It's odd that you would post this link about blood libel because, my own Catholic mother-in-law did tell me that her grandmother told her that she had to watch out for the Jews, as they kill little babies for their blood. She told me that she was scared to death of them because of the stories her grandmother told her. The fact that the victim was often canonized as a saint seems to indicate that they were Catholic.
The other article about Martin Luther, I had not read and it is horrendous. But this honestly doesn't have anything to do with the martyrs I was speaking of.
Many things have been said and done by "Christians", in the name of Jesus. But Jesus said, "many shall come in that day and say Lord Lord". But He will say, "depart from me I never knew you". Jesus said that you will know who are His by their fruit not by the fact that they say I am Christian.
I never said that dying for one's faith is proof of the resurrection. I believe that Jesus resurrected because He said He would. Jesus is not a liar.
I wasn't talking about the atrocities done to all kinds of people through all kinds of religions. It's one thing to be hated and killed because you are a certain religion. It's another thing to deliberately put yourself in harms way for the sake of those who want to kill you, in order to share the grace and love of God with them.
I am talking about missionaries who leave the safety of their homes knowing that they are going to people who hate them and may very well kill them, to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. I'm talking about people who live in countries where they know if they convert others to Christianity they will be beat, put in prison, or killed, but they do it anyway. They do it because they know that without Christ these people will face eternity in hell, and they love them enough that they are willing to lay down their lives for them.
I know where the story comes from. I believe in history and in tradition. I just don't value either of these above the scriptures. I won't take Tertullian's story and make a doctrine out of it.
It takes more than just hearing about Jesus to be a follower. I am not a Calvinist either.

I just believe that what Jesus said is true. There is one way to the Father and that is through Jesus. There are many paths, but only one leads to life.
Matthew 7
13 "Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it.
14 "For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it.