simply does not teach the 7th day has ended yet.

    The only arguments I get that the 7th day has already ended come from the YEC textbooks and websites...and i can after all this time, smell them coming a mile away...
    Last edited by alanmolstad; 04-14-2016 at 04:38 AM.

  20. #195
    Senior Member jude1:3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MichaellS View Post
    [FONT=Arial Narrow][SIZE=4] But I see no mention of evolution.

    You're right. I mean it more in a Non Official Way.

    I found some more information from an Orthodox site :

    The earliest extant Christian writings on the age of the world according to the Biblical chronology are by Theophilus of Antioch (AD 115-181), the sixth bishop of Antioch from the Apostles, in his apologetic work To Autolycus, and by Julius Afric**** (AD 200-245) in his Five Books of Chronology . Both of these early Christian writers, following the Septuagint version of the Old Testament, determined the age of the world to have been about 5,530 years at the birth of Christ.

  21. #196
    Senior Member disciple's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by alanmolstad View Post
    Im glad to see that the current Bible Answer man host also does not support the Young earth teachings too!

    so im in good company on that issue...

    Once again Alan is zealous without correct knowledge. The following was written by Hank Hanegraaff, the current "bible answer man".

    Did God Use Darwinian Evolution to Create Living Things? Under the banner of “theistic evolution,” a growing number of Christians maintain that God used evolution as His method for creation. This, in my estimation, is the worst of all possibilities. It is one thing to believe in evolution, it is quite another to blame God for it. Not only is theistic evolution a contradiction in terms—like the phrase flaming snowflakes—but in the words of the Nobel prize winning evolutionist Jacques Monod:

    [Natural] selection is the blindest, and most cruel way of evolving new species….The struggle for life and elimination of the weakest is a horrible process, against which our whole modern ethic revolts….I am surprised that a Christian would defend the idea that this is the process which God more or less set up in order to have evolution.
    First, the biblical account of creation specifically states that God created living creatures according to their own “kind.” As confirmed by science, the DNA for a fetus is not the DNA for a frog and the DNA for a frog is not the DNA for a fish. Rather the

    DNA of a fetus, frog, or fish is uniquely programmed for reproduction after its own kind. Thus while the Bible allows for microevolution (transitions within “the kinds”) it does not allow for macroevolution (amoebas evolving into apes or apes evolving into astronauts).

    Furthermore, evolutionary biology cannot account for metaphysical realities such as ego and ethos. Without data demonstrating that physical processes can produce metaphysical realities, there is no warrant for dogmatically declaring that humans evolved from hominids.

    Finally, an omnipotent, omniscient God does not have to plod painfully through millions of mistakes, misfits, and mutations in order to have fellowship with humans. As the biblical account of creation confirms, He can create humans instantaneously. Moreover, as noted, the hallmark of Darwinian evolutionary theory is that all living things evolved through unguided, purposeless natural processes—chance and necessity. As has been well said, not even God can direct an undirected process.

    Evolutionism is fighting for its very life. Rather than prop it up with theories such as theistic evolution, thinking people everywhere must be on the vanguard of demonstrating its demise.

    —Hank Hanegraaff
    Last edited by disciple; 04-14-2016 at 06:48 AM.

  22. #197


    Actually we were discussing the age of the earth...
    Hank does NOT support the YOUNG earth view at all...I posted the linked video already where he takes apart the young earth position...

    I will post the link for any that missed it....

  23. #198

  24. #199

    Default Why I'm Not a Young Earth Creationist - Hank Hanegraaff

  25. #200

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