that bother me when it comes to archaeology, theology or some other research field are all those well meaning believers who know nothing yet they think they can decipher evidence from the past and present their conclusions to other believers as gospel truth.
We have had multiple examples of this on this forum. It is sad to see such believers be so lacking in discernment and proper use of the Bible and historical evidence as they do not help anyone. They do more damage than good. Such well meaning believers should be more open minded to learning the truth about what they think instead of getting upset when corrected by those who have spent years studying archaeology, theology and other research fields.
Blind acceptance of certain historical sites or other pieces of evidence or blind application of the same to biblical events or people only embarr*** those lacking in expertise in these fields. They also embarr*** the church as their ignorance is seen by everyone but them. My own father-in-law and brothers-in-law are guilty of this as they take what they read in one book over what more knowledgeable people state on a given subject.
Such people make presenting the truth to other believers vastly more difficult and leave other believers vulnerable to lies and attacks of evil. The damage is immense as the cause of Christ is hindered by those who do not know what tey are talking about nor know how to apply the knowledge they have received.
Subjective interpretation is not a tool of God. Making sure one gets the truth is. You need to be careful when dealing with history and archaeology as the facts may not be as they seem. Case in point the thread on the cave John lived in when he wrote Revelation. There is NO mentioning in the book of Revelation that John lived in a cave or had his vision there. There is no evidence pointing to that idea in the archaeological or historical world. tradition is NOT necessarily evidence.
Misleading people is not an instruction from Jesus make sure you got it right before p***ing the information on to others.