It seems to me the criteria you are setting
No, what seems to you is that you are purposly twisting my words because you don't want to talk about the question.
Inspiration cannot be incorrect. What sort of bigger purpose can be based on a legend ? for, if the flood mentioned in the Bible really took place in ~9500 B.C., it is only a legend plagirazed from the sumerians. If Genesis is not history of the universe and history of planet Earth and the people on it, the bigger purpose is just some invention of some apostate pharisee who took it upon himself to misguide the non-hebrews.
The New Testament refers to the Old Testament as if fact and history.
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What's your take on scientific dating methods ?
As far as I heard, everyone of them has problems, and everyone of them contradicts the Bible. Somebody must be incorrect.
No, according to some people's interpretation of the Bible
The Bible presents a line of people with dates of birth from Adam to Noah, to Jacob, to king David, to Jesus. If that is open to interpretation, the whole book is. If the flood took place in 3300 b.c., as Dr. TV Oommen suggests, the genealogy needs to be adjusted, the gap needs to be filled with people.
Re. 1 John 3:1---
If Genesis is in-correct, or open to interpretation, who is this God and what need do we have for his attachment ?