We will use the word vegetarian here to include vegans and all other non-meat eaters.
Everyone knows you think your diet is superior to a meat-eating one; everyone knows you judge meat eaters and insult them; everyone knows you are rude to your hosts when you bring your own food to a dinner party hosted by meat eaters. We have heard the vegetarian argument ad nauseam.
But there are a few points you need to consider which we hope will change your at***ude. Yes, your at***ude is terrible when it comes to your diet. First, when God gave the Israelites their divinely commanded diet he did not ban all meat products or animals. He allowed the Israelites to eat different kinds of beef and fish along with some other animals.
God told Peter in a vision about going to the Gentiles- ‘do not call unclean what I have cleansed’ This directive can also be applied to one’s food intake. What God has approved no one can call wrong, unclean or inferior.
Second, Jesus ate Kosher. This means that Jesus ate meat according to the laws set down for the Israelites by his father in heaven. We read about this in the Bible. Too often vegetarians think that they are greater than both God and Jesus and that they know better than them. They think they can make a better diet than the one Jesus ate or God ins***uted. They can’t. It is not sin to eat meat nor is it less healthy as the Bible does not teach that one diet is greater than the other or that eating a certain way will extend their lives.
Third, When the Israelites were on their Exodus, they got tired of eating certain foods and complained . God fed them meat. He did not send a bunch of vegetable vendors to provide food for the wandering people instead he sent birds. If God had commanded that the Israelites could not eat meat, why would he help them sin by sending them meat?
Fourth, Vegetarians forget that God rejected Cain’s meatless offering. Meat is a prime ingredient in making offerings to God for only meat contains the blood needed to meat God’s requirements for forgiveness of sins and other sacrifices.God never allowed for a vegetable subs***ute. The priests were allowed by God to eat part of the meat sacrificed to him. If God wanted his people to be meatless then he would not have provided that permission. If God approves of meat then no human can declare meat to be wrong or unhealthy.
Then to address a couple of our introductory remarks. The Bible tells us to eat what is placed in front of us. But we are not going to be strict here because there are a lot of foods placed in front of us that we just cannot get down or keep down. The point of this is that vegetarians need to learn that their diet is not divinely commanded and they will not sin if they break it. It is okay to eat meat and then go back on your diet when you are in your own home, etc. Since a vegetarian diet is not biblically commanded one is not disobeying God when they break it. There is no divine consequence if a vegetarian has to eat a little meat to be polite to their hosts.
Vegetarians are not greater than meat eaters. Nor are they perfect so stop breaking the command ‘do not judge’. It is not a sin to eat meat nor does eating meat make a person inferior to vegetarians. The verses in the Bible talking about humbleness apply to vegetarians and how they view their diet.
Finally, get over yourselves. You are free to not eat meat if you so choose but you are not free to make other people go meatless. You have free choice as to what you will eat and how you will construct your diet so do meat eaters. You do not have the right to force your dietary rules upon others. nor make their decisions for them. Other people get to freely choose what they will eat. If you are going to be a zealot about your diet then stay away from meat eaters. There is no divine command to convert people to a vegetarian diet. If you sit at a table with meat eaters then keep your mouth closed about your diet and just enjoy the other person’s company and have a good discussion on anything else.
Vegetarians die from the same corruption, diseases and other causes of death just like meat eaters. Their diet does not extend their life nor protects them from dying. No matter what you eat, death comes eventually so chill out and take it down a few notches because you are not being biblical when you give your diet divine status or make it superior to the teaching of the bible.
{I posted some topics from my own website to get some new information on the board here to discuss}