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Question # 1:
Why is ****sexuality a sin?
It is against God and his word seen in Genesis, Leviticus, Romans.
Question # 2:
Does ****sexuality **** a Christian to Hell?
No, as true Christians are not ****sexuals, ****sexuals are sinners and someone not saved, because they aRe still sin if they are ****sexual.
Christians are not such, they are saved.
Note: I think a Christian can be ****sexual, I do however, believe in the Bema Seat.
I (Tom Boots ) reject both ideas.
Question # 3:
Is ****sexual lifestyle choices proven to be detrimental to a gay person's health?
Yes, mentally, they know they are sinning and against the word if they read it, even those who have never read it, feel insecure and against nature.
Physically they have in the ****sexual male community suffered terrible diseases, like aids and std's.
Spiritually they are a undercl***, they know they are not following the God given plan of male with female, that women cannot have babies without some giving in to their false idea (in past) and today using special insemination procedures.
Question # 4:
What is your personal opinion of ****sexuality?
It is sin and sin separates them from God and thus a ability to feel free and correct.
This is why ****sexuals have committed suicide, lived shorter lives, always seeking some fulfillment and not being able to marry legally.
Today we see laws changing by liberals and antichrists, but their marriages will not be accepted by God.
I don't like it, don't treat them hatefully, but believe they must repent what they do and stop and get right with God, I believe it can transcend generations in families because they rejected truth.
I don't generally ***ociate with any as they don't happen to be in my circles, one attends church now and then, when he is not in a backslider state on drugs and Sexual perversion.
Question # 5:
Why does ****sexuality seem to get more attention than the abortion issue?
Well I see both as sin, both are accepted or being accepted by communists, liberals, Democrats and some Fepublicans,but as far as my church the Oneness Apostolic Pentecostal church....no, we reject it.